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Russian checkers in Title/Summary

Russian Checkers

Russian Checkers

Russian Checkers

  • Publisher: Albatros Design Group
  • Last updated: July 4th, 2010
Amusive Checkers

Amusive Checkers

The checkers simulator will help you to master your playing skills, to train your intellectual capacity and, above all, give you lots of entertainment. The game includes three version of checkers: Russian, English and give away.

Real Checkers

Real Checkers

Real Checkers 1.0 is the traditional checkers game for the PC, with a 3D Board. Checkers is a board game played between two players, who alternate moves. The object of the game is to capture all the enemy pieces, or block them. The pieces move only over the dark squares, diagonally, one square at a time and always forward, for common pieces. The Kings can move backwards, too.

  • Publisher: Media Contact LLC
  • Home page: www.gametop.com
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Russian checkers in Description



jCheckers is a Java checkers program, based on my Java Checkers Engine that is also used in Checkers Tutor for Android.Main features: -Powerful Java checkers engine based on Cake, one of the world's best checkers programs -Four different types of playing levels: A beginner level, where jCheckers will try to give you a strong position

  • Publisher: Sun Microsystems Inc.
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2011
Checkers EFG

Checkers EFG

Play the classic game of Checkers against either another player or the computer. The difficulty of the computer opponent can be customized which allows the player to alter the difficulty of the game according to their own skill. The game of checkers is also known by other names.

  • Publisher: Exotic Flash Games
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2011


CheckerBoard is a fully featured free windows interface to checkers programs. You can play against different checkers engines, enter and replay games, choose the level of play of the computer opponent, set up positions for the computer to analyze, and more.

  • Publisher: Martin Fierz
  • Home page: www.fierz.ch
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2012
Championship Checkers All-Stars

Championship Checkers All-Stars

Discover the timeless excitement of Championship Checkers All-Stars! Our popular Checkers game title includes a cast of 24 vividly endearing virtual opponents! These All-Star characters span five levels of difficulty to suit your game enjoyment. Savvy Checkers players will love the realism of challenging play. Beginners can get extra help from our personal in-game DreamCoach(TM

  • Publisher: DreamQuest
  • Home page: www.dqsoft.com
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2012


What about draw conditions? If a player offers a draw and if the other side accepts, then the game is a draw. If both players are left with only one piece and if that piece is a king, then the game is a draw since the game can go on indefinitely. There are special draw conditions for some draughts variants either determined locally or by draughts federations.

  • Publisher: P@M soft
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2018

Additional Russian checkers selection



Checkers-7 is a game that unites several popular checkers games from around the world. The program is customizable in terms of its appearance and players can compete online by choosing a game from fourteen different checkers styles. To get started, players only need to choose the game and can also apply the Giveaway rule.

Farm Frenzy 3 Russian Roulette

Farm Frenzy 3 Russian Roulette

Farm Frenzy 3 Russian Roulette is a new time-management adventure in which you have to help Scarlett build a farm from scratch to feed the starving astronauts. The gameplay is exactly the same as in previous versions. What you have to do is feed your animals so that they give you products that you can later sell in the market to get money and improve your farm.

  • Publisher: Alawar Melesta
  • Last updated: September 19th, 2010
Russian Car Driver HD

Russian Car Driver HD

Russian Car Driver HD is a racing game that gives you access to various types of challenges and comes with nice graphics. You can choose between different difficulty levels and your list of objectives depends on the game mode you select to play. The first thing you see when launching this game is that it brings you impressive graphics.

  • Publisher: Falco Software
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2018
Aros Magic Checkers

Aros Magic Checkers

Stunningly beautiful 3D graphics are combined with ease of use in this classic board game of Checkers. The better your display system, the prettier it looks. Supports many languages.

  • Publisher: Aros Magic
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2007
Grammar Slammer Deluxe Checkers

Grammar Slammer Deluxe Checkers

Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Spelling and Grammar Checkers (or Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers) is a multiplatform program for native and non-native English speakers who need a serious application that can correct their grammar and spelling mistakes when writing in English.

  • Publisher: English Plus
  • Home page: englishplus.com
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008
ABBYY Lingvo English-Russian Dictionary

ABBYY Lingvo English-Russian Dictionary

Abby Lingvo is an electronic version of many dictionaries. Actually, there are a lot of dictionaries included in this program. The program interface is quite simple and easy to use. The program can sit in the tray, and uses very little resources. It comes with Pocket-Pc, Smartphone and Symbian editions which are found in the program installation folder. We may use them on our handheld devices.

  • Publisher: ABBYY Software
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008
Textverter for Russian/English keyboard

Textverter for Russian/English keyboard

Textverter - for Russian/English keyboard fixes text that was typed in a wrong language, by converting english letters to russian letters, and vice versa. Use the "copy" button to copy the fixed text to clipboard, and paste it in the desired location.

Russian Off Road Simulator HD

Russian Off Road Simulator HD

Game Name: Russian OffRoad Simulator HD (HD Russian off-road simulator) Description: Conquer spaces of legendary Russian off-road territory with the epic off-road vehicle, the UAZ. Shift into low gear and you will see what a Russian monster can do.

  • Publisher: Falco Software Company
  • Home page: www.falcoware.com
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2021
Microsoft Office OneNote

Microsoft Office OneNote

Microsoft Office OneNote is a program that lets you manage your notes. This program installs an icon in Windows taskbar that lets you create a new note quickly. All of your notes are automatically saved in the multi-tabbed interface of your OneNote application.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: November 8th, 2021
Microsoft Office Access

Microsoft Office Access

Microsoft Office Access is a database tool for gathering and understanding all your information—your phone numbers, inventory, guest lists, whatever you’re tracking—and providing a convenient way to enter, navigate, and report out your data. When you can connect the dots of your data—whether its hours, contacts, or inventory—you can get a lot smarter about how you run your business.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: November 8th, 2021