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Multiphase equilibrium scilab in Title/Summary



Scilab is a mathematical computing program similar to MATLAB. It includes a graphical circuit designer and simulation tool called Xcos - this is similar to Simulink in MATLAB, but with less features. Scilab is an excellent tool for anyone to solve optimization problems. You can download additional toolboxes from the developer site.

  • Publisher: Scilab Enterprises S.A.S
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2021
Chameleon SDK Scilab

Chameleon SDK Scilab

The Chameleon Software Development Kit (SDK) is the tool that you use to develop on the Chameleon. To start developing you don't even need a Chameleon, as you can still download the SDK and get started. SciLab is a powerful open software tool compatible with Matlab, which makes it easier to develop signal processing algorithms.

  • Publisher: chameleon Synth Net
SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

The SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation is a unit operation implementation for which the calculations can be entered in SciLab. To get started with the SciLab CAPE-OPEN unit operation, start your CAPE-OPEN capable simulation environment and insert a SciLab CAPE-OPEN unit operation. Edit a unit operation.

Multiphase equilibrium scilab in Description

SciLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import

SciLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import

This SciLab package allows for importing CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic and physical Property Packages into SciLab. A command driven package allows for selecting a CAPE-OPEN Property Package, and then perform thermodynamic and physical property calculations as well as thermodynamic equilibrium calculations inside SciLab.

  • Publisher: AmsterCHEM
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2015
FFTW Library for scilab-5.1.1

FFTW Library for scilab-5.1.1

FFTW Library for scilab-5.1.1 provides a set of fftw functions. This is a scilab interface for fftw library v.3. It provides a set of fftw functions. Both source and pre-compiled library of interface are provided (linux and windows). Scilab documentation is also provided. FFTW is a GPL software, developed by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson.

  • Publisher: Matteo Frigo
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2012


The model employs a pre-defined set of components that includes free ions such as Na+ and neutral and charged complexes (e.g., H4SiO4, Cr(OH)2+). The data base of reactions is written in terms of these components as reactants. An ancillary program, PRODEFA2, serves as an interactive pre-processor to help produce the required MINTEQA2 input files.

  • Publisher: USEPA
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2009
Gas Equilibrium

Gas Equilibrium

Using NO2 and HI equilibrium reactions your students will easily investigate the physical and chemical factors which influence gas equilibrium. Gas Equilibrium is designed for use with both junior and senior science students. 17 experiments in the form of blackline masters can be saved at any stage. Graphs show Concentration Curves and Reaction Rates.

  • Publisher: Newbyte Educational Software
  • Home page: www.newbyte.com
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2010


GASEQ is a Chemical Equilibrium Program for Windows. An easy way to do combustion equilibrium calculations, such as: - What is the temperature of a stoichiometric propane/oxygen flame? - How much do I have to compress air to cause its temperature to rise to 500K? - What is the equilibrium concentration of chlorine atoms in chlorine gas at 1000K?

  • Publisher: Chris Morley
  • Home page: www.gaseq.co.uk
  • Last updated: November 7th, 2009

Additional Multiphase equilibrium scilab selection

Reflections of Life Equilibrium Collectors Edition

Reflections of Life Equilibrium Collectors Edition

Reflections of Life: Equilibrium is a hidden object game with a magical theme. You have been summoned to Creatos to save Princess Espera, who has been attacked by magical vines. But you soon realize that the attack on the Princess was only a distraction to capture the Queen. It is up to your to reveal the villain and return the Queen.

Reflections of Life: Equilibrium

Reflections of Life: Equilibrium

You've been summoned to Creatos to save Princess Espera, who has been attacked and ensnared by magical vines. But when a group of strange monsters arrives suddenly and captures the Queen, you quickly realize that the princess' plight was just a distraction. Without its Queen, the World of Fantasies will begin to crumble, and once Creatos falls, the rest of the world will soon be destroyed.

Chemical Equilibrium Diagrams

Chemical Equilibrium Diagrams

Chemical Equilibrium Diagrams helps you create, edit and manage chemical diagrams. Main features: - Create chemical systems. - Hydra contains a database with logK data at 25°C. - Create different types of diagrams. - Simple, user friendly interface.

  • Publisher: Ignasi Puigdomenech
  • Home page: sites.google.com
  • Last updated: July 11th, 2017


It combines the classic equilibrium stage column model with a nonequilibrium (rate-based) column model in one easy and intuitive interface. Test-drive the equilibrium column model and convince yourself with the free ChemSep LITE with up to 40 components and 300 equilibrium stages using a database covering 400+ chemicals.

  • Publisher: ChemSep
  • Home page: www.chemsep.org
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2016


Visual MINTEQ is a freeware chemical equilibrium model for the calculation of metal speciation, solubility equilibria, sorption etc. for natural waters. It combines state-of-the-art descriptions of sorption and complexation reactions with easy-to-use menus and options for importing and exporting data from/to Excel. Chemical equilibrium modelling has never been easier!

  • Publisher: KTH
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2022
Paradise Quest

Paradise Quest

Paradise Quest is an arcade game developed by I-play. In this game you will take control of the main character who is an ecologist, his name is Dr. Finch and he is trying to recover nature's equilibrium. He travels to the Isabela island and there he finds some strange artifacts, your mission will be to help him solve a fascinating mystery about the island.

  • Publisher: I-Play
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2010


The mini-REFPROP program is a sample version of the full REFPROP program and is meant for use as a teaching tool in the introduction of thermodynamics to students. It contains a limited number of pure fluids (water, CO2, R134a, nitrogen, methane, propane, hydrogen, and dodecane) and also allows mixture calculations of nitrogen with methane for teaching vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE).

  • Publisher: NIST
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2014


PHAST is a versatile groundwater flow and solute-transport simulator with capabilities to model a wide range of equilibrium and kinetic geochemical reactions. PHAST is applicable to the study of natural and contaminated groundwater systems at a variety of scales ranging from laboratory experiments to local and regional field scales.

  • Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
  • Last updated: May 5th, 2008
Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

The Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation is a unit operation implementation for which the calculations can be entered in Microsoft Excel. It will allow you to create an Excel workbook that defines the equations for calculating a unit operation, and use it in a CAPE-OPEN compliant simulation environment that supports CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 thermodynamics.



FluidProp is a powerful thermodynamic property library that lets you compute the thermodynamic and transport properties, like enthalpy, entropy and speed of sound. These properties are computed using the latest physical models and are therefore highly accurate and predictive.

  • Publisher: Delft University of Technology, Faculty OCP, Energy Technology Section
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2014