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Javascript obfuscator online in Title/Summary

Javascript Obfuscator

Javascript Obfuscator

Javascript Obfuscator is a JavaScript compression utility. Javascript Obfuscator can compress js files in one click using an unique compression algorithm with outstanding compression ratio. Additionally, it can remove comments and white spaces, reducing the file size and minimizing the loading time.

Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator

Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator

Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator is a solution designed for the piracy and misuse problem for code written in ECMAScript or JavaScript programming languages. It converts scripts from input files into a highly mangled and obfuscated form. This makes them extremely difficult to study, analyze, reuse and re-work for competitors or customers, while fully retaining the functionality of the original code.

  • Publisher: Stunnix
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2015
PHP Obfuscator

PHP Obfuscator

PHP Obfuscator 0.1 is a free small tool that is used by web programmers to encode their PHP source code so it becomes very hard to understand. The resultant code is slightly bigger in size than the original code and there is almost no execution speed differences as well and the encoded project doesn't need any extensions or run-times.

  • Publisher: Raizlabs Corporation
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Javascript obfuscator online in Description



The CSS-Palm 4.0 could predict out potential palmitoylation sites for ~1,000 proteins (with an average length of ~1000aa) within two minutes. Also, with PHP and JavaScript, the online version was developed. Taken together, it was proposed that the CSS-Palm 4.0 will be a great help for experimentalists

  • Publisher: The CUCKOO Workgroup
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2018
DeepSea Obfuscator

DeepSea Obfuscator

DeepSea Obfuscator is a handy application created especially to obfuscate the code in .NET applications. Its main advantage comes from the fact that it can perform a perfectly secure automated obfuscation thanks to the fact that it’s capable of accurately detecting the assemblies, classes and other code fragments that cannot be obfuscated.

  • Publisher: TallApplications
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2013
Allatori Java Obfuscator

Allatori Java Obfuscator

Allatori is a second generation Java obfuscator, which offers a full spectrum of protection for your intellectual property. We have developed a number of unique functions into Allatori to make reverse engineering the code nigh on impossible.

dotNet Protector

dotNet Protector

PV Logiciels dotNet Protector is a powerful .NET code protection system that prevents your assemblies from being decompiled. dotNet Protector 5 protects applications and components with a new body obfuscation technology. Assemblies are no more merged in a win32 executable, but keep their .net nature. dotNet Protector 5 protects your code with a names obfuscator combined with a body obfuscator.

Web Form Anti-Spam

Web Form Anti-Spam

Convert selected parts of HTML into the form unreadable by spam bots but also understandable by Internet browsers, so your web-page visitors will see no difference from the original unprotected web form, what makes anti-spam protection user-friendly.

  • Publisher: ZERGE.COM
  • Last updated: December 5th, 2009

Additional Javascript obfuscator online selection

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer

The last in a line of browsers, Internet Explorer 11 is also the precursor of Microsoft Edge, the new Microsoft Web navigation tool for both Windows Phone and Windows 10. With the stress put on security and a faster browsing experience, IE 11 mixes backward compatibility with the support for the latest Web standards - such as HTML5, WebM, WebGL, etc. - and media codecs.



Firefox is the most popular open-source web browser, with a multi-tabbed interface. It can be installed on your Windows, iOS, and Linux based computers. Firefox View lets you synchronize your open tabs, browsing history, bookmarks, and other settings across devices.

  • Publisher: Mozilla
  • Home page: www.mozilla.org
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2024
Adobe Shockwave Player

Adobe Shockwave Player

You can now add several exciting effects, such as Convolution filter, Adjust Color filter, Depth of Field, Bloom Effect, Night Vision, etc., to visually enhance movies. Make your Director movies a visual treat by taking advantage of the exciting new textures, such as PerlinNoise Texture, CubeMap Render Texture, and shaders, such as Fresnel Shader.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2020
JavaScript Plus

JavaScript Plus

JavaScript Plus! 6.1 is a useful JavaScript editor for Windows based systems, for creating, saving, and reusing suitable code for JavaScript, CSS. HTML and XHTML projects. It includes JavaScript, CSS and HTML references for making easier the deployment of all the necessary code to create web pages.

  • Publisher: VBSoftware Limited
  • Last updated: January 14th, 2009
Norton Online Backup

Norton Online Backup

Norton™ Online Backup automatically safeguards your files, music, photos and other important documents from loss. Does all the work for you — automatically backs up your digital photos and videos, downloaded music, financial documents, and other important files to our secured data centers.

  • Publisher: Symantec Corporation
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2020
Citrix Online Plug-in Web

Citrix Online Plug-in Web

Citrix online plug-in supports the XenApp feature set. Using Citrix XenApp with the Web Interface, you can integrate published resources with users’ desktops. Centrally administer and configure the plug-in in the Delivery Services Console or the Web Interface Management Console using an online plug-in site created in association with a site for the server running the Web Interface.

  • Publisher: Citrix Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2012
Online TV Player

Online TV Player

Online TV Player is an application for viewing TV channels and listening to radio stations. It comes with a preset list of channels from various countries. The video quality varies and some streams do not load at all. Instead of having its own video player, this application requires both RealPlayer and Microsoft Media Player in order to work properly.

Ran Online

Ran Online

Previously, these job classes are gender-bound, meaning one can only create a male Swordsman/Brawler and a female Archer/Shaman. In the recent game patch called “The Rebirth”, this limitation is now a thing of the past. Players can also do better in the game with the assistance of the RAN Pets, who can perform specific skills.

  • Publisher: Min Communications
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online is a Free-to-Play, massive multiplayer online action game set in the popular DC Comics universe. Become one of a new breed of Heroes or Villains and wield incredible powers as you go to war with legendary characters such as Batman, Superman, Lex Luthor and The Joker.

Drakensang Online

Drakensang Online

Drakensang Online is an online multiplayer game with a fantasy theme. It tells the story of Dracania which is being engulfed by shadows and corruption from the Anderworld. The people of the free realms and the dwarves of Myrdosch unite their forces once again to confront the greatest of all enemies in the darkness of Lor'Tac: Balor.