Pdf417 generator labview in Title/Summary

Azalea PDF417 DEMO
AzaleaPDF417 creates PDF 417 bar codes using TrueType fonts. Fonts print quickly and are easy to use from within other applications. That way there's no need for a proprietary labeling package. Printing with fonts is by far the most efficient and elegant way to print PDF417 barcodes.
- Publisher: Azalea Software
- Last updated: January 6th, 2010

Morovia PDF417 Fontware and Writer SDK
Morovia PDF417 Fontware and Writer SDK is the ultimate tool box to print PDF417 symbols. PDF417 is a multi-row, variable-length symbology with high data capacity and error correction capacity.This package supports creating PDF417, Macro PDF417 and compact PDF417[1] symbols.
- Publisher: Morovia Corporation
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2011

PDF417 Font and Encoder
PDF417 Font and Encoder is a program that generates 2D PDF417 barcodes, including MacroPDF and Truncated PDF using fonts and encoder tools. It complies with ISO/IEC 15438 specifications and supports USS AIM PDF417 and FedEx PDF417 specifications for accurate barcode display and printing.
- Publisher: IDAutomation.com, Inc.
- Home page: www.idautomation.com
- Last updated: May 14th, 2015
Pdf417 generator labview in Description

VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK
Professional .NET barcode reader and barcode generator for developers. The SDK reads & writes 1D and 2D barcodes in digital images and PDF. Supported barcode types: Aztec, Code 39, Code 128, DataMatrix, EAN-8, EAN-13, Han Xin, PDF417, QR, GS1, UPC...
- Publisher: VintaSoft Ltd.
- Last updated: October 29th, 2021

VintaSoftBarcode.NET SDK
Professional .NET barcode reader and barcode generator for developers. The SDK reads & writes 1D and 2D barcodes in digital images and PDF. Supported barcode types: Aztec, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, DataMatrix, EAN-8, EAN-13, PDF417, QR, GS1, UPC...
- Publisher: VintaSoft Ltd.
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Pattern Generator
The PPG12500 is a 1-13 Gb/s single-channel Programmable Pattern Generator. Key features such as 24 Mbit user-programmable pattern memory and two-tap de-emphasis provide the capability for compliance testing in Backplane, Copper and Fiber applications e.g. PCIe, USB3.0, SAS, 802.3ap 10G Ethernet, and Displayport testing.
- Publisher: Centellax
- Last updated: December 11th, 2010

Barcodesoft PDF417 Encoder
PDF417 empowers you to encode more than 1000 alpha-numeric characters within one symbol. PDF417 is able to encode ASCII and Extended ASCII characters. PDF 417, a multi-row 2-D barcode symbology, has a unique physical structure and large data capacity. PDF417 barcode is able to encode up to 1000 alpha-numeric characters.
- Publisher: Barcodesoft
- Last updated: March 30th, 2018

RTflow is a free, lightweight dataflow modelling tool for real-time systems, somewhat similar to tools like MathWorks Simulink, National Instruments LabVIEW and SystemBuild. In RTflow, you build your system in a graphical language that is both parallel and deterministic, so that threading and timing problems are completely avoided.
- Publisher: MIS
- Last updated: February 13th, 2010
Additional Pdf417 generator labview selection

Bytescout BarCode Generator
Bytescout BarCode Generator can be used to generate and export barcodes into image formats (PNG, JPG, TIFF, GIF). This program supports 1D and 2D barcodes including Codabar, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, DataMatrix, and QR Code (including MicroQR Code and HanXinCode).
- Publisher: ByteScout, Inc
- Home page: bytescout.com
- Last updated: February 16th, 2021

Bytescout BarCode Generator SDK
Generate barcodes from .NET with Bytescout BarCode Generator SDK which provides 4 types of controls to generate, display, save barcodes: Windows Forms, WebImage Control (ASP.NET), SSRS control, ActiveX. Supports almost all barcodes (1D and 2D types).
- Publisher: ByteScout, Inc
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

NCH Tone Generator
NCH Tone Generator can be used to generate tones so it may come in handy for such uses as aligning radio audio level and calibrating sound equipment. Although the program is very easy to use, it requires background knowledge about acoustics, music and audio technology.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page: www.nch.com.au
- Last updated: September 30th, 2014

NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
Ni LabVIEW Run-Time Engine is a free program that offers you full support for executables. The Ni LabVIEW Run-Time Engine allows your browser to display VIs embedded in Web pages. The program permits you to run executables that you build with the Application Builder in LabVIEW 2013.
- Publisher: National Instruments Corporation
- Last updated: October 31st, 2013

TEC-IT Barcode Studio
Barcode Studio can generate high-quality barcode images in various formats, such as linear, 2D, GS1 and composite symbologies (QR-Code, Data Matrix, DP Premiumadress). It accepts input data in TXT and CSV format. It can also generate barcodes in specific sequences.
- Publisher: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
- Home page: www.tec-it.com
- Last updated: April 29th, 2022

Serial Key Generator
Serial Key Generator is a program to help developers generate serial numbers for applications. You can generate serial keys using a custom number of columns and characters per column. The sequence of numbers/digits can be defined in the application. The output can be saved as CSV or TXT documents.
- Publisher: VCL Examples
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2014

Microsoft Math Worksheet Generator
Microsoft Math Worksheet Generator is a very small and simple tool designed to help you generate and print worksheets with math problems and math exercises. Though very neat, lightweight and small, it comes with plenty of advantages and handy features.
- Publisher: Microsoft Education Labs
- Home page: www.pil-network.com
- Last updated: May 14th, 2013

Random Password Generator
The Random Password Generator allows you to generate random passwords of various lengths with or without mixed cases and special characters, then copy the password to the clipboard for pasting into other applications. Random Password Generator is designed to create secure & random passwords that are highly difficult to crack with options to include upper, lower case letters,and punctual symbols.
- Publisher: Sysop Scripts
- Home page: www.iobit.com
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2012

Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator
Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator can simulate the effects of real tilt-shift lens to make objects look like miniatures. This application can blur specific areas of the photograph using an intelligent algorithm. In this respect, the tool allows you to set various options to attain the expected results. For instance, you can adjust the angle and the focus size.
- Publisher: Artensoft
- Home page: www.tiltshiftgenerator.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

BrainWave Generator
Brain Wave Generator is actually a brain simulator. It can simulate your brain with different states by using your sound card and speakers or ear phone. It actually generates different sound waves with different frequencies, wavelength, pitch and intensity, and when you listen these sound waves as a sound by using ear phone for some time then your brain will be stimulated.
- Publisher: Noromaa Solutions
- Home page: www.bwgen.com
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008