Quote estimating database in Title/Summary

Quote IT Estimating Software
QuoteIT software enables companies to manage critical business functions including: quotes, estimates, customers, sales and executive information and data. Users can track costs, price, create assemblies, view history, email and calculate.
- Publisher: MIE Solutions
- Last updated: September 9th, 2011

Methvin | Estimating Software
Methvin is a user friendly estimating software product. Some of its features include the ability to break down tasks into sub-bills tasks, the ability to lock tasks independently to allow for imbalanced rates and produce invitation to tender letters.
- Publisher: Methvin
- Home page: www.methvin.org

Smart Quote Organizer
Smart Quote Organizer (SQO) is the ideal database for collecting, organizing and viewing aphorisms and quotations. The information for each quote includes: text, author, subject, language, rating, notes and unique reference key. Quotes can be filtered using a combination of criteria (string in quote, string in note, author, subject, language, rating).
- Publisher: Bruno Cancellieri
- Last updated: May 31st, 2013
Quote estimating database in Description

Customer Relationship Management, Quotations, Orders, Invoicing and Survey. Sales force automation.
- Publisher: CQWorx.com
- Last updated: December 17th, 2009

Controls Estimate
Controls Estimate includes three modules that comprise the entire software suite, including: an estimating software program, a parts requisition software program and a “central” database program that allows the user to manage all data required by the estimating and parts requisition modules including customer, vendor, parts, and other types of information.
- Publisher: Carmel Software Corporation
- Last updated: October 31st, 2008

Billcost for Windows
Billcost is a complete electronic estimating, scheduling and management system for the construction industry. It remains to this day the only construction estimating software to incorporate a full database of Material and Labour rates, all combined into powerful formula to make estimating a breeze.
- Publisher: Billcost (Pty) Ltd
- Home page: www.ppis.co.za
- Last updated: March 31st, 2015

Catfood Software Fortune Cookies
Fortune Cookies is a little application developed by Catfood Software which performs a single task: displaying a quote or joke on your desktop as if you were eating a Chinese fortune cookie, each time you log in to Windows or run Fortune Cookies. These quotes and jokes are taken from a database containing 4.000 phrases, and there's an upgrade for registered users to add new ones.
- Publisher: Catfood Software
- Last updated: December 20th, 2008

The screen saver option uses the Windows Marquee screen saver and the RJTQuoteScreenSaver which comes with RJTQuote. The package will install the following: -RJTQuote:Main program allowing searches and Random Selection -RJTQuoteCvt:Conversion Program takes alternate formats and converts them tothe double space format needed by RJTQuote
- Publisher: Jane Taubman
- Home page: www.taubman.org.uk
- Last updated: November 14th, 2011
Additional Quote estimating database selection

2013 National Heavy Construction Estimator
National Heavy Construction Estimator includes thousands of cost estimates you won’t find anywhere else, and in-depth coverage of demolition, hazardous materials remediation, tunneling, site utilities, precast concrete, structural framing, heavy timber construction, membrane waterproofing, industrial windows and doors.
- Publisher: Craftsman Book Company
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2014

Desk Quote Pro
Desk Quote Professional is an efficient easy to use database software that manages all your business activities. The software will capture all your data and print all your Estimates/Quotations , Job Sheets , Purchase Orders , Delivery Notes and Invoices. It will easily work out all your VAT payments and make all your important data available instantly.
- Publisher: Desk Quote Professional
- Home page: deskquote.co.uk
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

Desk Quote Professional
Desk Quote Professional is an efficient, and easy-to-use database software that manages all your business activities. The quotation invoice CRM software will capture all your data and print all your Estimates/Quotations, Job Sheets, Purchase Orders, Delivery Notes and Invoices.
- Publisher: Desk Quote Professional
- Last updated: September 28th, 2014

Kundli for Windows
Kundli for Windows is an astrology software with support for Indian Charting.Main Features:-Windows Compatibility -Good Presentation -Most Accurate Calculations -Screen Preview -Storage of horsocopes and modules for future references -South/North Indian Charting -Aynamsa N.C. Lahiri/ K.P. / B.V. Raman -Latitude and Logitude databases, Time Zones database -Company Name, Address Phone No. and Background Option
- Publisher: horizonaarc
- Home page: www.horizonaarc.com
- Last updated: March 24th, 2017

QuoteExpress Sheet Metal Estimating includes an accurate and customizable labor database derived from extensive per piece construction labor studies performed over ten years. QuoteExpress Piping also includes MCAA / PHCC labor or optional user-customizable labor.
- Publisher: Software Advice, Inc.
- Last updated: March 19th, 2013

Instant Quote Professional 2007
Instant Quote Professional, now powered by MS Office Access® 2007 (not required), is a feature rich Customer Database, Sales and Service application designed for businesses that require quotes and invoices. Instant Quote Pro takes the burden out of quoting and invoicing, and allows you to organize, and maintain, all customer quotes, invoices, billing and other contact management information. IQ Pro supports Dymo labels, bar codes, adding Customers from MS Outlook, e-mailing quotes and invoices, and easily tracks your Sales Tax, VAT, GST, PST, parts, purchases, jobs, recurring billing, payments and serial numbers. Over 100 pre-built reports tie all the information together!
- Publisher: PC Experts
- Last updated: April 19th, 2008

MEI Steel Estimating Software
Features -Easy to use interface for material entry -Customizable database preloaded with AISC material -Coating and shaping capability -Easy entry and selection of buyout, joist and decks quotes -Job summary information including total weight, total profit and material breakdown -Audit capability to locate errors before they cost you money -Sorted material list -Scope sheet generation
- Publisher: MEI Steel
- Last updated: April 7th, 2012

TopSolid’Quote is a simple-to-use estimate generation tool for your itinerant sales force that needs to make estimates quickly and precisely. In just a couple of clicks you can easily add your products and services and create a personalized estimate. The new TopSolid estimate generation tool manages multiple suppliers.
- Publisher: Missler Software
- Last updated: November 4th, 2012

Express Invoice Invoicing Software
Free invoicing software for managing client billing, invoicing, quotes, orders and applying payments. Make your business excel with an online console so multiple users can create invoices, reports and apply billing payments.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page: www.nchsoftware.com
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Quote Organizer Deluxe is a flexible quotation, proverb, saying, and verse management software for Windows users. This program helps you organize and manage all your favorite quotations, proverbs, and sayings. For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use quotation management solutions make it easy to set up and use.
- Publisher: PRIMASOFT PC, INC.
- Home page: www.primasoft.com
- Last updated: July 13th, 2022