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Pole-zero plot ti nspire in Title/Summary

TI-Nspire CAS Student Software

TI-Nspire CAS Student Software

TI-Nspire CAS Student Software is a powerful computer software with a Computer Algebra System (CAS) that satisfies math and science curriculum needs from middle school through college. Symbolically solve equations, factor and expand variable expressions, complete the square, find antiderivatives, compute limits, find exact solutions in irrational form and more.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments
  • Home page: education.ti.com
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2015
TI-Nspire™ CAS Teacher Software

TI-Nspire™ CAS Teacher Software

This software helps educators save time and present important concepts. The TI-SmartView™ emulator's virtual TI-Nspire CX handheld delivers full color. The virtual TI-Nspire handhelds with Touchpad or Clickpad display high-resolution grayscale. Integrate the software and built-in TI-SmartView emulator with technology already in your classroom to extend original investment for new uses.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated
  • Home page: education.ti.com
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2014
TI-Nspire (TM) Student Software

TI-Nspire (TM) Student Software

TI-Nspire Student Software for homework. The TI-Nspire or new full-color TI-Nspire CX graphing calculator for class assignments. Identical handheld-software functionality. Take what you've started in class on the handheld and finish on your home PC or Mac® computer.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated.
  • Home page: education.ti.com
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2012

Pole-zero plot ti nspire in Description



TiLP is a PC linking program for Linux, Windows, Mac OS-X and FreeBSD. It works with all cables (serial, parallel, BlackLink, GreyLink and Silver/DirectLink cables, VTI and TiEmu virtual links) and all calcs (73, 82, 83, 83+(SE), 84+(SE), 85, 86, 89, 89T, 92, 92+, V200, Nspire, Nspire CAS).

  • Publisher: The TiLP Team
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2008


TiLP is a TI Linking Program. As capabilities : Capabilities : silent link, screendump, directory listing, send/recv of vars, send/Recv of backups, send/recv of FLASH apps, send of OS, ROM dumping, ID LIST, clock, create folder, delete var/app. Supported platforms are : Linux, Windows, Mac OS-X, FreeBSD.

  • Publisher: The TiLP Team
  • Home page: lpg.ticalc.org
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2008
FreeHEP Java 3D Lego Plot

FreeHEP Java 3D Lego Plot

The FreeHEP Java3D Lego Plot was written as a test application for the Java3D Plotting Package. This package includes three plotting classes: a 2D Lego Plot, a Surface Plot, and a 3D Scatter Plot. The 3D Lego plotting class also generates a “line plot” in which each box is replaced by a vertical line for animation of the plot on slower systems.

Plot Digitizer

Plot Digitizer

Plot Digitizer was designed to help the user to extract information from two-dimensional plots. Plot Digitizer is very easy to use. Converted data can be exported in different formats. The program also has tools for automating curves selection, inserting intermediate points, recalibrating y axis independently. Plot Digitizer is multiplatform.



ES-Plot is a FREEWARE program intended to be used as a tool for users who generate ASCII text data files and desire to make quick plots of the contents of these files. For example, scientists and engineers who write analysis programs often generate a text file of analysis results. ES-Plot can quickly plot the data in these files.

  • Publisher: Steven Folkman
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2012

Additional Pole-zero plot ti nspire selection

Doctor Who: The Gunpowder Plot

Doctor Who: The Gunpowder Plot

The Doctor, Amy and Rory realise they are at a pivotal point in time when it emerges that the Doctor isn't the only alien in town… Join the Doctor in an exciting adventure full of puzzles, avoiding adversaries, and collecting items in order to outwit and overcome those who would change history for their own dark ends.

  • Publisher: British Broadcasting Corp.
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2013
Plot Stalker

Plot Stalker

Thanks to the technology of the Moultrie Plot Stalker and time-lapse photography, you can see a full day of activity condensed to a 10-minute video clip. Now you can see what happens on your green field or favorite hunting spot even when you're not there.

  • Publisher: EBSCO Industries, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2011


Rt-Plot is a tool to generate Cartesian X/Y-plots from scientific data. You can enter and calculate tabular data. View the changing graphs, including linear and non linear regression, interpolation, differentiation and integration, during entering.

  • Publisher: Rt-Science
  • Home page: www.rt-science.de
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009


It is an application designed for technical plotting and data analysis. It has a powerful scientific spreadsheet for data analysis, and an object-oriented on screen graphics editor that makes it easy to design and modify graphs. Main Features; - powerful scientific spreadsheet. - data import from Excel, ASCII, CSV, Access, DBase, etc.

  • Publisher: Poly Software International, Inc.
  • Home page: www.polysoftware.com
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2013
Cumulative Probability Plot

Cumulative Probability Plot

Cumulative Probability Plot does all of the statistical mathematics for you and outputs the data in a visual format that can be easily interpreted by people with a limited knowledge of statistics.The graph is also useful for a quick demonstration to regulators or other interested parties that your product or process is within acceptable tolerance or meets regulatory limits.

  • Publisher: Rad Pro Calculator
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2010
Plot Advance

Plot Advance

Plot Advance is a software for producing identification and labelling systems. The software includes electrical symbols, simple and complex counters, prefix and suffix a ddition, duplication, copying, jobs, projects, modifications, customisations. Supports sheets of pilot system tags, markers and legends, designed for the identification of cables, terminal blocks, control gear, push buttons.

  • Publisher: Cembre S.p.a.
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2011
Plot Control

Plot Control

Plot Control is a program for story writers to better manage the elements of their story. This application allows you to start with an idea and build out your story dynamically with its built in drag and drop capabilities on the structure timeline; you can keep on rearranging things until you get it right.

  • Publisher: Control Writer Software, LLC
  • Last updated: October 4th, 2015


DI-Plot has finally closed the gap between prepress and printing in the digital workflow. For the first time, it is possible to achieve a reliable Okay-to-Print based on the original data after it's been ripped and separated. The proofs are inexpensive and yet of the highest possible precision. With DI-Plot, production reliability can be stepped up to an unprecedented degree.

  • Publisher: Digital Information Limited
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2011
TI-Nspire Navigator Teacher Software

TI-Nspire Navigator Teacher Software

Developed specifically for educators and available in color, TI-Nspire Teacher Software enables your computer to function just like the TI-Nspire graphing calculator. Educators can use the TI-Nspire Teacher Software to present engaging problems and real-world concepts for the entire class to see, experience and easily follow along.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated
  • Last updated: June 14th, 2012
Plot To Data

Plot To Data

Plot To Data is a program for Windows that allows you to gather (digitize) data points and coordinates of a plot or graph out of a JPG, GIF, BMP, Clipboard picture or photo. You get the data in text form which you can use in any program such as Excel, Origin, etc. It is also possible to use this program as a distance measure in pictures with a scale bar such as AFM or SEM images.

  • Publisher: soft-hummingbird
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2014