Pdf417 powerbuilder in Title/Summary

Azalea PDF417 DEMO
AzaleaPDF417 creates PDF 417 bar codes using TrueType fonts. Fonts print quickly and are easy to use from within other applications. That way there's no need for a proprietary labeling package. Printing with fonts is by far the most efficient and elegant way to print PDF417 barcodes.
- Publisher: Azalea Software
- Last updated: January 6th, 2010

Morovia PDF417 Fontware and Writer SDK
Morovia PDF417 Fontware and Writer SDK is the ultimate tool box to print PDF417 symbols. PDF417 is a multi-row, variable-length symbology with high data capacity and error correction capacity.This package supports creating PDF417, Macro PDF417 and compact PDF417[1] symbols.
- Publisher: Morovia Corporation
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2011

PDF417 Font and Encoder
PDF417 Font and Encoder is a program that generates 2D PDF417 barcodes, including MacroPDF and Truncated PDF using fonts and encoder tools. It complies with ISO/IEC 15438 specifications and supports USS AIM PDF417 and FedEx PDF417 specifications for accurate barcode display and printing.
- Publisher: IDAutomation.com, Inc.
- Home page: www.idautomation.com
- Last updated: May 14th, 2015
Pdf417 powerbuilder in Description

EaseSoft Barcode ActiveX
Create or Print professional barcode images in applications. It is very easy to integrate barcode controls to any windows application that supports ActiveX technology including Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro*, C++, Delphi, ,PowerBuilder,Internet Explorer Web pages, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, etc. We have the example codes for these applications.
- Publisher: EaseSoft
- Home page: www.easesoft.net
- Last updated: March 29th, 2008

Barcodesoft PDF417 Encoder
PDF417 empowers you to encode more than 1000 alpha-numeric characters within one symbol. PDF417 is able to encode ASCII and Extended ASCII characters. PDF 417, a multi-row 2-D barcode symbology, has a unique physical structure and large data capacity. PDF417 barcode is able to encode up to 1000 alpha-numeric characters.
- Publisher: Barcodesoft
- Last updated: March 30th, 2018

pblCompare is a special tool for visual PowerBuilder Library File comparison. It has a number of simple and convenient features that many users have been asking for a long time from a PowerBuilder source code comparison tool. pblCompare is used to highlight and report on the changes made between versions of library files.
- Publisher: unisoft
- Home page: www.pblsoft.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant 2008 for Sybase PowerBuilder Applications
SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) 2008 for Sybase PowerBuilder Applications is a tool that cuts the effort, cost, and risk of migrating PowerBuilder Applications designed for Sybase to SQL Server 2008. SSMA for Sybase PowerBuilder Applications is designed to work with PowerBuilder versions and all editions of SQL Server 2008 except SQL Server 2008 Express Edition.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
- Publisher: CyanoSoft Corporation.
- Home page: www.cyanosoft.com
- Last updated: April 30th, 2008
Additional Pdf417 powerbuilder selection

PDF417 ActiveX
PDF417 is a high-capacity two dimensional bar code developed by Symbol Technologies, Inc. A PDF417 symbol can hold approximately 2000 characters of information, whereas a traditional simple linear bar code has difficulty holding more than 30 characters.
- Publisher: Symbol Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: January 25th, 2012

SAP PowerBuilder
SAP PowerBuider is an application development tool and declarative programming environment. Its declarative programming environment and high level of abstraction simplifies the complexities of application development, allowing developers to focus on designing highly effective business logic.
- Publisher: SAP AG
- Last updated: August 6th, 2015

PowerBuilder Application Updater
The PBUpdater program is a tool for enabling PowerBuilder applications to automatically get updates form the internet. The software also includes a program that packages and uploads the application files. Another feature is that it has a sample application.
- Publisher: TopWiz Software
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

PDF417 Encoder
The implementation of PDF417 as a font consists of both the encoder and the font. The purpose of the encoder is to convert the data to encode into proper bar and space patterns formatted to IDAutomation's PDF417 barcode font. It is necessary to use the encoder because of the complexity of the symbology and the required Reed Solomon error correction.
- Publisher: IDAutomation.com, Inc.
- Home page: www.idautomation.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2012

PDF417 ISAPI Extension
PDF417 ISAPI Extension is a technology that allows you to extend the functionality of an IIS server.ISAPI Extension is a single DLL file that can be executed directly by the IIS server. ISAPI Extensions for generating barcodes on the Web is the simplest and most effective solution for an IIS server.
- Publisher: RKD Software

PDF417 Decoder SDK/LIB
Developers can read barcodes regardless of orientation, skewing or flipping. Barcodes can be detected and read from specific areas of interest. and barcodes can be read from a variety of supported image file formats and can be acquired from scanners
- Publisher: AIPSYS Software Laboratory
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

PSRViewer - PowerBuilder Report Viewer
The PSR viewer allows you to view PowerBuilder reports that were saved in a file using the PSR file format. Executive Series is written in PowerBuilder and can save reports as PSRs. Also, you can email reports and documents such as Purchase Orders from Executive Series. The receiver of the email needs either Executive Series or a PSR viewer in order to look at the PSR.
- Publisher: TopWiz Software
- Last updated: January 21st, 2011

TEC-IT Barcode Studio
Barcode Studio can generate high-quality barcode images in various formats, such as linear, 2D, GS1 and composite symbologies (QR-Code, Data Matrix, DP Premiumadress). It accepts input data in TXT and CSV format. It can also generate barcodes in specific sequences.
- Publisher: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
- Home page: www.tec-it.com
- Last updated: April 29th, 2022

PBSearch - Advanced PowerBuilder Search
PBSearch is the fastest and easiest object searcher for PowerBuilder. PBSearch supports PowerBuilder versions 8 thru 12 (Classic Only) as well as PocketBuilder.PBSearch has a command line argument to tell it which version of PowerBuilder to work with. If this argument isn't given, a window will pop up asking which version to use.
- Publisher: TopWiz Software

Bytescout BarCode Generator
Bytescout BarCode Generator can be used to generate and export barcodes into image formats (PNG, JPG, TIFF, GIF). This program supports 1D and 2D barcodes including Codabar, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, DataMatrix, and QR Code (including MicroQR Code and HanXinCode).
- Publisher: ByteScout, Inc
- Home page: bytescout.com
- Last updated: February 16th, 2021