Outpost packet radio program video in Title/Summary

Outpost Packet Message Manager
Outpost Packet Message Manager is a Windows based packet message client that lets you send and receive packet messages with almost any Amateur Radio Bulletin Board System (BBS) or TNC Personal Mail Box. It features Windows-driven forms and screens that handle creating, sending, receiving, storing, and printing packet messages from your PC.
- Publisher: KN6PE
- Last updated: March 17th, 2016

JTDX - JT9 and JT65 Modes for LF MF and HF Amateur Radio.
JTDX is an open source HAM radio program for HF JT65 and JT9 modes. It comes with optimal candidate selection logic, and four/five pass decoding & decoders based on the matched filters making JTDX performance quite different from WSJT-X software for operation on the HF bands.
- Publisher: Igor Chernikov, UA3DJY
- Home page: www.qrz.lt
- Last updated: February 20th, 2017

San Andreas Radio
This program allows you to create your own CD playlists from songs, commercials, station idents, and small audio clips of DJ chatter. You can create a playlist as if it were taken from the game, including randomized songs, chatter, commercials etc. Or you can create your own customized playlists, for instance party mix CDs of songs from various radio stations.
- Publisher: Eddie Edwards
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008
Outpost packet radio program video in Description

YPlog Logging
YPlog allows radio control and logging with almost any Icom, Kenwood, Ten-Tec or Yaesu radio. The radio control window allows adequate mouse control of the radio for almost any DX or rag-chewing situation. Nice additional features such as a real time sun grey line terminator map of the world make the program easy and friendly to use.
- Publisher: Tony Field
- Home page: www.qsl.net
- Last updated: May 11th, 2012

WaveMail is a complete e-mail system optimized for use over relatively slow links like radio-links (Pactor / Packet radio), Inmarsat, Thuraya, Iridium and telephone lines. In order to use slow links in an efficient manner, all messages are compressed and a very efficient protocol is used for message transfer (compression and decompression is done automatically without user intervention).
- Publisher: Schuemperlin Engineering AG
- Home page: www.schuemperlin.com
- Last updated: November 10th, 2011

UISS is a program for packet radio communication with ISS (International Space Station), PCSat or compatible satellites. You can use it to connect and send pre-defined BBS commands or activate a beacon. UISS has a full BBS build in; it supports several external and remote commands.
- Publisher: ON6MU Guy Roels
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2018

This software is a VoIP program for the KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM. When the ARVP-10 does not work on your PC, OS, or network environment, you may use a commonly-used VoIP software (such as a P2P telephony software) for making voice communications via a network instead of the ARVP-10.
- Publisher: KENWOOD Corporation
- Home page: www.kenwood.com
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

VHFCtest4Win is software for contest logging QSO's on VHF bands (50MHz and up). It is build for all windows versions from Windows 95 and up. Main Features: - CW/SSB keyer (COM and LPT) support no additional driver needed for LPT support also in Windows XP and 2000 - Support for standart Region 1 VHF contests and ZRS S5 Maraton open activity - Various statistics
- Publisher: Peter Oresnik, S52AA
- Home page: lea.hamradio.si
- Last updated: October 17th, 2011
Additional Outpost packet radio program video selection

Corel VideoStudio
Corel VideoStudio is software that is filled with a lot of “deliciousness’s” and various beautiful things. As any other program of Corel this program distinguishes by its user-friendly and intuitive interface and inimitable style. You will be surprised how easily and quickly you can create your own home video with professional results!
- Publisher: Corel Corporation
- Home page: www.videostudiopro.com
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2014

CamUniversal can let you manage practically every kind of video capturing device, including webcams, netcams, IP-cams and TV tuners. The program supports motion detection and recording as well as still image capturing. The application has a rather intuitive interface.
- Publisher: CrazyPixels
- Home page: www.crazypixels.com
- Last updated: November 14th, 2015

Flatcast Viewer Plugin
Flatcast Viewer is a Plugin for Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera. Flatcast is a portal for multimedia streaming. You can listen to a radio program, while chatting, take part in eLearning lessons and a lot more. No matter if you want to take part in existing streams, or create your own stream, no further software is required. All you need will be loaded and installed automatically.
- Publisher: 1 mal 1 Software GmbH
- Home page: www.flatcast.com
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2011

TapinRadio is a free program that allows you to search for and listen to radio stations and podcasts in a very easy manner. You can also record your favorite radio shows and change the language of the interface to any of the 30 or so languages available. You can also purchase a pro, cost-based version at the developer's site.
- Publisher: RaimerSoft
- Home page: www.raimersoft.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

BBC iPlayer Downloads
BBC iPlayer Downloads lets you download BBC radio shows as audio files, which could be played whenever you like. This would be a helpful tool, if you are experiencing slow buffering speeds while listening to the shows. The application is available for Windows and MAC.
- Publisher: BBC
- Home page: www.bbc.co.uk
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

WebCam Monitor
WebCam Monitor turns your PC and camera Into a video monitoring and surveillance system. It can detect motion or noise and automatically start the recording of video and audio. It can also send you e-mail, text message, or audible alarm regarding an event.
- Publisher: DeskShare
- Home page: www.deskshare.com
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022

My Screen Recorder
My Screen Recorder is intuitive and efficient software which offers a complete suite of tools and options for screen capture with audio. With our screen recording software you can record videos, webinars, games and much more in a quick and hassle-free way.
- Publisher: DeskShare Incorporated
- Home page: www.deskshare.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

Metal Player
Metal Player is a simple and handy multimedia player that lets you watch movies or any kind of videos as well as listen to music, either from your local audio collection or from the streams of online radio stations. It supports a lot of multimedia file formats, being capable of playing DVDs (VOB files), video files (MKV, AVI, MP4, 3GP, etc.), and audio files (MP3, WAV, MIDI, etc.).
- Publisher: AbyssalSoft
- Last updated: August 19th, 2014

Aiseesoft MP4 Video Converter
Aiseesoft MP4 Video Converter is more than its name implies. Besides helping you convert your homemade videos to the MP4 format, this program is also capable of editing movies, extracting soundtracks from films, and converting your video clips to formats that are compatible with smartphones, tablets, etc.
- Publisher: Aiseesoft Studio
- Home page: www.aiseesoft.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

DJ Streaming Plug-In
Be your own DJ with dynamic play lists while you talk with your morphed voice. The DJ Streaming Plug-In lets you quickly add, reorder or delete audio files that will be played along with your voice. Create your own live radio program or narration using MorphVOX Pro and your favorite chat or game program.
- Publisher: Screaming Bee Inc.,
- Home page: www.screamingbee.com
- Last updated: December 24th, 2009