Psychrometrics matplotlib in Title/Summary

Python - matplotlib
Matplotlib tries to make easy things easy and hard things possible. You can generate plots, histograms, power spectra, bar charts, errorcharts, scatterplots, etc, with just a few lines of code. For a sampling, see the screenshots, thumbnail gallery, and examples directory
- Publisher: Darren Dale, Eric Firing, Reinier Heeres, John Hunter, Jeff Whitaker, Michael Droettboom, Michiel de Hoon, Russell Owen, Benjamin Root
- Last updated: April 28th, 2012

Python matplotlib-1.0.1
Matplotlib Python plotting package strives to produce publication quality 2D graphics for interactive graphing, scientific publishing, user interface development and web application servers targeting multiple user interfaces and hardcopy output formats. There is a 'pylab' mode which emulates matlab graphics
- Publisher: Python Software Foundation
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 18th, 2011

Python matplotlib-1.1.0
Python matplotlib-1.1.0 strives to produce quality 2-D graphics for scientific publishing, interactive graphing, web application servers and user interface development targeting hardcopy output formats and multiple user interfaces. There is a 'pylab' mode which emulates matlab graphics.
- Publisher: Python Software Foundation
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 25th, 2011
Psychrometrics matplotlib in Description

HVAC Tools program allows the quick calculation of 13 common HVAC design tasks. These tasks include duct sizing, wire sizing, three way coil interpolation, mixed air and state point psychrometrics, fan curve and cost analysis, U-Factor calculations, natural gas pipe sizing, refrigeration line sizing, general pipe sizing, hot/chilled water pipe analysis..
- Publisher: Elite Software Development, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 28th, 2013

Heatcraft HDPsyChart
Traditionally, psychrometric charts were used on its paper versions with all its limitations. Heatcraft HDPsyChart brings this tool to the digital age. You’ll be able to zoom in the chart, you’ll be able to state several points of interest knowing all its characteristics, and what’s more interesting, you’ll be able to connect several points into a thermodynamic process.
- Publisher: Hands Down Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 20th, 2008

This program provides Psychrometric properties of air given two properties as input values at a known altitude (or atmospheric pressure). The properties are determined using the ideal gas law for the behavior of air. Once the properties are determined, the point is indicated on the Psychrometric chart.
- Publisher: Archon Engineering,PC
- Last updated: January 13th, 2010

AirCode is a moist air thermal system simulation calculator with active psychrometrics charts and active heat transfer widgets. Equations in object-orientated code can describe and simulate the performance of almost any kind of complex system. The process may be continuously improved by using reduced data to increase the accuracy and completeness of the system models.
- Publisher: InstinctCode
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

DreamPie was designed from the ground up to bring you a great interactive Python experience. Main features: - Features automatic completion of attributes and file names. - Automatically displays function arguments and documentation. - Keeps your recent results in the result history, for later use.
- Publisher: Noam Yorav-Raphael
- Last updated: October 13th, 2010
Additional Psychrometrics matplotlib selection

Psychrometrics Program
Get Psyched!TM will allow you to do psychrometric calculations in MS Excel. The software is based on ASHRAE correlations and is more than accurate enough for HVAC applications. It works with both English (IP) and Metric (SI) units. You can calculate these properties in any Excel spreadsheet.
- Publisher: Daikin
- Last updated: May 10th, 2019

Greenheck Psychrometrics
A psychrometric chart is a design tool to graph a building's HVAC thermodynamic air conditions and processes. Properties displayed on a chart include dry-bulb temperatures, wet-bulb temperatures, dewpoint temperatures, relative humidity, humidity ratio, specific volume, and enthalpy.
- Publisher: Greenheck Fan Corporation
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

CARRIER Psychrometrics
Psychometric charting and process energy analysis software with unmatched chart presentation quality and accuracy. This software operates on any PC with Windows 95, 98, NT or 2000. Inputs are entered into the program through Windows standard interface with simple "point and click" operation.
- Publisher: Hands Down Software
- Home page:

HVAC Tools
The HVAC Tools program allows the quick calculation of HVAC design tasks. These tasks include duct sizing, wire sizing, three way coil interpolation, mixed air and state point psychrometrics, fan curve and cost analysis, U-Factor calculations, natural gas pipe sizing, refrigeration line sizing and others.
- Publisher: Elite Software Development, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 16th, 2014

dicompyler is an extensible, fully open source radiation therapy research platform based on the DICOM standard. It also functions as a cross-platform DICOM RT viewer. dicompyler is written in Python and is built on pydicom, wxPython, PIL, and matplotlib and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
- Publisher: dicompyler Project
- Last updated: February 20th, 2013

Python - scikits.learn
It aims to provide simple and efficient solutions to learning problems that are accessible to everybody and reusable in various contexts: machine-learning as a versatile tool for science and engineering. Is a Python module integrating classic machine learning algorithms in the tightly-knit world of scientific
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2012

CYTSoft Psychrometric Chart
This is an interactive and intelligent psychrometric chart designed for thermodynamics-related industries, especially HVAC and refrigerating. It helps engineers calculate, analyze, draw, edit, print, and export conditions and processes of moist air quickly and accurately.
- Publisher: CYTSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 7th, 2015

Right-Suite Tools
Right-Suite® Tools consists of two modules: Right-ToolsTM and Right-PsychrometricsTM designed to provide you with the HVAC tools that you need for efficient and accurate calculation and examination of HVAC systems and processes. Right-ToolsTM is a collection of calculators that are simple, and incredibly accurate.
- Publisher: Wrightsoft Corporation
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

HumidAir Excel Add-In
The psychrometrics Excel Add-In library calculates 35 thermodynamic properties of humid (moist) air in SI and English units. It allows 21 different combinations of input variables to be used for calculations.Input variables that can be used are:-pressure, -dry bulb temperature, -wet bulb temperature, -dew point tempertature, -relative humidity,
- Publisher: MegaWatSoft
- Home page:

Python PyPlotter-0.8.9
PyPlotter is an open source 2D graph plotting package for Python and Jython. It was primarily written for use in the CoopSim package. If you do not rely on Jython support or any other of PyPlotter's special featurs (see key features list below), you will probably be better off with one of the more common Python plotting packages like Matplotlib.
- Publisher: Eckhart Arnold
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011