Robot structure analysis in Title/Summary

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis
Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis software provides structural engineers with advanced structural analysis capabilities for large, complex structures. The software offers a wide range of analysis capabilities that enable you to investigate the linear and true nonlinear behavior of any structure.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2011 Service Pack 5
This software is a service pack specialy designe for Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis 2011.You can install this software as a stand-alone software or you can just upgrade the service pack 4 to 5 directly. If you choose to install as a stand alone software you should know that this contains all all the updates and fixes from service pack 1 ,2 ,3 and 4.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Last updated: January 2nd, 2011

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2011 Service Pack 6
This service pack may be applied to any licensed copy of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis 2011 software installed as a stand-alone product or as part of a suite, with or without installed service pack 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. This service pack includes packs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. You do not need to install any of them prior to installing Service Pack 6.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Last updated: April 15th, 2011
Robot structure analysis in Description

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional is a software program that is part of the Autodesk family and was built to offer engineers a complete set of tools to realize simulations of structural loads and execute code compliance with the aid of Building Information Modeling.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 4th, 2019

Revit Extensions for Autodesk Revit Structure
In addition, this download includes enhancements to several extensions (such as Column/Beam Reinforcements, Content Generator, Rebar Interferences, CIS/2 Import, Steel Connections, Integration with Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis 2012 and AutoCAD® Structural Detailing 2012 software) and two improvements on the framework (Ribbon Integration and Units).
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: July 16th, 2012

Structural Analysis and Code Checking Toolkit for Autodesk Revit
Using this toolkit structural designers and engineers can optimize their workflows in the cloud and on the desktop by using the analytical model built in Autodesk Revit to conduct cloud-based structural analysis with access to Autodesk 360 services and by extending the Revit model to Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional software or supported third party analysis solutions.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: September 21st, 2014

BIMware REX Piles
REX Piles is an extension for Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis that allows analysis and design of structures partially or completely supported on piles. You can analyze pile-soil interaction for different pile types with the shaft diameter from 0.2 to 1.8 m. Calculations are performed for a single pile or a group of piles, vertical or inclined (at an angle up to 45 degrees).
- Publisher: BIMware
- Last updated: August 25th, 2016

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Service Pack 3
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Service Pack 3 - this service pack includes Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2 and may be applied to any licensed software copy installed as a stand-alone product or as part of a suite with or without these Service Packs installed.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012
Additional Robot structure analysis selection

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2011 Service Pack 2
This update may be applied to any licensed copy of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis 2011 installed with or without Update 1. It is not needed to install Update 1 in order to install Update 2. This update includes both. Transfer of rigid links while model transferring from Autodesk® Inventor® software to Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis has been improved.
- Publisher: Autodesk Inc
- Last updated: July 18th, 2010

Structural Analysis Toolkit 2014
Structural Analysis Toolkit 2014 is a suite of tools that supports the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process and allows structural engineers to analyze structures from within the Revit environment. Using this toolkit structural designers and engineers can optimize their workflows in the cloud and on the desktop by using the analytical model to conduct cloud-based structural analysis.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: December 18th, 2013

GEO5 is a powerful software suite for solving geotechnical problems based on traditional analytical methods and Finite Element Method (FEM). Individual programs verify a specific structure, which keeps them intuitive and easy to use. GEO5 is designed to solve most geotechnical tasks.
- Publisher: Fine spol. s r.o.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 4th, 2015

Elecard StreamEye
Elecard StreamEye enables the user to perform effective in-depth analysis of video sequences. Elecard StreamEye provides a visual representation of the encoded video features and a stream structure analysis of MPEG-1/2 or AVC/Н.264 Video Elementary Streams.
- Publisher: Elecard
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Sirius is a powerful and efficient application for multivariate analysis that covers all the central methods within multivariate exploratory analysis, classification/discrimination and calibration/response modeling. Experimental design is also supported.
- Publisher: Pattern Recognition Systems AS
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2014

Jana2006 is a crystallographic program focused to solution, refinement and interpretation of difficult, especially modulated structures. It calculates structures having up to three modulation vectors from powder as well as single crystal data measured with X-ray or neutron diffraction.
- Publisher: Institute of Physics, Department of Structure Analysis
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 8th, 2013

SeismoArtif is a progкam to generate artificial earthquake accelerograms using given data. This is capable of generating suites of accelerograms for nonlinear dynamic analysis of new or existing structures. The target spectrum can be created by following Eurocode 8 rules (standard for European Union). The results can be exported to Excel or MS Word.
- Publisher: SeismoSoft
- Last updated: June 27th, 2013

RCBlast is a program designed for inelastic analysis of structural members subjected to blast-induced shock waves. The program quickly generates SDOF time histories and PI diagrams for user defined blast threats and custom resistance functions with the built-in structural analysis module.
- Publisher: Eric Jacques
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2015

Composite Beam Design Extension
Using this application, you can quickly check and design the behavior of composite beams, or design the whole composite floor system on a floor-by-floor basis within a single Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2016 model. You can also use this application to design non-composite steel beams.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: November 30th, 2015

EXPGUI is a graphical interface for the Los Alamos GSAS package. GSAS (General Structure Analysis System) is a comprehensive system for the refinement of structural models to both x-ray and neutron diffraction data. The package can be used with both single-crystal and powder diffraction data (Rietveld analysis), even both simultaneously.
- Publisher: Argonne National Laboratory
- Last updated: January 14th, 2009