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Pressure transient analysis excel in Title/Summary

F.A.S.T. WellTest

F.A.S.T. WellTest

F.A.S.T. WellTest is a pressure transient analysis program that enables you to interpret reservoir-flow characteristics and predict future deliverability based on buildup and short-term drawdown well test information. Diagnostic plots, as well as G Function and DFIT analyses for minifrac tests, are used to identify flow regimes and estimate reservoir parameters.

  • Publisher: Fekete Associates Inc.
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2014
LateralK: Earth Pressure Analysis Software

LateralK: Earth Pressure Analysis Software

LateralK is simple software for calculating lateral earth pressure coefficients and forces behind retaining walls in static and earthquake condition based on Rankine/ Coulumb formulae and also Mononobe/ Okabe methods.

PIE Well-Test

PIE Well-Test

The PIE well-test analysis program is a complete package for the manipulation and interpretation of pressure transient tests for oil and gas wells. Some of the main features are: - A standard Windows user interface for data manipulation and display of analysis plots. Full copy and paste facilities are available to exchange data with other programs.

Pressure transient analysis excel in Description

F.A.S.T. ValiData

F.A.S.T. ValiData

F.A.S.T. ValiData™ with “Real-time Data Capture” is a comprehensive program used to collect pressure-temperature-rate data, and easily generate professional reports. With its superb graphical capabilities, data can be plotted and scrutinized with ease.

  • Publisher: Fekete Associates Inc.
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2012


ThSim is a simulation program for evaluating thermal conduction in solid material. This solid material can consist of multiple cubes of different material properties. A typical use is transient temperature rises in semiconductors, down to very short events where measurements are no longer possible. For temperature calculations the transient analysis of SPICE is used.

  • Publisher: Markus Greither
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
SF Pressure Drop

SF Pressure Drop

SF Pressure Drop for Excel is a program that calculates pressure drops of flowing liquids and gases in pipes (laminar and turbulent flows). It's also possible to calculate pressure changes caused by vertical differences of pipe and caused by changes of the kinetic energy (a dynamic pressure change) and you can combine diverse elements and so you will get total pressure drop.

  • Publisher: Software-Factory Norbert Schmitz
  • Home page: www.pressure-drop.com
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2012


Agros2D is a multi-platform C++ application designed for the solution of partial differential equations (PDE) based on the Hermes library. It provides features such as: - Numerical solution of physical fields (single and multi-physics analysis with the possibility of weak and hard coupling) - Complex time-dependent nonlinear solver - Steady state, harmonic and transient analysis

  • Publisher: Agros2D Development Team
  • Home page: www.agros2d.org
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2015
VAT - Control Performance Analyzer

VAT - Control Performance Analyzer

Using this software, basic functions like “setup of controller”, “open valve”, “close valve”, “learn”, “up- download of learned data” can be executed, and many convenient functions like “monitoring pressure/position”, “analysis of pressure control performance”, “communication monitor”, etc. are available.

  • Publisher: VAT Vakuumventile AG
  • Home page: www.vatvalve.com
  • Last updated: November 27th, 2017

Additional Pressure transient analysis excel selection



SigmaPlot helps you create various kinds of graphs and statistical plots using given data. It comes with a Graph Properties user interface, where you can easily change various properties and values of graphs; the change is immediately graphed on your screen.

  • Publisher: Systat Software, Inc
  • Last updated: July 26th, 2018
Golf Tracker for Excel

Golf Tracker for Excel

Golf Tracker for Excel is a custom application written for Microsoft Excel and is completely compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2002 (XP), Excel 2003, Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. It provides comprehensive record keeping and analysis of all your golf statistics. Data entry is simplified through the use of intuitive easy to use forms and interactive dialog boxes.

  • Publisher: DJI Computer Solutions
  • Home page: www.djicomputer.com
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in

Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in

Adds data curve fitting, interpolation and data smoothing functions to Excel. Functions include polynomial fits, several types of splines, and local regressions. Filters include moving average, Gaussian smoothing and median filtering.



Designed to assess the risk of Voltage instability and margin of stability during sudden disturbances, under steady state conditions. It ranks the load busses based on the L-index value and the highest L-index indicates the system collapse point. The value of L-index is zero at no load and 1 at the verge of collapsing point.

  • Publisher: PRDC
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2010
RExcel Noncommercial

RExcel Noncommercial

The background technology is available as a set of components for all platforms to easily build custom applications based on the powerful data analysis and graphics toolboxes from R and Scilab. We support a wide range of different languages (e.g., VBA, VB, C#, C++, Python, Java) and different technology platforms (COM/DCOM, .NET, Uno, C, Web Services SOAP/http) to build and integrate solutions.

  • Publisher: Erich Neuwirth
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2013
ESBPDF Analysis

ESBPDF Analysis

ESBPDF Analysis allows you to calculate and graph different discrete and continuous probability distributions. You can use different ranges for each distribution. In the case of continuous probabilities you can calculate the range instead of calculating the probability. You can also calculate binomial coefficients, factorials, permutations, and the Gamma and Beta functions.

  • Publisher: ESB Consultancy
  • Home page: www.esbconsult.com
  • Last updated: October 9th, 2008
Enabler for Excel

Enabler for Excel

Enabler for Excel is your gateway to the SFDC database available right from the Microsoft Excel ribbon. You can calculate field utilization percentage, analyze layouts to understand what fields are visible and generate a VisualForce page based on an object layout.

  • Publisher: Taralex LLC
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2015


ModelRisk is a program that provides advanced Monte Carlo simulation in Excel. The results are presented in a separate window that allows you to customize, save and share a comprehensive range of graphical and statistical analyses. It incorporates a truly complete range of distributions.

Sigma Magic

Sigma Magic

Sigma Magic software is based on Excel templates. For each analysis, a separate template is defined. A list of all available templates is shown on the right. The templates are broadly divided into 4 categories: Project templates, lean templates, stats templates and graph templates.

  • Publisher: Rapid Sigma Solutions LLP
  • Home page: www.sigmamagic.com
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2016
Excel Trip Expense Manager

Excel Trip Expense Manager

Excel Trip Expense Manager is an Excel utility for managing business trip expenses. The program is designed to be an extremely useful tool for those who go on business trips frequently and want to keep track of their business trip expenses systematically.

  • Publisher: Vonixx
  • Last updated: August 17th, 2010