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Microsoft tts reader in Title/Summary

Innoetics TtS Reader

Innoetics TtS Reader

innoetics TTS Reader is a program that brings you quality synthetic voices, with additional unique features that make it a powerful solution for any application or platform integrable with SAPI 5. It contains advanced features such as processing of Greeklish or Latin-transliterated texts and native pronunciation of English.

  • Publisher: Innoetics
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2014
Simple TTS Reader

Simple TTS Reader

Simple TTS Reader is a small clipboard reader. Simply copy any text, and it will be read aloud using text-to-speech technology. You can choose any installed speech engine, e.g. Microsoft Anna. This text-to-speech utility can also be minimized to tray. And it's free. And easy to use.

Audio Reader XL

Audio Reader XL

Text to Speech Software Audio Reader XL to read aloud text easily. Convert any text like Word Documents, PDF files or EBooks to MP3 with the Voice aloud Reader. Upon request, the TTS Reader works in the background and reads texts automatically.

  • Publisher: TTSSOFT
  • Home page: www.ttssoft.org
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2018

Microsoft tts reader in Description



TTSReader is a free application that was designed to read aloud text from any editing program on your system. The application is really useful especially if you suffer from any kind of vision problems, because it makes written text accessible to you in audio format.

  • Publisher: SpheNet
  • Home page: www.sphenet.com
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2009
PDF Reader for Windows 10

PDF Reader for Windows 10

PDF Reader for Windows 10 allows you to view PDF files. Like other similar applications, this one also lets you browse through a document with ease. In this regard, you can zoom in to a specific part of a page, rotate it and even display it in a slideshow mode. In addition, it has the main advantage of supporting conversion to other formats.

  • Publisher: PDFLogic Corporation
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2021
PDF Reader for Windows 8

PDF Reader for Windows 8

As the name tells, PDF Reader for Windows 8 is a straightforward program used for reading, viewing, reviewing and printing Adobe PDF files.PDF Reader for Windows 8 can be considered an alternative to Microsoft Windows Reader: it's free for personal and home use, and supports conversion to TXT, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, TIFF, WMF, EMF, and EPS.

  • Publisher: PDFLogic Corporation
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2017


MAPV or The Microsoft Agent Properties Viewer is a small and easy to use Freeware that allows you to view detailed information and status about MS Agent 2.0, Characters, Installed TTS engines. You can view information like how many TTS Engines are installed, how many animation are there in a MS Agent Character, what is the TTS Mode of a character, etc

  • Publisher: Abhisoft Technologies
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
Docx Reader

Docx Reader

DocX Reader from FoxPDF lets you open, view Word Doc, Docx and Rtf files as well as TXT files and it doesn't require Microsoft Word. It can run as a desktop application in Windows.

  • Publisher: FoxPDF Software Inc
  • Home page: www.foxpdf.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2013

Additional Microsoft tts reader selection

Microsoft Office Excel Viewer

Microsoft Office Excel Viewer

If you don’t have Microsoft Excel available in your computer you don’t have to worry, because with Microsoft Excel Viewer you’ll have the possibility to access to all the files created with Excel 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000 and 97. This program is a viewer, so it’ll allow you to see the files and print them, but it won’t allow you to edit the files created by Excel.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2013
Language Reader

Language Reader

Synthetic speech, and the subsequent Text-To-Speech technology developed from it, allows Language Reader to read aloud any piece of text and even full documents in a simple and straightforward way. You can copy and paste text onto the program’s interface or load entire PDF and Office documents in a dozen languages, including double-byte character ones, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean.

  • Publisher: Authorsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.authorsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
E-Text Reader

E-Text Reader

The E-Text Reader is designed to be a reading tool. You can use it for opening up and reading existing documents in your computer or you can cut and paste from any program on your computer. You can even insert pictures into the text. It is an “easy to use” reader that gives you the ability to change voices, read at any speed, and even allows you to make notes into the document you are reading.

  • Publisher: Premier Literacy
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2015
MS Reader Converter

MS Reader Converter

This program can convert Microsoft Reader ebook files to PDF format, convert LIT to PDF format easily and quickly. User can print LIT ebook after conversion. The program allows you to convert Microsoft Reader format eBooks into open format for use with programs or devices which are not directly compatible with Microsoft’s Reader.

  • Publisher: PDFSVG
  • Home page: www.pdfsvg.com
  • Last updated: December 31st, 2009
ConvertLIT Graphical User Interface

ConvertLIT Graphical User Interface

ConvertLIT GUI is a graphical user interface for the wonderful command-line tool ConvertLIT. With ConvertLIT, you can extract files from Microsoft proprietary ebook format .lit (see http://www.microsoft.com/reader/ for more information), you can also downconvert (ie remove DRM protection) and inscribe lit files.

  • Publisher: DukeLupus
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2022
Vocalizer Javier from Claro Software

Vocalizer Javier from Claro Software

Vocalizer Javier is high-quality human-sounding Spanish/Mexican voice for ClaroRead program. ClaroRead is a text to speech application that has support for more than 30 lanaguages. It helps you to read, write, study, and increases your confidence. You can read any on-screen text out loud and improve your writing in Microsoft Word.

  • Publisher: Claro Software
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2014
Vocalizer Lekha from Claro Software

Vocalizer Lekha from Claro Software

Vocalizer Lekha is a Hindi voice addon for ClaroRead. ClaroRead is a text to speech application that can read text in Microsoft Word, Adobe Reader, OpenOffice/LibreOffice, Internet Explorer, and other programs. It also has OCR feature that lets you read scanned paper documents.

  • Publisher: Claro Software
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2014
Focus on Bee-Bot 1

Focus on Bee-Bot 1

The software includes a range of activities for eight Bee-Bot cross-curricular activity mats. Challenges are solved by programming sequences of moves on-screen with feed-back given when tasks have been completed. Users can create their own on-screen activity mats and build and save 3D Bee-Bot worlds. Inexperienced readers can listen to recordings of the activity instructions.

  • Publisher: Focus Educational Software
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
Vocalizer Nuria from Claro Software

Vocalizer Nuria from Claro Software

Vocalizer Nuria is a female voice extension in Catalan language for ClaroRead. ClaroRead is a text to speech application that has the ability to read aloud text in Windows programs such as MS Word and Internet Explorer. It has support for 30 languages, with 80 different voices.

  • Publisher: Claro Software
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2014
Vocalizer Simona from Claro Software

Vocalizer Simona from Claro Software

Vocalizer Simona is a female Romanian language pack for the ClaroRead program. This voice pack will read any text in a human quality voice from word processors, e-mail software, certain PDF files and internet browsers. ClaroRead is a program that can convert text to speech.

  • Publisher: Claro Software
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2014