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Health mapper database in Title/Summary

Health Mapper

Health Mapper

A free, intuitive program created by the WHO for creating maps and tables about the health status of a country. It lets you create maps with information about several data, such as roads, water sources, public and private health centers, and so on. The publicly available version only contains data about Mali; if you need more data, you must sign an agreement with the WHO.

  • Publisher: WHO
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2009
Database Health Monitor

Database Health Monitor

Database Health Monitor is a powerful performance monitoring and diagnostics solution that shows administrators server health, performance or availability problems within their SQL Server environment, all from a central console. The Database Health Monitor helps you monitor and quickly understand the health of your database

  • Publisher: Stedman Solutions, LLC
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2017


G-Mapper is a free sitemap generator that supports the XML Sitemap.org protocol, RSS, ROR RDF, Atom, Podcasts and plain text sitemaps, making it compaible with all major engines including Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Bing. It is designed for website's of all sizes to help improve your search engine coverage and ranking.

  • Publisher: db net solutions
  • Last updated: September 23rd, 2012

Health mapper database in Description

SAS XML Mapper

SAS XML Mapper

SAS XML Mapper is an XMLMap support tool for the XML engine. SAS XML Mapper is a Java-based, stand-alone application that removes the tedium when creating and modifying an XMLMap. It provides a graphical interface that you can use to generate the appropriate XML elements. SAS XML Mapper analyzes the structure of an XML document or an XML schema and generates basic XML syntax for the XMLMap.

  • Publisher: SAS Institute Inc
  • Home page: www.sas.com
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2008
Site Mapper

Site Mapper

Site Mapper will analyze the contents of a web site, and create a detailed map with an indexed listing of all resources by page and category.Some features:- Spellcheck documents as they are mapped - Built in document preview functionality - Integrates with your favorite document editor - Functions with local and online files - Save files to local directory

  • Publisher: Trellian
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2011
Chat Mapper

Chat Mapper

Chat Mapper is an easy-to-use tool for writing and testing nonlinear dialogue and events for fields where complex problems are the normal, such as entertainment, e-learning, emergency response, diagnoses health care, sales and customer service, and strategic planning.

  • Publisher: Urban Brain Studios
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2016
HealthFrame Family Edition

HealthFrame Family Edition

HealthFrame is a full-featured system to keep track of the health status of all your family members. You can create a personal health record for each member and register important information for future reference. It includes a complete alarm system to help users remember appointments with doctors, medication times and any other issues regarding health.

  • Publisher: Records For Living
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2008
Trellian SiteMapper

Trellian SiteMapper

Site Mapper will analyze the contents of a web site, and create a detailed map with an indexed listing of all resources by page and category. Site Mapper is a perfect tool for Webmasters, but can also be used by anyone wishing to see their favorite web site presented in a simpler form. Site Mapper is a great site map creator which boasts an extremely intuitive interface.

  • Publisher: Trellian
  • Last updated: May 12th, 2008

Additional Health mapper database selection



HealthMapper 4.3.2 is a powerful application developed by World Health Organization (WHO) oriented to public health administrators at national or district level and aimed to become the standard for mapping and managing health information. The interface can be used in several different languages. It works using a map of the selected country or global region which is built using layers.

  • Publisher: WHO
  • Last updated: February 11th, 2010
Omron Health Management Software

Omron Health Management Software

Omon Health Management Software (OHMS) allows you to easily upload data from you blood pressure monitor or pedometer directly to your personal computer. By using the Health Management Software to keep track of your health and fitness data, you can easily set goals and analyze your progress, as well as provide vital updates to your health care provider.

  • Publisher: Omron Healthcare
  • Last updated: November 8th, 2012
Health Monitor

Health Monitor

HealthMonitor is a system monitoring tool for Windows. It can monitor the statuses of programs, services, CPU and network usage, etc. There are sixty plugins to keep an eye on your system. The program can notify the administrator by e-mail, or text message when the threshold preset values in your configuration have been exceeded. It can also record these events in the database.

  • Publisher: Diffusione Informatica Srl.
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2012
Free SQL Health Monitor

Free SQL Health Monitor

Free SQL Health Monitor is a powerful program that enables you to monitor the performance of all MS SQL Server versions up to MS SQL Server 2014. You can keep a tab on the performance parameters of both default and named instances, get a dashboard view of system resources used and MS SQL performance parameters, fetch the status of Winodws services related to your MS SQL Server.

ParetoLogic PC Health Advisor

ParetoLogic PC Health Advisor

ParetoLogic PC Health Advisor is a suite of tools mainly intended to boost system performance. Moreover, it can also help preserve your privacy and security. It can scan the Registry to find errors, clean your disk from temporary and duplicate files. It can also defragment your disks.

Epi Info

Epi Info

Epi Info is a free software tool for the rapid assessment of disease outbreaks. It can be used to develop small to mid-sized disease surveillance systems. The Form Designer module of Epi Info allows you to create questionnaires and data entry forms, with data validation, custom calculations, and conditional skip patterns.

  • Publisher: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Home page: www.cdc.gov
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2014
WHO Anthro

WHO Anthro

WHO Anthro is an application that facilitates the automatic analysis of individual data for children aged up to 18 months in order to allow specialists to measure and compare human physical variations. The program features three analysis modes: "Anthropometric calculator", "Individual assessment" and "Nutritional survey".

  • Publisher: WHO
  • Home page: www.who.int
  • Last updated: August 10th, 2023
Ultima Mapper

Ultima Mapper

It is a mapping application for Ultima Online Classic and Enhanced clients that allows users to share the entire experience, rather than just their whereabouts. Main Features: - Coordinate and facet tracking: View your current position, no matter where you are in Sosaria. - Health status. - Battle status: With a glance, see who is currently engaged in battle.

  • Publisher: CyphersTECH Consulting
  • Home page: www.ultimamapper.com
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2012
F-Secure System Health Validator

F-Secure System Health Validator

F-Secure System Health Validator allows you to configure F-Secure-specific network health requirements. For example, it could check that client computers are running F-Secure antivirus, that the latest antivirus database updates are received, or that hosts have recent policies from F-Secure Policy Manager Server.

  • Publisher: F-Secure Corporation
  • Home page: www.f-secure.com
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2016
WatchGuard System Manager

WatchGuard System Manager

WatchGuard System Manager (WSM) is a powerful, intuitive interface used to centrally manage WatchGuard security appliances. This includes  rewall, VPN, intrusion prevention, URL filtering, web security, anti-virus and anti-spam services, and appliance software updates.

  • Publisher: WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2015