Reward limit equilibrium retaining in Title/Summary

ReWaRD Trial Edition
ReWaRD is one of the leading programs for the design of embedded retaining walls, incorporating several UK and international design standards including BS 8002 and Eurocode 7. Designed by engineers for engineers, ReWaRD draws upon the technical expertise of Geocentrix to produce the most powerful and user friendly set of tools for retaining wall design.
- Publisher: Geocentrix Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 31st, 2015

Gas Equilibrium
Using NO2 and HI equilibrium reactions your students will easily investigate the physical and chemical factors which influence gas equilibrium. Gas Equilibrium is designed for use with both junior and senior science students. 17 experiments in the form of blackline masters can be saved at any stage. Graphs show Concentration Curves and Reaction Rates.
- Publisher: Newbyte Educational Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2010

Retaining Ring Locator
Locate any size retaining ring or hose clamp by specifying size and thickness
- Publisher: Rotor Clip Company
Reward limit equilibrium retaining in Description

The theoretical concepts used in the PYWALL software extends beyond the conventional method of analysis and design of flexible retaining walls based on limit-equilibrium theory.As a difference to conventional pratice, the PYWALL method does not ignore the effects of soil-structure interaction.
- Publisher: Ensoft, Inc.
- Last updated: January 14th, 2010

This program carries out the analysis of soil or rock slope stability both in static and seismic states utilizing the limit equilibrium methods of Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Bell, Sarma, Spencer, Morgenstern & Price and Discrete elements method (DEM) for circular and non circular surfaces by which it is possible to ascertain slippages in the slope.
- Publisher: Geostru Software
- Last updated: December 15th, 2011

The use of a calculation method based on a given accelerogram for rock slope stability analysis allows one to take into account the duration and the intensity of the accelerogram itself (this not being the case with the normally used limit equilibrium methods).
- Publisher: GEOSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2010

It also determines the least-stable potential failure for the entire DEM. The user has a variety of options for building a 3D domain, including layers or full 3D distributions of strength and pore-water pressures, simplistic earthquake loading, and unsaturated suction conditions.
- Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 27th, 2017

The model employs a pre-defined set of components that includes free ions such as Na+ and neutral and charged complexes (e.g., H4SiO4, Cr(OH)2+). The data base of reactions is written in terms of these components as reactants. An ancillary program, PRODEFA2, serves as an interactive pre-processor to help produce the required MINTEQA2 input files.
- Publisher: USEPA
- Last updated: October 8th, 2009
Additional Reward limit equilibrium retaining selection

XSTABL provides an integrated environment for performing slope stability analysis on an IBM personal computer, or compatible. The program combines an intuitive user friendly interface and the analytical philosophy behind the popular slope stability program, STABL, developed at Purdue University.
- Publisher: Interactive Software Desigs, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 27th, 2010

TBWall Software does not use Navfac method, nor FHWA method nor Caltrans method. It uses limit equilibrium method and yields the lightest beam possible that meets stability. Therefore, soils parameters and shoring geometry kept equal, TBWall Software yields Approx. 30 pounds lighter beam on a 30 ft cut.
- Publisher: SoilStructure Software
- Last updated: February 26th, 2018

LimitState:GEO is a program that gives you complete control over problem features and geometry. You can import models from DXF, use one of the built in wizards or start from scratch. It is a geotechnical analysis program that can be used to rapidly determine the critical failure mechanism and margin of safety for any type of problem.
- Publisher: LimitState Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 24th, 2014

The geotechnical computation employs the standard geotechnical methods subject to user choice and carries out the verifications prescribed by standard selected, amongst which global stability even in seismic conditions. Structural evaluations performs reinforcements sizing and verification with Ultimate Limit State or Allowable Tensions.
- Publisher: Geostru Software
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Snooper Speed Limit Downloader
Snooper Speed Limit gives you full access to the entire speed limit coverage. To work with this amazing team you need to have internet access. Moreover, Snooper Speed Limit increase your internet download speed. Also, it comes with a user friendly interface that makes it very simple to use.
- Publisher: Performance Products Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2014

SoilStructure Retaining Wall
SoilStructure Retaining Wall software is an efficient and powerful program with the following unique capabilities: - Taking into account the response of bearing pressure when axial dead & live loads are present - Computation of retaining wall footing settlement due to distortion & consolidation settlement - Checking for global stability of passive soils if the materials are cohesive
- Publisher: SoilStructure Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2014

Reflections of Life Equilibrium Collectors Edition
Reflections of Life: Equilibrium is a hidden object game with a magical theme. You have been summoned to Creatos to save Princess Espera, who has been attacked by magical vines. But you soon realize that the attack on the Princess was only a distraction to capture the Queen. It is up to your to reveal the villain and return the Queen.
- Publisher: GrandMA Studios
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 6th, 2015

Reflections of Life: Equilibrium
You've been summoned to Creatos to save Princess Espera, who has been attacked and ensnared by magical vines. But when a group of strange monsters arrives suddenly and captures the Queen, you quickly realize that the princess' plight was just a distraction. Without its Queen, the World of Fantasies will begin to crumble, and once Creatos falls, the rest of the world will soon be destroyed.
- Publisher: GrandMA Studios
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 19th, 2015

PC Time Limit
PC Time Limit allows you to set limits on the time your child spends on computer or Internet. It lets you specify when and how long the computer can be used and define users who would be allowed to use the computer without any limits. You can also schedule time intervals and number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week.
- Publisher: 1st Security Software Center
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2014

VERCAM is a program for the analysis and design of retaining, gravity and in concrete walls; which can evaluate the maximum safety factors both under normal and seismic conditions.The programme can automatically calculate the reinforcement bar dimensions and their position as well as verify the corresponding stress in the materials for reinforced concrete barriers.
- Publisher: geo&soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 12th, 2010