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Opc ua local discovery server in Title/Summary

OPC UA Local Discovery Server

OPC UA Local Discovery Server

OPC UA Local Discovery Server is a special OPC-UA service that provides information about other OPC-UA servers available. If you want to retrieve a list of OPC Unified Architecture servers registered on a local or remote computer, call the DiscoverServers method, passing it the name or address of the remote machine (use empty string for local computer).

  • Publisher: OPC Foundation
  • Home page: opcfoundation.org
  • Last updated: August 5th, 2016


The FESTO IPC Server requires an Ethernet card and TCP/IP protocol installed on the computer to communicate with FESTO IPCs over the Ethernet network. The IPCs must have the FST TCP/IP driver v1.0 or higher installed and running to communicate with FESTO IPC Server.

  • Publisher: Klinkmann Automation
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2011
OMRON Toolbus OPC and DDE Server

OMRON Toolbus OPC and DDE Server

The Klinkmann Automation OMRON Toolbus Communication Server (hereafter referred to as the "OMRTOOLBUS Server" or "OMRTOOLBUS" or "Server") is a Microsoft Windows (95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP) 32-bit application program that acts as a communications protocol Server and allows other Windows application programs access to data from OMRON PLCs using the OMRON Toolbus protocol.

  • Publisher: Klinkmann Automation
  • Last updated: May 19th, 2012

Opc ua local discovery server in Description



OPC Unified Architecture Server for Windows Operating Systems (2k, 2k3, XP, Vista). Simulated data and information model (Standard, DI and PLCopen). DEMO Version for evaluation purposes only. Windows installation procedure included. Supported Features: Security enabled, Certificates supported, Discovery Service Provided, Simulated Data, Conditions, History, Programs, Alarms&Conditions.

  • Publisher: UnifiedAutomation
  • Last updated: October 14th, 2011


QuickOPC.NET is a set of components that simplify the task of integrating OPC into applications. Reading a value from OPC Data Access server, or writing a data value can be achieved in just one or two lines of code. QuickOPC.NET is a radically new approach to access OPC data. Traditionally, OPC programming required complicated code, no matter whether you use OPC custom or automation interfaces

  • Publisher: OPC Labs
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2011
Websense Data Endpoint

Websense Data Endpoint

Websense® Data Endpoint picks up where network data loss prevention (DLP) and discovery leave off, by providing endpoint security and control over what confidential data is and should be stored (through local discovery); who is using it; how it is being used (with what applications); where it is being transferred (USB storage, printer); and real-time action to prevent the data loss.

  • Publisher: Websense, Inc.
  • Home page: www.websense.com
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2011
Local SMTP Server Pro

Local SMTP Server Pro

Local SMTP Server Pro is a SMTP server program that lets you send email messages without help of your ISP, directly from your local PC to recipient mailboxes. Security Tools - security tools to password-protect PC Bulletproof Public PC - public access PC kiosk PC Security Tweaker - tweak to secure Windows PC Lock My Computer - limit access to Windows PC

AthTek SmartServ

AthTek SmartServ

SmartServ is the smallest and easiest free web testing environment builder. It enables user to setup a virtual local testing server with one click. It can be used for web app testing and website testing. Both Apache and IIS are supported.

  • Publisher: AthTek Software
  • Home page: www.athtek.com
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2014

Additional Opc ua local discovery server selection



WampServer is a Windows web development environment, which allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP, MySQL, and MariaDB. It also comes with PhpMyAdmin that can be used to manage your databases. WampServer automatically installs everything you need to intuitively develop Web applications.

Matrikon OPC Server for Simulation

Matrikon OPC Server for Simulation

MatrikonOPC Simulation Server is a free utility used to help test and troubleshoot OPC applications (clients) and connections. Testing applications on "live" OPC servers may result in loss of actual production data. The MatrikonOPC Simulation Server creates an simulated environment so that in the event of a problem, no real process data is lost.



VOSI.biz Client Suite integrates all 3 VOSI.biz client applications. You don't need to download and install them one by one.VOSI.biz Client Suite now bundles all 3 client applications into one. Just download one time, and you have access to a lot of VOSI.biz features

ESET Remote Administrator Server

ESET Remote Administrator Server

ESET Remote Administrator Server allows you to easily manage security on company network from a single location. The program enables you to set random time periods for executing scheduled security tasks, save company bandwidth by downloading updates only once to a local mirror server and deploy server side System Health Validator (SHV) plug-in and client side System Health Agent (SHA).

  • Publisher: ESET, spol s r.o.
  • Home page: www.eset.com
  • Last updated: August 22nd, 2016
News Hunter

News Hunter

This program retrieves headers from any group that you have access to and scans the headers for posting gateways. It then tests each gateway looking for free public access and creates a list of news hosts that you can use.News Hunter is a free Windows 95/NT 4 utility that can help in finding publicly accessible news servers.

Virtual Radar

Virtual Radar

Virtual Radar is an open-source application that can plot aircraft on Google Maps. The program can be installed on a local web server; you can access its features using a web browser. Virtual Radar also has the ability to show the location of a simulated aircraft being flown in Microsoft Flight Simulator X

  • Publisher: Andrew Whewell
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2016
Advanced SMTP Server

Advanced SMTP Server

Advanced SMTP Server is a system-tray local SMTP server program for Windows that lets you send email messages directly from your computer to recipient mailboxes. Along with a subscription-based mass mailer the program can be used as a relay server for sending requested newsletters, distributing messages to different mailing lists, etc.

  • Publisher: Softstack
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


FreeMeter 2.8 is a program that monitors system performance. This application supports all Windows operating systems. It has got a multi-lingual support. This program will allow you to monitor the disk space usage of your local and server volumes. It will show you the information in megabytes or gigabytes.

  • Publisher: TILER
  • Home page: www.tiler.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2022
SQL Anywhere Developer Edition

SQL Anywhere Developer Edition

Sybase SQL Anywhere provides out-of-box performance, advanced synchronization. It is a feature-rich, easily embedded application which offers support for many programming languages.

  • Publisher: Sybase Inc.
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2011


PDF-XChange installs onto your system as a 'Virtual' printer allowing you to 'print' your document/Image from any Windows application to any of the industry standard Raster format's supported (see below) - rather than paper. your document will be saved to a fully compatible industry standard CCIT grp 3/4 compressed multi page TIFF file if that is your need.