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Mascot daemon in Title/Summary

Mascot Daemon

Mascot Daemon

Mascot Daemon is a client application which automates the submission of data files to Mascot server. It runs under Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, and 7.If you have several mass spectrometers, you can install separate copies of Daemon on each instrument data system or just have a single copy of Daemon somewhere on the LAN marshalling searches for all instruments.

Otaku Mascot

Otaku Mascot

This program gives you a mascot to sit on your windows and keep you company while you toil away the hours. When you are bored or just need a little reassurance that you are still alive, click on the mascot to see its reaction. You might even get a sound bite!

  • Publisher: Jennifer Diane Reitz
  • Home page: otakuworld.com
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2008


Mascot is a powerful search engine which uses mass spectrometry data to identify proteins from primary sequence databases. While a number of similar programs available, Mascot is unique in that it integrates all of the proven methods of searching. The general approach for all types of search is to take a small sample of the protein of interest and digest it with a proteolytic enzyme.

  • Publisher: Matrix Science Ltd.

Mascot daemon in Description

Bandwidth Daemon

Bandwidth Daemon

Bandwidth Daemon is an advanced network bandwidth monitor for Windows 2000/XP. Rather than counting the bandwidth from all packets, Bandwidth Daemon passes each packet through filters to determine if it should be counted. You may define your own filters, to monitor different types of traffic.

  • Publisher: Grofsoft
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2010
Tinkerforge Brick Daemon

Tinkerforge Brick Daemon

The Brick Daemon is a daemon (or a service on Windows) that acts as a bridge between the Bricks/Bricklets and the API bindings for different programming languages. The daemon routes data between the USB connections and TCP/IP sockets. When using the API bindings, a TCP/IP connection to the daemon is established.

  • Publisher: Tinkerforge GmbH
  • Home page: www.tinkerforge.com
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2015


DAEMON iTools lets you upload and transfer music, videos, photos and other files from your iOS device easily. The iOS + Windows experience has never been so simple! The program allows you to mount and open in Explorer lots of different files.

  • Publisher: Disc Soft Ltd
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2015


DAEMON Sync lets you synchronize and share files between your PC and mobile devices. Using this app, you will no longer need to connect your phone via USB to upload a file to your computer. Instead, using your local wireless connection, you can quickly share photos, music, and videos among your devices without uploading them to the web.

  • Publisher: Disc Soft Ltd
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2015


- Using Gtk+ as GUI MaCoPiX can edit its all configuration from its GUI. Furthermore, it is possible to create any mascots. You don't need to use any text editors for such purposes. - Using gdk-pixbuf for image loading Compared with ActX, in which we can only use xpm type imgaes, MaCoPiX can handle all types of images supported by gdk-pixbuf.

Additional Mascot daemon selection

DAEMON Tools Lite

DAEMON Tools Lite

DAEMON Tools Lite 10 allows you to mount all known types of disc image files and emulates up to 4 DT + SCSI + HDD devices. It enables you to create images of your optical discs and access them via well-organized catalog. DAEMON Tools Lite is ideal to work with files you have and to create new images from optical discs, data files and Audio CDs.

DAEMON Tools Pro

DAEMON Tools Pro

DAEMON Tools Pro provides multiple virtual DVD drives where you can mount images of optical discs. It can also grab images from physical discs and save into various formats. DAEMON Tools can create Dynamic and Fixed virtual hard disks where you can store your files. TrueCrypt containers provide password-encryption for additional security.

DAEMON Tools Ultra

DAEMON Tools Ultra

DAEMON Tools Ultra is the most powerful, ultimate and advanced imaging software created. Get the immense list of possibilities to work with virtual drives, create bootable USB-sticks for operating system recovery, use RAM disks to speed up your PC and evaluate the unique iSCSI Initiator that allows connecting to USB devices.

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced is one of the best products for optical media emulation. DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced integrates all DAEMON Tools features in one single solution. It combines advanced imaging features with media devices virtualization options.



DAEMON Tools USB lets you share USB devices over the network. Devices such as flash drives, speakers, webcam, and printers can be accessed from other computers in the network or through the Internet. The same program can be used as a server and client. The USB equipments work as a device in the local computer.

DAEMON Tools iSCSI Target

DAEMON Tools iSCSI Target

DAEMON Tools iSCSI Target is a tool that allows you to share virtual or physical optical devices and virtual hard disks with numerous clients. You can use up to 16 iSCSI targets and share with an unlimited number of users. Also, you can customize connections and server settings and control the security of your data.

  • Publisher: Disc Soft Ltd.
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2016
Mysteries of the Past Shadow of the Daemon

Mysteries of the Past Shadow of the Daemon

A father and son holiday trip has turned into a missing persons' case after they visit a remote mountain chalet and aren't heard from again. Strange forces seem to have brought you to this dark and secretive place to uncover the truth. As you delve deeper, you start to uncover a trail that seems to link the disappearances with an ancient and shadowy presence that curses the nearby forest.

  • Publisher: Blue Brain Games
  • Home page: bluebraingames.com
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2016
Remote Shutdown Daemon

Remote Shutdown Daemon

Remote Shutdown Daemon provides a method of remotely shutting down a computer either on a LAN or over the Internet. There are two executable files, the daemon and the client. Remote Shutdown Daemon uses port 81 by default. The "Remote Shutdown Client" is for the machine you want to use to send the shutdown message from.

  • Publisher: Depicus
  • Home page: www.depicus.com
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2012
Mascot Distiller

Mascot Distiller

Mascot Distiller is a program that provides a wide range of native (binary) mass spectrometry data files. Mascot Distiller detects peaks by attempting to fit an ideal isotopic distribution to the experimental data. This ideal distribution is predicted from the elemental composition expected for a peptide of average amino acid composition at that point on the mass scale.

War FTP Daemon

War FTP Daemon

The premier FTP server forWindows 95 and NT. No other FTP serverapplication brings together the UNIX stylesecurity features, a BBS like Windowsinterface for the system operator, theextreme flexibility, Win95 and NT 4 OLEsupport, the multithreading de...

  • Publisher: Jarle Aase
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020