Midpoint quizshow in Title/Summary

Enables you to investigate more fully about midpoints in astrology. MidPoint calculates natal and transit charts and displays a lot of data regarding them and midpoints. The program can calculate the following: Natal Data and Aspects, Natal Midpoints and Midpoint Weighting Analysis, Natal Planet and Midpoint Sort, Natal Midpoint Sort by Degree, Natal Planet and Midpoint Aspects & more.
- Publisher: Allen Edwall
- Home page: www.astrowin.org
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009
Midpoint quizshow in Description

MOplot can display: -geometries, including the cartesian coordinate axes, atom numbers according to the geometry definition in the calculation. Molecules can be turned in all directions under mouse control, or using the controls in the "camera" menu. -In the "geom" menu, geometric parameters (bond lengths, angles, dihedrals) can be computed for any set of atoms.
- Publisher: UniFribourg
- Last updated: September 6th, 2011

Mastro is a groundbreaking astrology software that allows you to stay creative. Its ease of use and powerful interpretation capabilities make it an essential tool for professional astrologers and rookies alike.
- Publisher: Mastro Software
- Home page: mastroapp.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Drafting Tools for ArcGIS
This is a sample extension that presents a new toolbar to ArcMap users. The 'Drafting Tools' toolbar streamlines the editing experience for drafting professionals. Behind the scenes, the storage, editing and display of primitive points, lines and polygons is intelligently managed.
- Publisher: ESRI
- Last updated: November 15th, 2009
Additional Midpoint quizshow selection

MindPoint Quiz Show
Transform students into contestants by presenting ExamView® content in a game show format and watch classroom participation thrive. Instructors can assess students while the Quiz Show host directs the game. View results by state standard, topic, or learning objective. Challenge the computer or compete against classmates.
- Publisher: eInstruction® Corporation
- Last updated: October 7th, 2009

Geometry is a calculator which uses many of the formulas found in geometry. The program will calculate surface area and volume of a variety of geometric figures such as prisms, cone, sphere, pyramids, torus and cylinder. The software will perform calculations involving the pythagorean theorem, sine, cosine, tangent, special triangles,etc.
- Publisher: Travis East
- Home page: www.theeastfamily.net
- Last updated: April 17th, 2008

Geometry is a calculator which uses many of the formulas found in geometry. The program will calculate surface area and volume of a variety of geometric figures such as prisms, cone, sphere, pyramids, torus and cylinder. The software will perform calculations involving the pythagorean theorem, sine, cosine, tangent, special triangles, regular polygons, circles, arcs, triangles, squares.
- Publisher: Travis East
- Home page: www.theeastfamily.net