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Png turbo icon in Title/Summary

Turbo Icon Editor

Turbo Icon Editor

Turbo Icon Editor is an icon editor, create, and convert tool.It's can creating, editing multipage ICO, CUR, eazy and fast. you can convert images (BMP, JPG, TIF, PCX, GIF, CUR, PNG, WMF, EMF, WBMP, TGA, DCX, CRW etc) to icons, and you can load icon from EXE, DLL formate. it support a lot of effects and filters, including showshadow, flip, rotate, gray scale, negative, contrast.

  • Publisher: Magicrsoft Inc.
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2008
PNG To Icon Converter

PNG To Icon Converter

PNG To Icon Converter is a great and easy tool that lets you convert your PNG image format (.png) files into Icon image format (.ico) files in very large quantities. The conversion is very fast which allows you to convert thousands of files at a time in just seconds.

Easy PNG to Icon Converter

Easy PNG to Icon Converter

Easy PNG to Icon Converter is a free tool designed for fast converting PNG images to Icons.The program allows you to set up the width and height of your icons, you can choose from various formats such as Monochrome, RGBA or RGB and the transparency level.

  • Publisher: Mohammad Yousefi
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2013

Png turbo icon in Description



Save time when working with a batch of images. Convert and process images from the Windows right-click menu. Enhance images with more than 40 image filters. Supports over 150+ image formats such as JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, ICON, PSD. Commandline support.

Portable Icon Editor

Portable Icon Editor

Portable Icon Editor is a power-packed icon editor, featuring abilities to work with Windows 8 icons and to extract icons from all files in selected (sub) folders and save them as icon libraries. It has a knack for refining your system interface!

  • Publisher: AhaView
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2015
Icon Profi

Icon Profi

Finden, extrahieren, bearbeiten und erstellen Sie Windows Icons in Farbtiefen bis zu 16 Millionen Farben. Im-/exportieren Sie ICO, BMP, JPG, PNG, ICPR Bilder. Stellen Sie Iconbibliotheken zusammen. Erstellen Sie Bilder die einige Schichten enthalten.

WinMx Turbo Accelerator

WinMx Turbo Accelerator

WinMX Turbo Accelerator is a powerful plug-in for WinMX P2P application. WinMX Turbo Accelerator boosts up downloads speed and increase the amount of download sources. Interface is attractive and easy to use. Main Features: - Finished and wrong files are cleaned automatically; - Finds more sources at user-specified intervals; - Interface is easy operable by a system tray icon;

  • Publisher: WebSpeeders LLC
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Perfect Security Icons

Perfect Security Icons

Perfect Security Icons is a collection of wonderfully-crafted stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites and presentations. The icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.

Additional Png turbo icon selection

Dr. Folder

Dr. Folder

Dr. Folder can search and replace the standard icon of a folder. It can make your folders lively using various icons that you can select. This program helps you differentiate folder icons of local directories with network or shared folders. You can also add special icons for important folders that must not be removed.

ImageBadger Image Converter

ImageBadger Image Converter

Save time when working with a batch of images. Convert and process images from the Windows Explorer right-click menu. Easily resize and rotate images, enhance your images with more than 40 image filters, turn any image into an icon, make thumbnail images, create pencil drawings of photos, copy images to clipboard from Windows Explorer and much more! ImageBadger is a cutting-edge batch processing and image conversion software which supports over 150+ image formats such as JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, ICON, PSD and PSP. All features are available through commandline calls.



This handy tool offers one of the simplest and fastest ways of creating icons that look great, and, best of all, you won't have to resort to copying other peoples' icons, or to pay professionals to create them for you. Iconion's main advantage is the fact that it comes packed with numerous preset templates of icons that you can load and then fully customize to your liking.

  • Publisher: Iconion
  • Home page: iconion.com
  • Last updated: July 7th, 2015
Easy Picture2Icon

Easy Picture2Icon

Easy Picture2Icon is a very simple, neat and handy utility that lets you create icons from your very own pictures. It lets you load any JPEG, BMP, GIF, or PNG image file and convert it to an ICO image of the standard 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 icon dimensions, therefore it can create fully-compatible Windows icons that can be associated with any application, file, or command.

  • Publisher: Picture2Icon.com
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2010
We Image to Icon Converter

We Image to Icon Converter

Not all icon creation tools can produce up to 42 versions of the same icon in one go using any given JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIFF, WMF, or EMF image file, and make it in such a way that even those who know nothing about image compression or image resolution feel they can do it. We Image to Icon Converter is one such a tool.

  • Publisher: iWesoft
  • Last updated: July 25th, 2012
Buddy Icon Constructor FREE

Buddy Icon Constructor FREE

Buddy Icon Constructor Free is a simple and handy buddy icon creator. You can create your buddy icon for any Messenger or forum. Create your buddy icon with one mouse click!

Right Click Image Converter

Right Click Image Converter

Convert between image formats from the Windows shell. Supports JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, ICON, and several other file formats. Also can rotate/resize images. Right click on a file or a group of files in Windows, and select Convert to. As simple as that.

PNG Icon Generator

PNG Icon Generator

Rather than creating each specific icon size yourself, create one image (256x256 PNG) in your favorite Graphics Editor and use this application to then generate the required icons for you. An icon generator (png files) for Adobe® AIR™ applications. Generates all 4 icon sizes from a single 256x256 png file.

  • Publisher: Peter Ginneberge
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2009


Total Icon Organizer catalogues your icon collection and gives you advanced search options. Designers, site builders, developers usually have thousands of icons. It's hard to find the necessary one in such huge collections. Total Icon Organizer can help. In contrast to image organizers it is designed to work with large amount of icons (up to several millions) - fast.

  • Publisher: Softplicity, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2009
Chameleon Icons

Chameleon Icons

Chamaleon Icons is a program that can create Windows icons from images of any format. Customized icons are a great detail for those who love giving their personal touch to desktop applications. Icons can be created from images of all .jpg formats, .gif, .png, or .bmp. In addition, you can also use a movie frame from .mpg, .avi, and .swf files.

  • Publisher: Softshape
  • Last updated: May 9th, 2008