Powered by phpbb lab created in Title/Summary

MIMIC Virtual Lab CCNA
MIMIC Virtual Lab CCNA creates a real world lab environment with a network of Cisco Routers and Switches to train for the CCNA certification.
- Publisher: Gambit Communications, Inc.
- Home page: www.gambitcomm.com
- Last updated: October 26th, 2010

Nations Photo Lab ROES Easy
Nations Photo Lab is a professional photo lab that provides the highest-quality professional photo printing services and products at industry-leading prices. Nations Photo Lab prides itself on being the photo printing lab of choice for professionals as well as anyone else looking for high quality professional photo finishing services.
- Publisher: Nations Photo Lab
- Last updated: June 14th, 2012

Magic Tree 3D Screensaver Powered by AdVantage
Imagine yourself hiking around green mountains and suddenly discovering what you were looking for! A mystic pond with an island in the middle. And on the island, as a vigilant statue vibrant with life, stands the old oak tree. People say that only on this night, the tree will grant wishes to everyone that walks beneath its branches.
- Publisher: Digital Minds Software
- Home page: www.digimindsoft.com
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Powered by phpbb lab created in Description

iPulse Desktop Widget powered by fox11online.com
Get the latest news, your daily weather forecast and current conditions right on your desktop with iPulse powered by fox11online. This easy-to-install desktop widget will keep you connected with updated weather conditions, storm warnings, radar and the latest news headlines.
- Publisher: LIN Television Corporation
- Last updated: May 25th, 2010

With valuable resources at arm’s reach, designers can achieve expert results. Solar professionals can do away with needless repetition and start to make solar plans quickly and efficiently. Selecting design criteria from PVCAD’s integrated databases not only saves time but reduces the risk of costly errors and omissions.
- Publisher: PVComplete Inc
- Home page: www.pvcomplete.com
- Last updated: November 8th, 2017

Virtual Chemistry Lab
This program has all the things needed in a school chemistry laboratory, from the substances to the equipment. It has all the advantages of a real lab and none of its drawbacks. The program can help them to test different reactions and solve different problems. It can be used both at school and at home.
- Publisher: OMEGANET
- Last updated: July 6th, 2008

Test Generator Software Business Edition
EPractize Labs Test Generator Lab for Test or Quiz Generation.
- Publisher: EPractize Labs Software
- Home page: www.epractizelabs.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Test Generator Software Standard Edition
EPractize Labs Test Generator Lab for Test or Quiz Generation.
- Publisher: EPractize Labs Software
- Home page: www.epractizelabs.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
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WD Align - Powered by Acronis
WD Align will allow the user to realign partitions on internal Western Digital Advanced Format Drives (AFDs). WD Align is only necessary for users who have: - Installed Windows XP to a WD AFD - Cloned a source bootable hard drive with any Windows OS to a target AFD - Created single or multiple partitions on an AFD using Windows XP
- Publisher: Western Digital Corporation
- Last updated: February 20th, 2012

Kodu Game Lab
Create your own game based on the programming language specifically dedicated to generating levels, mechanics, and graphics. Multiple types of visual tools are available for creating and customizing applications for personal computers and the Xbox console line. Debugging features are present.
- Publisher: Microsoft Research
- Home page: www.kodugamelab.com
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2023

PSIM’s power electronics simulator can be used for the design of power supplies, motor drives, battery storage systems, microgrid connections, and multi-level converters. It can create embedded program codes from control system block diagrams with a single click.
- Publisher: Powersim, Inc.
- Last updated: February 24th, 2023

MAGIX audio cleaning lab
MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab is a program designed for digitizing vinyl records and restoring audio recordings. You can easily record vinyl, cassettes and other media to your computer; remove hissing, crackling, wind noise and other disturbances using the 290+ presets available; convert audio files into any standard format and save them to CD, smartphone or hard drive, and more.
- Publisher: MAGIX AG
- Home page: www.magix.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Sony Snap Lab Utility
Digital photo printer utility for professional software distribution service. To open the utilities, double-click on the Sony SnapLab Utility shortcut created on your desktop at install time, or else open the Start menu and click on Sony SnapLab Utility - Sony SnapLab Utility. For information about how to use these utilities, please refer to the operation manual.
- Publisher: Sony
- Last updated: February 17th, 2010

PSD Viewer
PSD Viewer is a utility that allows you to view files in the PSD, AI or EPS formats, without having to install Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator on your computer. PSD is a format to which files created in Photoshop can be saved and that supports several image modes (Duotone, Grayscale, Indexed Color, Multichannel and Lab).
- Publisher: IdeaMK
- Home page: psdviewer.org
- Last updated: April 1st, 2010

DRPU Bulk SMS (Professional)
This handy application offers a convenient method of sending SMS messages to multiple contacts at the same time. It's really easy to use and it works using different SMS sending methods, including based on using USB modems, simple GSM mobile phones, or modern Android and Windows-powered smartphones.
- Publisher: DRPU Software Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page: www.drpusoftware.com
- Last updated: January 25th, 2016

InnovaTint Lab
InnovaTint Lab Manage is a lab color software for Windows users. The program's flexible management system allows you to import data easily from external sources, and also export data to use it for other purposes. Lab Manage works in one master database but enables databases to be created on the fly that can be tailor-made for stores.
- Publisher: Chromaflo Technologies
- Home page: www.innovatint.com
- Last updated: December 14th, 2017

DVD-lab PRO is a program for professional DVD authoring. Using this program, you will be able to generate complete DVDs, with menus, titles, subtitles, audio and video. The process implies that you drag and drop audio, video and subtitles onto a timeline. You can also select subtitles for each movie and alternate audio streams.
- Publisher: Mediachance
- Home page: www.mediachance.com
- Last updated: July 6th, 2014

Selteco Photo Lab
This application is a photo editor and viewer, as well as an image enhancer. It allows you either to browse through your computer in order to select the picture you want to adjust, or to take a screenshot and use it as source for further quality improvement, or to open an existing file or the last edited document for further customization.
- Publisher: Selteco Software
- Last updated: January 30th, 2013