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Otaku mascot in Title/Summary

Otaku Mascot

Otaku Mascot

This program gives you a mascot to sit on your windows and keep you company while you toil away the hours. When you are bored or just need a little reassurance that you are still alive, click on the mascot to see its reaction. You might even get a sound bite!

  • Publisher: Jennifer Diane Reitz
  • Home page: otakuworld.com
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2008


Mascot is a powerful search engine which uses mass spectrometry data to identify proteins from primary sequence databases. While a number of similar programs available, Mascot is unique in that it integrates all of the proven methods of searching. The general approach for all types of search is to take a small sample of the protein of interest and digest it with a proteolytic enzyme.

  • Publisher: Matrix Science Ltd.
Mascot Daemon

Mascot Daemon

Mascot Daemon is a client application which automates the submission of data files to Mascot server. It runs under Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, and 7.If you have several mass spectrometers, you can install separate copies of Daemon on each instrument data system or just have a single copy of Daemon somewhere on the LAN marshalling searches for all instruments.

Otaku mascot in Description



- Using Gtk+ as GUI MaCoPiX can edit its all configuration from its GUI. Furthermore, it is possible to create any mascots. You don't need to use any text editors for such purposes. - Using gdk-pixbuf for image loading Compared with ActX, in which we can only use xpm type imgaes, MaCoPiX can handle all types of images supported by gdk-pixbuf.

Mascot Distiller

Mascot Distiller

Mascot Distiller is a program that provides a wide range of native (binary) mass spectrometry data files. Mascot Distiller detects peaks by attempting to fit an ideal isotopic distribution to the experimental data. This ideal distribution is predicted from the elemental composition expected for a peptide of average amino acid composition at that point on the mass scale.

Lighthouse Lunacy

Lighthouse Lunacy

A unique mix of brain teasing puzzles, Mario-style platform jumping and comic strip story telling. Solve the cleverly devised puzzles to unravel the mysterious nature of the game designer all the way to the twist at the end!

  • Publisher: Athletic Design
  • Last updated: February 15th, 2010
FooPets Desktop

FooPets Desktop

FooPets Desktop is a program that will allow you to take care of your virtual pets. This program will allow you to interact with your virtual pet without the need to enter FooPets website. Your pet will run all over the screen (overlapping any open application), occasionally meowing or barking to call your attention.

  • Publisher: FooMojo, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2009
World Cup USA 94

World Cup USA 94

World Cup USA 94 features a vertical soccer field with a top-down view of the action. A radar at the top left corner of the screen will show where your teammates are at all times, which should help make passing easier. Battery backup will save your formations, custom teams and tournaments, or your progress during the World Cup. The game also includes support for eight different languages.

Additional Otaku mascot selection



DeskSpace is an amazing program that will simulate a nice cube visual effect in your desktop, and will give you the possibility to work among many desktops, where you will be able to change from one to another in a 3D visual way, just pressing hotkeys or with your mouse, and even you will be able to drag and drop windows from one side to another.



TopDesk radically reduces the time you spend switching between tasks by giving you the ability to quickly find the window you want from a thumbnail view. With a single key press you can instantly view thumbnails of all open windows, display thumbnails of windows belonging to the current application, or hide all windows to quickly access the desktop.

  • Publisher: Otaku Software
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2017


Interactive animated i-board,with a character that winks. Functions are: a "Post-It"-like utility -you can stick notes on the desktop; an alarm clock;weather condition of German cities. Text is in German but right clicking displays an English menu

  • Publisher: German IT Development Ltd.
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2010
The Dark Legions

The Dark Legions

The Dark Legions is a classical real-time strategy game in the medieval ages. You must command your young hero Theodoric, whose family was slaughtered by the evil King Frank Kalap. You build up your empire through story driven missions, train & lead your warriors to battle, and defeat your ancient enemy.

  • Publisher: Mascot Entertainment
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2010
BC Kings

BC Kings

BC Kings is a strategy game in the prehistoric age. You will command the Humans fighting against the Mutants that are trying to conquer the Earth. You will control several soldiers, with different skills, that will fight the invaders, destroy buildings and get some food and other articles that your people will need.

  • Publisher: Mascot Entertainment
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2008


NetSet saves you valuable time by automating your network setting configuration.

IP Filter Updater

IP Filter Updater

The IP Filter updater is a sophisticated, yet very straight-forward and simple batch script to automatically update your ipfilter (?) for the most bittorrent clients. The initial version was created for µTorrent (hence the symbolic 'µ'-pun). Nowadays, it also supports Halite, BitSpirit, BitTorrent & Vuze.

  • Publisher: Fear-Otaku
  • Last updated: August 4th, 2011
Mass spectrometry - DTA SuperCharge

Mass spectrometry - DTA SuperCharge

Mass spectrometry - DTA SuperCharge is an application for converting one or more Finnigan .RAW files to Mascot search input files in a format suitable for use with MSQuant. This utility allows for batch processing of files (multiple RAW files at a time) and can be run independently of the Bioworks PC at the laboratory.

  • Publisher: J.W. Gouw, Peter Mortensen, ONG_SE
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2011


IDEAL-Q is an automated analysis tool for label-free quantitative proteomics. It accepts generic input format including mzXML raw data format and Mascot, SEQUEST, PeptideProphet/ProteinProphet for search result. IDEAL-Q uses an algorithm, called IDEAL (ID-based Elution time prediction by frAgmentaL regression).

  • Publisher: IIS, Academia Sinica


MassMatrix has additional capabilities that set it apart for other algorithms. It is capable of searching through hierarchical MSn (n>=3) spectra (useful in phosphopeptide analysis) where higher confidence in peptide ID can be achieved over MS2 alone. The algorithm is also capable of direct searching of disulfide or chemical cross-linked peptides.

  • Publisher: Ohio State University