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International checkers online in Title/Summary

Checkers International

Checkers International

Play nine checkers variations from throughout Europe, including Alquerque (the oldest living checkers variation), Polish Draughts (played on a ten- by-ten board) and more!

  • Publisher: Random Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Real Checkers

Real Checkers

Real Checkers 1.0 is the traditional checkers game for the PC, with a 3D Board. Checkers is a board game played between two players, who alternate moves. The object of the game is to capture all the enemy pieces, or block them. The pieces move only over the dark squares, diagonally, one square at a time and always forward, for common pieces. The Kings can move backwards, too.

  • Publisher: Media Contact LLC
  • Home page: www.gametop.com
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
Checkers King

Checkers King

Checkers King is a fun and interesting 3D checkers. It is a simple but nicely done game it has two video modes and six difficulty levels. It is very simple to play: just click on the piece you want to move and then click where you want it to move, the pieces can move only forward, just when they are 'kinged' they can move backwards. You can even play it over the internet or LAN.

  • Publisher: Outrider Games
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018

International checkers online in Description



Thousands of online traders look to GBtrade International for online trading of Foreign Exchange (FX) products. As a Intermiddle of World Major License and Regulated bank, GBtrade International offer multi-product online trading and we support a truly global client base of retail clients, corporations and financial institutions.

  • Publisher: GBtrade International Limited
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2008


jCheckers is a Java checkers program, based on my Java Checkers Engine that is also used in Checkers Tutor for Android.Main features: -Powerful Java checkers engine based on Cake, one of the world's best checkers programs -Four different types of playing levels: A beginner level, where jCheckers will try to give you a strong position

  • Publisher: Sun Microsystems Inc.
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2011
Checkers EFG

Checkers EFG

Play the classic game of Checkers against either another player or the computer. The difficulty of the computer opponent can be customized which allows the player to alter the difficulty of the game according to their own skill. The game of checkers is also known by other names.

  • Publisher: Exotic Flash Games
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2011
Amusive Checkers

Amusive Checkers

The checkers simulator will help you to master your playing skills, to train your intellectual capacity and, above all, give you lots of entertainment. The game includes three version of checkers: Russian, English and give away.



CheckerBoard is a fully featured free windows interface to checkers programs. You can play against different checkers engines, enter and replay games, choose the level of play of the computer opponent, set up positions for the computer to analyze, and more.

  • Publisher: Martin Fierz
  • Home page: www.fierz.ch
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2012

Additional International checkers online selection



MotorMaster+ is a free online efficiency motor selection and management tool that supports motor and motor systems planning by identifying the most efficient action for a given repair or motor purchase decision.MotorMaster+ is designed for industrial energy coordinators, facility managers and engineers, plant electricians and maintenance staff, procurement personnel, and utility auditors.

  • Publisher: Washington State University Extension Energy Program
  • Home page: www1.eere.energy.gov
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2010


Projectplace is a document management add-on that simplifies your work with documents. The plugin allows you to automatically open files in the correct program, you can lock files while editing, get reminder to save back files when you shut down, drag and drop files to and from your desktop, and within the project (only for Internet Explorer 8-10).

  • Publisher: Projectplace International AB
  • Home page: www.projectplace.com
  • Last updated: December 24th, 2008
QQ International

QQ International

QQ International is a program that allows you to enjoy multi-user HD video calls, multimedia group streaming and live chat translations to 50 languages. You can transfer files or stream multimedia content in real time to groups of friends, join and manage permanent online chat rooms and always keep track of your contacts and chat history.

  • Publisher: Tencent Inc.
  • Home page: www.tencent.com
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2020


Checkers-7 is a game that unites several popular checkers games from around the world. The program is customizable in terms of its appearance and players can compete online by choosing a game from fourteen different checkers styles. To get started, players only need to choose the game and can also apply the Giveaway rule.

Pokémon Trading Card Game Online

Pokémon Trading Card Game Online

This is an online Pokémon themed card trading game, where you can play against the computer or real people. Tournament Mode allows you to compete against players from around the world to earn rewards. You can use your favorite Pokémon TCG theme deck, or build a custom deck using the Unlimited or Standard deck construction formats.

  • Publisher: The Pokémon Company International
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023


Skype is an audio/video calling tool with chat and file sharing features. It allows you to call anyone with a Skype/Outlook account for free. It features a variety of emoticons and video clips that can be sent to your friends while chatting. Skype also allows you to make calls to phone numbers to any country by paying per-minute call charges.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2024
Wonderland ONLINE

Wonderland ONLINE

Wonderland is a 2D adventure MMORPG based on several ancient South American and pacific Island cultures. In Wonderland Online, players can obtain a tent by finishing a simple quest. Then you can collect materials to make all kinds of furniture such as bathtubs, desks, beds, computers, and so on.

  • Publisher: Chinese Gamer International
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2014


LINE is the most popular news content curation service in Asia and aims to deliver valuable content that enrich your everyday life. Allows you to make free voice calls and send free messages whenever and wherever you are, 24 hours a day. You can send one-on-one and group texts, and use international voice and video calls with your friends.

  • Publisher: Line Corporation
  • Home page: line.me
  • Last updated: October 17th, 2024
ACDSee Pro

ACDSee Pro

Bring out the best in your images with a huge RAW editing and digital asset management toolset. Renowned for its organizational prowess and parametric photo editing power, ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 2020 makes it easy to push boundaries.

  • Publisher: ACD Systems International Inc.
  • Home page: www.acdsee.com
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2020
Norton Online Backup

Norton Online Backup

Norton™ Online Backup automatically safeguards your files, music, photos and other important documents from loss. Does all the work for you — automatically backs up your digital photos and videos, downloaded music, financial documents, and other important files to our secured data centers.

  • Publisher: Symantec Corporation
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2020