Psychrometrics with scilab in Title/Summary

Scilab is a mathematical computing program similar to MATLAB. It includes a graphical circuit designer and simulation tool called Xcos - this is similar to Simulink in MATLAB, but with less features. Scilab is an excellent tool for anyone to solve optimization problems. You can download additional toolboxes from the developer site.
- Publisher: Scilab Enterprises S.A.S
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2021

Chameleon SDK Scilab
The Chameleon Software Development Kit (SDK) is the tool that you use to develop on the Chameleon. To start developing you don't even need a Chameleon, as you can still download the SDK and get started. SciLab is a powerful open software tool compatible with Matlab, which makes it easier to develop signal processing algorithms.
- Publisher: chameleon Synth Net

SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation
The SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation is a unit operation implementation for which the calculations can be entered in SciLab. To get started with the SciLab CAPE-OPEN unit operation, start your CAPE-OPEN capable simulation environment and insert a SciLab CAPE-OPEN unit operation. Edit a unit operation.
- Publisher: AmsterCHEM
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 6th, 2015
Psychrometrics with scilab in Description

FFTW Library for scilab-5.1.1
FFTW Library for scilab-5.1.1 provides a set of fftw functions. This is a scilab interface for fftw library v.3. It provides a set of fftw functions. Both source and pre-compiled library of interface are provided (linux and windows). Scilab documentation is also provided. FFTW is a GPL software, developed by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson.
- Publisher: Matteo Frigo
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2012

SciLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import
This SciLab package allows for importing CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic and physical Property Packages into SciLab. A command driven package allows for selecting a CAPE-OPEN Property Package, and then perform thermodynamic and physical property calculations as well as thermodynamic equilibrium calculations inside SciLab.
- Publisher: AmsterCHEM
- Last updated: October 6th, 2015

HVAC Tools program allows the quick calculation of 13 common HVAC design tasks. These tasks include duct sizing, wire sizing, three way coil interpolation, mixed air and state point psychrometrics, fan curve and cost analysis, U-Factor calculations, natural gas pipe sizing, refrigeration line sizing, general pipe sizing, hot/chilled water pipe analysis..
- Publisher: Elite Software Development, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 28th, 2013

Heatcraft HDPsyChart
Traditionally, psychrometric charts were used on its paper versions with all its limitations. Heatcraft HDPsyChart brings this tool to the digital age. You’ll be able to zoom in the chart, you’ll be able to state several points of interest knowing all its characteristics, and what’s more interesting, you’ll be able to connect several points into a thermodynamic process.
- Publisher: Hands Down Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 20th, 2008

This program provides Psychrometric properties of air given two properties as input values at a known altitude (or atmospheric pressure). The properties are determined using the ideal gas law for the behavior of air. Once the properties are determined, the point is indicated on the Psychrometric chart.
- Publisher: Archon Engineering,PC
- Last updated: January 13th, 2010
Additional Psychrometrics with scilab selection

Psychrometrics Program
Get Psyched!TM will allow you to do psychrometric calculations in MS Excel. The software is based on ASHRAE correlations and is more than accurate enough for HVAC applications. It works with both English (IP) and Metric (SI) units. You can calculate these properties in any Excel spreadsheet.
- Publisher: Daikin
- Last updated: May 10th, 2019

Greenheck Psychrometrics
A psychrometric chart is a design tool to graph a building's HVAC thermodynamic air conditions and processes. Properties displayed on a chart include dry-bulb temperatures, wet-bulb temperatures, dewpoint temperatures, relative humidity, humidity ratio, specific volume, and enthalpy.
- Publisher: Greenheck Fan Corporation
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

CARRIER Psychrometrics
Psychometric charting and process energy analysis software with unmatched chart presentation quality and accuracy. This software operates on any PC with Windows 95, 98, NT or 2000. Inputs are entered into the program through Windows standard interface with simple "point and click" operation.
- Publisher: Hands Down Software
- Home page:

RExcel Noncommercial
The background technology is available as a set of components for all platforms to easily build custom applications based on the powerful data analysis and graphics toolboxes from R and Scilab. We support a wide range of different languages (e.g., VBA, VB, C#, C++, Python, Java) and different technology platforms (COM/DCOM, .NET, Uno, C, Web Services SOAP/http) to build and integrate solutions.
- Publisher: Erich Neuwirth
- Last updated: March 28th, 2013

HVAC Tools
The HVAC Tools program allows the quick calculation of HVAC design tasks. These tasks include duct sizing, wire sizing, three way coil interpolation, mixed air and state point psychrometrics, fan curve and cost analysis, U-Factor calculations, natural gas pipe sizing, refrigeration line sizing and others.
- Publisher: Elite Software Development, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 16th, 2014

CYTSoft Psychrometric Chart
This is an interactive and intelligent psychrometric chart designed for thermodynamics-related industries, especially HVAC and refrigerating. It helps engineers calculate, analyze, draw, edit, print, and export conditions and processes of moist air quickly and accurately.
- Publisher: CYTSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 7th, 2015

20-sim 4C
20-sim 4C enables rapid prototyping for control engineers. With this program you can run c-code on hardware to control machines and systems. Also, the program imports models (c-code) from 20-sim, Simulink and Scilab and runs them on hardware like embedded arm boards, PC 104 systems and much more.
- Publisher: Controllab Products B.V.
- Last updated: December 26th, 2015

AirCode is a moist air thermal system simulation calculator with active psychrometrics charts and active heat transfer widgets. Equations in object-orientated code can describe and simulate the performance of almost any kind of complex system. The process may be continuously improved by using reduced data to increase the accuracy and completeness of the system models.
- Publisher: InstinctCode
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

CoolProp for Windows
CoolProp is a C++ library of pure and pseudo-pure fluid equations of state & transport properties for 122 components such as Water, CO2, R134a, Nitrogen, Argon, Ammonia, and Propane. Windows version of CoolProp can be installed as an addon for MS Excel.
- Publisher: ibell, jorritw, keplerspeed, squoilin
- Home page:

ChainLink is cross-platform data processing and visualization software that allows full and convenient access to C++ libraries, classes, functions, and Qt4 Widgets within a Matlab/Scilab/Octave style scripting environment. While Matlab and the free alternatives to Matlab do provide tools for accessing C/C++ functions from within scripts.
- Publisher: Daniel Zingaro
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 21st, 2008