Microsoft random desktop changer in Title/Summary

Random Wallpaper Changer
With Random Wallpaper Changer you can specify a directoy that contains Windows bitmap (BMP) files and it will scan through that directory and randomly change your desktop background to that bitmap. You can specify how many minutes Random Wallpaper Changer will change your desktop background. You can even select which way to display your bitmap (tile or center). There is no limit to the number of bitmap files to select, so you could have a different background everytime you turn around. This is perfect for those of you who cannot stand to have anything the same and boring on your Windows desktop, let Random Wallpaper Changer do the trick!*** Please note, this does not support the Windows Active Desktop option.
- Publisher: Bigdad Soft - Belgium
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2010
- Publisher: BurnSoft.Net
- Last updated: August 30th, 2010

Microsoft Ink Desktop for Windows Vista
It’s like having a portable dry-erase board on your screen all of the time. Whenever you want, you can jot down a phone number, directions, or top priorities for the day. And, for added fun and functionality, don’t forget to download Microsoft Experience Pack for Windows Vista, which contains four programs that provide unique functionality and fun to enhance your experience using a Tablet PC.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008
Microsoft random desktop changer in Description

Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer
Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer 6 is the new version of our "classic" wallpaper changer. It is an application that allows to change Microsoft Windows desktop wallpaper periodically. It can change your desktop wallpaper at every logon, or on regular basis from each minute up to each month. It allows to select directories and file to include in a list from which it can choose next wallpaper to show.
- Publisher: CaledosLAB
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008

uDesktop is a webpage that goes on your active desktop. The two main functions of udesktop are to provide space saving desktop links, and random desktop background pictures support.uDesktop is a single html file called udesktop.html . It uses a combination of html, javascript, and css to bring you a very customizable desktop.
- Publisher: Kevin Priebe
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 26th, 2008

Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Publisher is a Microsoft's desktop publishing program that is used to create high impact documents such as brochures or flyers using more adapted software than a word processor, to create pages with all kinds of design elements, such as formatted text, photographs, lines, and pictures. Users can create brochures, newsletters, memos, postcards, envelopes, Web pages, and many more.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2020

Remote Desktop Assistant
Remote Desktop Assistant manages Microsoft Remote Desktop and Windows built-in OpenSSH client connections, provides connectivity monitoring and sends Wake-On-LAN magic packets. Manages multiple connections. Includes Wake-On-LAN Listener test utility.
- Publisher: Alexander Yarovy
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Mitel Integrated Office Navigator
Mitel’s new Integrated Office Navigator PC application enhances the use of your Navigator telephone set by providing quick and easy access to telephony from your desktop. The Integrated Office Navigator also provides seamless integration of telephony with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Windows Desktop Search, allowing the user to be immediately attentive to incoming calls.
- Publisher: Mitel
- Last updated: September 2nd, 2010
Additional Microsoft random desktop changer selection

Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization
This MED-V Configuration Pack tracks the successes and failures of FTS using the Desired Configuraiton Manager in Configuration Manager 2007. After MED-V and its required components are installed, MED-V must be configured. The initial configuration of MED-V is known as first time setup (FTS). This is a critical step and if not completed users will not be able to use MED-V.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

Microsoft adCenter Desktop
You can save time by managing your Microsoft adCenter campaigns in an easy-to-use desktop application. With adCenter Desktop, you edit campaigns offline and then publish changes at your convenience when you are back online. You can use adCenter Desktop to manage your accounts in bulk, from the campaign level down to the individual ad level.
- Publisher: Microsoft adCenter
- Last updated: June 8th, 2012

WindowBlinds allows you to customize the appearance of your Windows operating system regardless of its version. Its interface is quite attractive with a modern and intuitive design. This feature makes it appropriate for any kind of user, so it is unlikely anyone will have any problems when using this tool.
- Publisher: Stardock Corporation
- Last updated: May 14th, 2023

Copernic Desktop Search
Smart Windows Desktop Search engine for your computer provided by Copernic. Copernic Desktop Search is the best alternative to Windows Search as it allows you to centralize your document, file & email searches in one unique interface.
- Publisher: Copernic
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Microsoft Desktop Player
The Microsoft TechNet Desktop Player (the “PLAYER”) is a content aggregator that surfaces filtered content that exist at Microsoft across various engines that have relevant contextual content for the user. Microsoft Silverlight delivers a new generation of high-quality audio and video, engaging media experiences, and interactive applications for the Web.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

A Note
A Note is a program that lets you create post-it like notes on your Microsoft Windows desktop.The program sits in the system tray and with either one click or a double click a new note appears and you can write the message directly.Features:- Alarm - Print - Font - Note color - Autosave - Stay on top (or not) - Dockable - Title - Import / Export - Translations to other languages
- Publisher: Trilarion
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 14th, 2010

Create software installers for any Windows 32-bit or 64-bit desktop or server platform, with complete customization of all installer actions and dialogs. InstallMate complies with the latest Microsoft Windows Logo requirements for software installation so your installers operate smoothly in the Windows environment.
- Publisher: Tarma Software Research Pty Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Thinstuff Remote Desktop Host
Thinstuff Remote Desktop Host is a Remote Desktop solution that uses the standard Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). It features a TSX Connection that offers you a simple and secure RDP access from anywhere, even through NAT and firewall devices via the Google Cloud.
- Publisher: Thinstuff s.r.o
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 6th, 2014

DocuShare Client
The Xerox DocuShare Client lets you access DocuShare directly from the Microsoft Windows desktop, Office applications, or Outlook. Not only can files be "dragged and dropped" directly into or out of DocuShare as part of routine activities, but they can also be directly accessed from Windows' Open and Save commands.
- Publisher: Xerox Corporation
- Last updated: April 30th, 2012

WallMaster is an automatic wallpaper changer for Windows. It is a free tool that operates from the system tray area and allows you to automatically change your wallpaper image on a timer or on every time you log on. Additionally, you can tell WallMaster to shuffle the wallpaper list.
- Publisher: Tropical Wares
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008