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Object relationship diagram in Title/Summary

KMailer - Customer Email Relationship Builder

KMailer - Customer Email Relationship Builder

KMailer is the most proven customer email relationship management software for successful opt-in email marketing campaigns, subscriber lists building and online surveys. It makes building your business easy with tools that cover every aspect of email marketing.

  • Publisher: Brezosoft Corporation
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2008
Nevron Diagram Designer

Nevron Diagram Designer

Nevron Diagram Designer is a freeware diagram editor powered by Nevron Diagram for .NET controls. It is suitable for creating various kinds of diagrams and performing different layout algorithms on them. The Diagram Designer also can make you familiar with the features provided by Nevron Diagram for .NET

  • Publisher: Nevron Software LLC
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2011


Gorm stands for "Graphical Object Relationship Modeller" and is GNUstep's easy-to-use interface designer. Gorm is meant to be the counter part to NeXT's Interface Builder. With Gorm designing tough and complex graphical interfaces for your applications can easily and quickly be done using drag & drop, powerful inspectors and teamwork with ProjectCenter.

  • Publisher: GNUstep
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2018

Object relationship diagram in Description

ERCreator Database Edition Demo

ERCreator Database Edition Demo

ERCreator Database Edition is a price-competitive and productive ER-Diagram tool for data modeling and database design. t lets you design and document your datamodel in a database diagram (ERD) in an easy-learned diagram tool. You can print reports and database diagrams and even check the datamodel for consistency.

  • Publisher: ModelCreator Software
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2010


Design, document and build database with entity relationship diagram (ERD), align ERD with class diagram, reverse/generate database and DDL, and generate Java Hibernate mapping ready for Object Relational Mapping (ORM). DB Visual ARCHITECT is not only an ERD tool, but an all-in-in data modeling software that supports your database design, database construction and system development needs.

  • Publisher: Visual Paradigm International Ltd.
  • Home page: www.amx.com
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
ERD Concepts

ERD Concepts

ERD Concepts is a database designer and sql query tool for all major databases. Create a complete and professional ERD diagram with domains, tables, foreign keys, views, stored procedures and more.

Nucleon Database Manager

Nucleon Database Manager

Nucleon Database Manager is a modern, powerful, intuitive and easy to use database query, administration and management software. The program allows you to execute SQL (Extended SQL), LINQ, JSON (Extended BSON) queries and provides all database objects such as tables, views, procedures, columns, indexes, relations (constraints), collections and triggers.

ER Assistant

ER Assistant

The ER-Assistant application allows the user to create, edit, and print entity relationship diagrams. Other features include:Entities,Attributes with SQL:1999 data types;Relationships with cardinality and participation constraints;Design justifications and diagram notes;Individual object comments for entities, attributes, and relationships.

Additional Object relationship diagram selection

DTM Data Modeler

DTM Data Modeler

DTM Data Modeler is a CASE tool for database developers that supports both forward and reverse engineering. It is an easy-to-use tool allowing you to work both with logical and physical data models in the form of an entity-relationship diagram.

  • Publisher: DTM soft
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2020
Aglowsoft SQL Query Tools

Aglowsoft SQL Query Tools

Extract database schemas, build and run SQL queries, visualize data relationships in your databases, all with a single software package.

  • Publisher: Aglowsoft
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Diagram Designer

Diagram Designer

We sometimes need a tool for editing graphical data. These come in use when creating flowcharts and diagrams. Diagram Designer is a graphics editor tool that is used in such purposes. These graphical data contain mathematical solutions and it is not possible to edit these images in a simple editing tool.

  • Publisher: MeeSoft
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023
Macromedia FreeHand

Macromedia FreeHand

Adobe is trying to migrate users of this program to Illustrator. That is why this is a cheap but excellent software to illustrate and draw. It has a lot of interesting tools. It is not compatible with windows vista and there will be no updates to solve this.

  • Publisher: Adobe
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2011
Sequence Diagram Editor

Sequence Diagram Editor

Sequence Diagram Editor is a tool for creating call flows and UML sequence diagrams from textual descriptive inputs about an object. Your output will be faster with this program because you do not have to take care of the layout or any formatting as this is done automatically, unlike in other WYSIWYG applications.

  • Publisher: Effexis Software
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2008


XWidget helps you customize your Windows desktop, mainly by creating and adding widgets. Right after the installation, the application’s icon appears at the System Tray, from where you can access most of its features. Three widgets also appear by default: a photo browser, a clock and weather info, which are enough for the user to know what the program is about.

  • Publisher: XWidget Software
  • Home page: www.xwidget.com
  • Last updated: September 12th, 2014
ClickCharts Diagram & Flowchart Software

ClickCharts Diagram & Flowchart Software

ClickCharts Flowchart Pro and diagram software lets you lay out your ideas, organization, process or create UML diagrams. Create data flow or value stream diagrams and find process optimization by identifying bottlenecks. Export to jpg, gif, png.

yEd Graph Editor

yEd Graph Editor

yEd is a powerful diagram editor that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality drawings of diagrams. Create your diagrams manually or import your external data for analysis and auto-magically arrange even large data sets by just pressing a button.

  • Publisher: yWorks GmbH
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2016
AddFlow for .NET

AddFlow for .NET

AddFlow for .NET is a .NET Windows Forms Custom control that is useful each time you need to display and use relationships between objects in your application

  • Publisher: Lassalle Technologies
  • Home page: www.lassalle.com
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2012
Limnor Studio

Limnor Studio

A generic-purpose visual codeless programming system with built in support for web development and web application, databases, 2D drawings, web services, kiosk, ActiveX, etc. It is the first fully automated cloud computing system in the world.

  • Publisher: Longflow Enterprises Ltd
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2014