Solidworks api object model diagram in Title/Summary

Hex4w Object Model
Calcium: Hex4w is a C# .Net 2.0 class library that enables an application programmer to generate a HSBC Hex4w UK BACS (Hex4wBACS) Financial model.System Requirements:- Window Vista/XP/NT/2000 - .Net Framework 2.0It is really a great software. Try it!
- Publisher: Dunn Solutions

SolidWorks 2012 Document Manager API
With the release of SolidWorks 2012, they have developed a method to update your customers installations in the field to allow the existing installations of SURFCAM 5_2 to read these new version files. If you are opening a SolidWorks 2012 file and nothing Imports into your SURFCAM session you will need to install this SolidWorks 2012 Document Manager Patch.
- Publisher: SolidWorks Corporation
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

AutoCAD 2012 Model Documentation Object Enabler
There are separate object enablers for 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Model documentation is a feature shipped with AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD Mechanical 2012. It enables you to create drawings from AutoCAD 3D models, Inventor 3D models, and several non-Autodesk 3D models.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Last updated: July 12th, 2011
Solidworks api object model diagram in Description

The MACL Interop API Extensions tool uses features found in the .NET Framework 2.0 for now in the Alpha Version and its to be oriented to Framework 3.5 in the Beta Version. MACL Wraps the Access object model providing a more productive environment for the VBA developer.
- Publisher: jlivio
- Last updated: November 14th, 2011

Nevron Open Vision
Nevron Open Vision for .NET is a suite of advanced desktop UI controls that aims to streamline the development of feature-rich Desktop Applications by providing developers with premium quality UI controls that also work on multiple operating systems.
- Publisher: Nevron Software
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

EDraw Soft Diagrammer
EDraw is a new UML diagram and software diagram drawing tool. Easy to draw uml model diagram, COM and OLE, data flow model diagram, Jacobson Use Case, SSADM Diagram, Nassi-Schneiderman, Booch OOD, ROOM Diagram, Yourdon and Coad and Shlaer-Mellor OOA.
- Publisher: EDrawSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL
Visual development system intended for database design, modeling, creation, modification and reverse engineering in an easy and powerful way. Accelerates the process of database creation and makes it clear, simplifies MySQL database maintenance.
- Publisher: microOLAP Technologies LTD
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Gallio is an automation platform for .NET with a common object model, runtime services, and test runners. It comes with extra namespaces for .NET to extend its abilities. Gallio.Ambience namespace provides a lightweight object database based on db4o for storing test data across test runs. There are also extra namespaces, which can be referred from the API documentation.
- Publisher: Gallio
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 15th, 2012
Additional Solidworks api object model diagram selection

Windows Search
A new tool from microsoft designed to search for files in any part of your computer in a fast and simple way. It's able to look for files in hard drives, Email attachments, local network or even the internet. The program adds itself to the taskbar where the user types the name of the files to look for.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: July 6th, 2020

Microsoft SQL Server Management Objects
SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) is a collection of objects that are designed for programming all aspects of managing Microsoft SQL Server. This object model will work with SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, and SQL Server 2012 and requires Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: July 5th, 2020

Develop an object model to expose portions of its core functionality, allowing RSView32 to interoperate easily with other component-based software products. Implement add-on architecture (AOA) technology to expand RSView32's functionality and integrate new features directly into RSView32's core
- Publisher: Rockwell Automation
- Last updated: July 4th, 2012

Microsoft Visio SDK
The Microsoft Visio Software Development Kit contains the latest documentation, samples, header files, libraries, and tools that you need to develop custom solutions for Visio. Main Features: -Code Samples Library: Provides a database of reusable Visio code samples. -TreeView sample application: Shows how to create a hierarchical drawing and its accompanying tree view in Visio.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: February 11th, 2013

DeZign for Databases
DeZign for Databases is a data modeling tool for developers and DBA's that can help you model, create, and maintain databases. It uses entity relationship diagrams (ERDs, data models) to design databases graphically and can generate common database formats.
- Publisher: Datanamic Solutions BV.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

Felix is a new programming language in the ML family. Easy to Deploy: Felix is designed as a scripting language so it is as easy to use as Ruby, Python or PHP, and provides the same kind of platform independence and rapid prototyping. Easy to Deploy: Felix is designed as a scripting language so it is as easy to use as Ruby, Python or PHP.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: June 7th, 2012

Open ModelSphere
Open ModelSphere is a powerful data, process and UML modeling tool. It combines many features, such as business process modeling, data modeling and UML modeling, and provides a flexible model management environment. Users are enabled to easily build their models, either from scratch or via reverse engineering from a variety of sources.
- Publisher: Grandite
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 4th, 2012

Javelin is a high productivity yet lightweight development tool that allows software developers, analysts, consultants, mentors, educators to drive any Java development through a set of "live" class diagrams. It provides 'zero time' synchronized generation and management of code and the meta-data required for persisting your object model to Hibernate or JDO persistence technologies
- Publisher: Step Ahead Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011

Infragistics NetAdvantage Windows Forms
NetAdvantage for Windows Forms provides the "style-ability" you need for your forms and dialogs with our drop-in component. It also offers the breadth and depth of Office 2010 and Windows 7 user experiences with our scenic ribbon control. A new Microsoft Word® Library features an object model for creating new Word documents.
- Publisher: Infragistics, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

UniConvertor is a universal vector graphics translator. It is a command line tool which uses sK1 object model to convert one format to another. Development of the import/export modules for this program goes through different stages, quality and feature coverage are different among formats. UniConvetor is used in Inkscape and Scribus projects as external tool for CorelDraw files importing.
- Publisher: sK1 Project
- Last updated: July 8th, 2010