Outpost packet radio in Title/Summary

Outpost Packet Message Manager
Outpost Packet Message Manager is a Windows based packet message client that lets you send and receive packet messages with almost any Amateur Radio Bulletin Board System (BBS) or TNC Personal Mail Box. It features Windows-driven forms and screens that handle creating, sending, receiving, storing, and printing packet messages from your PC.
- Publisher: KN6PE
- Last updated: March 17th, 2016

Packet Engine Pro
Packet Engine Professional Edition is a special Windows utility for amateur radio packet users that interfaces multiple packet programs and multiple TNCs (Terminal Node Controllers) / modems. Packet Engine Pro will only work with packet programs that have been written to take advantage of AGWPE
- Publisher: AGWSoft
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Outpost Kaloki
Race against time to save the princess in Outpost Kaloki, a humorous space station tycoon game! Solve challenges, entertain visiting aliens, keep your ratings high, and rake in the money on your way to fame and glory.Easy to learn and many hours of fun!
- Publisher: NinjaBee
- Home page: www.ninjabee.com
- Last updated: November 8th, 2009
Outpost packet radio in Description

YPlog Logging
YPlog allows radio control and logging with almost any Icom, Kenwood, Ten-Tec or Yaesu radio. The radio control window allows adequate mouse control of the radio for almost any DX or rag-chewing situation. Nice additional features such as a real time sun grey line terminator map of the world make the program easy and friendly to use.
- Publisher: Tony Field
- Home page: www.qsl.net
- Last updated: May 11th, 2012

WaveMail is a complete e-mail system optimized for use over relatively slow links like radio-links (Pactor / Packet radio), Inmarsat, Thuraya, Iridium and telephone lines. In order to use slow links in an efficient manner, all messages are compressed and a very efficient protocol is used for message transfer (compression and decompression is done automatically without user intervention).
- Publisher: Schuemperlin Engineering AG
- Home page: www.schuemperlin.com
- Last updated: November 10th, 2011

UISS is a program for packet radio communication with ISS (International Space Station), PCSat or compatible satellites. You can use it to connect and send pre-defined BBS commands or activate a beacon. UISS has a full BBS build in; it supports several external and remote commands.
- Publisher: ON6MU Guy Roels
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2018

This software is a VoIP program for the KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM. When the ARVP-10 does not work on your PC, OS, or network environment, you may use a commonly-used VoIP software (such as a P2P telephony software) for making voice communications via a network instead of the ARVP-10.
- Publisher: KENWOOD Corporation
- Home page: www.kenwood.com
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

VHFCtest4Win is software for contest logging QSO's on VHF bands (50MHz and up). It is build for all windows versions from Windows 95 and up. Main Features: - CW/SSB keyer (COM and LPT) support no additional driver needed for LPT support also in Windows XP and 2000 - Support for standart Region 1 VHF contests and ZRS S5 Maraton open activity - Various statistics
- Publisher: Peter Oresnik, S52AA
- Home page: lea.hamradio.si
- Last updated: October 17th, 2011
Additional Outpost packet radio selection

Its features contain many file transfer protocols, many password calculation methods, a very extensive user database, freely customizable language files (for displayment on screen and for sended texts) and many other features. But please note, this is not a program for newcomers!
- Publisher: NJ0Y-Software
- Last updated: December 21st, 2010

If you connect a GPS receiver, NMEA0183-signals (GGA/GLL/RME) will provide your own position every 5 seconds. Transmission and reception of APRS-signals is done either via SOUNDCARD (program parts of AGWPE are included), by a SCS-DSP-TNC or SCS-PTC-II with PR-capability (even Robust Packet Radio), a PK-232, or a TNC via AGWPE.
- Publisher: DF8HL

The GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is usually good in big cities, but there are still some problems regarding its existence/ quality when it comes to the rest of the territory. In this former case, the GPS equipment memorizes routes and downloads all positions stored as soon as the GSM signal is back. This way, routes and vehicle locations are not lost.
- Publisher: SAS Grup S.R.L.
- Last updated: February 9th, 2012

This version adds bing(tm) query capability to APRS-Go. I believe bing query is a first for APRS, and perhaps for packet radio. A properly formatted APRS message sent to an APRS-Go station, from any other APRS station, will cause APRS-Go to perform an internet search and return information back to messaging station.
- Publisher: APRS
- Home page: www.aprsgo.com
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

Cisco Packet Tracer
Packet Tracer is a network simulation software created by Cisco. Although it is focused on educational purposes, the software has a wide range of uses. Packet Tracer simulates network equipment such as routers, switches, cables and end-client PCs. This allows students and teachers to learn and assess different network possibilities. Packet Tracer is a must have tool for IT engineers.
- Publisher: Cisco Systems
- Home page: www.packettracernetwork.com
- Last updated: July 6th, 2023

Ham Radio Deluxe
Ham Radio Deluxe provides a customizable interface to control your amateur transceiver using its built-in computer aided control interface.Main features: - Supports most CAT capable radios. - Supported Radios (click here). - Allows total station control. - BandScope. - Favorites provide memories for all radios.
- Publisher: Ham Radio Deluxe, LLC.
- Last updated: August 10th, 2023

Nexus Radio
Nexus Radio is an application for listening to more than 11,000 radio stations worldwide. It has a nice and easy-to-use interface, as well as many different functions. You can search your favorite radio station among the program's huge database just by writing its name in the search box and pressing Enter.
- Publisher: Talam Group, LLC.
- Home page: www.nexusradio.com
- Last updated: December 29th, 2011

Free TV Radio
Free TV Radio lets you access the best of online TV in just one click. You can enjoy thousands and thousands of programmes on your PC, from European Premier League football matches, to the latest news, the most fascinating shows and documentaries . Sports, music, news: free television online!
- Publisher: Free TV Radio
- Last updated: June 16th, 2012

Internet TV & Radio Player
Internet TV & Radio Player comes with a very simple, neat, skinnable interface. Its most distinctive part is the panel in the left that will allow you to easily browse the stations by country. Radio and TV stations from a lot of countries are provided. I like a lot the huge number of radio stations and TV channels that this program offers for being listened to or watched, for free.
- Publisher: EPCTV Computing, Inc.
- Home page: www.epctv.com
- Last updated: July 12th, 2009

Outpost Security Suite Pro
A multi-layered security solution that protects against all Internet-borne threats. Includes a firewall, combined antivirus and antispyware, proactive behavior monitoring module, Web security and antispam to deliver robust and easy-to-use protection
- Publisher: Agnitum, Ltd.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020