Midpoint quiz show in Title/Summary

MindPoint Quiz Show
Transform students into contestants by presenting ExamView® content in a game show format and watch classroom participation thrive. Instructors can assess students while the Quiz Show host directs the game. View results by state standard, topic, or learning objective. Challenge the computer or compete against classmates.
- Publisher: eInstruction® Corporation
- Last updated: October 7th, 2009

Enables you to investigate more fully about midpoints in astrology. MidPoint calculates natal and transit charts and displays a lot of data regarding them and midpoints. The program can calculate the following: Natal Data and Aspects, Natal Midpoints and Midpoint Weighting Analysis, Natal Planet and Midpoint Sort, Natal Midpoint Sort by Degree, Natal Planet and Midpoint Aspects & more.
- Publisher: Allen Edwall
- Home page: www.astrowin.org
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009

Test your trivia skills in America`s Favorite Quiz Show. Just like the TV game show, select a category and a dollar amount to reveal the hidden clue. Come up with the correct response and you`re in the money! Otherwise, your virtual bank will take a hit. Play alone and customize your character, or play as a group in this fun-filled Jeopardy 2 game.
- Publisher: Sony Pictures Digital Inc.
- Home page: www.jeopardy.com
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Midpoint quiz show in Description

TriviaNet Challenge
Test your wits against the TriviaNet computer, the toughest and meanest quizmaster in town. All the fun of your favourite TV quiz show, with over 6,000 questions in nine categories including TV, Music, Movies, Sport, Science and more.
- Publisher: Glimmer Games
- Last updated: July 6th, 2010

Multiple Choice
Make your own Quiz Show! Answer questions while picking the correct one among three or four available answers. The program comes with several files, but you can easily create your own! Text and background colors can be changed for every file. Easy an...
- Publisher: Baggetta_Ware
- Last updated: February 6th, 2009

PlayConquer is a bug-free Conquer Online private server to implement all features, quests and events from official servers. Enjoy a fair and fun MMORPG experience with cool CP/EXP drop system and new events. All classes, items, and spells are fully implemented, tested and work exactly the same as official Conquer.
- Publisher: EzGame
- Last updated: February 29th, 2016

Multi-choice quiz generator
This program allows anyone to generate their own Flash-based multiple-choice quizzes. The use of Flash means that the quizzes can be used on any webpage, learning environment, intranet or just a single computer.This software has been created to provide teachers with a really simple way of creating engaging eLearning exercises.
- Publisher: ContentGenerator
- Home page: www.contentgenerator.net
- Last updated: May 17th, 2008

Whether you intend to create a test to intellectually challenge your students or you just want to make your classes more captivating, easyQuizzy is the perfect solution. This application will generate a final report containing handy statistics as well as containing all the questions with the correct answers and with the students' answers.
- Publisher: NetCrate Software
- Last updated: March 6th, 2017
Additional Midpoint quiz show selection

QuizMaster Manager
The purpose is to help a Quiz Master to handle lots of questions (in a database) and to make it as easy as possible to make selections from those questions to form a good Quiz show
- Publisher: RDC Tools International
- Last updated: March 15th, 2009

Game Show Presenter
Help people pay attention! Increase attention and participation with a fun quiz show presentation that you customize to your topic Just write your quiz or review questions and choose options. Show has music, effects, funny host and scorekeeping.
- Publisher: Bodine Training Games LLC

Great way to liven up any presentation and help your audience retain knowledge. LearningSquared lets you create and play your own jeopardy style learning game - in the classroom, boardroom or living room. $20 Educator Discount.
- Publisher: Appalachian Multimedia Corporation
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2010

World Flags Quiz
World Flags Quiz is a unique flag quiz which takes the flags of the world to the ...next level. In this flag quiz all country flags are available as well as the most region flags of the world. From the most famous flags like United States or China fl
- Publisher: Falco Software Company
- Last updated: June 30th, 2023

Simpsons Vs. Futurama Quiz
In this game, you are Moe, the owner of the bar which Homer Simpson frequents for a drink. Moe must answer 15 questions to be named "#1 fanboy". Despite the name of the game, the questions refer not only to The Simpsons and Futurama shows, but also to other TV programs such as Family Guy and South Park.
- Publisher: Free Downloadable Games
- Last updated: January 17th, 2009

My Music Quiz
This program allows you to test how deep your music knowledge is by using your own music collection to solve different quizzes. The program is fun and entertaining. Nevertheless, since it uses your music collection, you need to check that all your songs are perfectly tagged so the program can show the correct answer adequately.
- Publisher: Fishbend Ltd
- Home page: mymusicquiz.com
- Last updated: December 18th, 2010

General Knowledge Quiz
Do you think you know everything? If so, prove it with General Knowledge Quiz. Here you will be able to test your knowledge and get a prize if you pass. General Knowledge Quiz is a fun gradual challenge where you should answer ten questions before moving to the next level, you also have to have seven out of the ten questions right to move on.
- Publisher: Justgames.ch
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

FRS Classroom Game Show
FRS Classroom Game Show is a very simple application which can help teachers create quizzes for their students very easily. The program will only show the questions created with the file creator that comes with the program and the teacher must select manually which of the two groups answered correctly. Creating quizzes is really simple and the final file is saved as .txt.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: July 1st, 2011

Show Me Spelling
Show Me Spelling allows even the struggling reader the opportunity to succeed at spelling.All 600 spelling words have corresponding speech with pictures.Appropriate for any age and a wide range of ability levels. Includes instruction and quiz modes.In the instruction mode, create a spelling list by selecting words from our word bank, or choose from dozens of preselected lists..
- Publisher: Attainment Company, Inc
- Last updated: August 30th, 2010

Photo Frame Show
Photo Frame Show is an imaging software that can turn any ordinary photo into an impressive creation in a couple of clicks. Create wonderful wallpapers and photos for your desktop, emailing, greetings, blogs and other projects. Photo Frame Show offers different photo frames with amazing graphics for your or your family's photos.
- Publisher: Likno Software
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008