Serial output data plot in Title/Summary

Plot To Data
Plot To Data is a program for Windows that allows you to gather (digitize) data points and coordinates of a plot or graph out of a JPG, GIF, BMP, Clipboard picture or photo. You get the data in text form which you can use in any program such as Excel, Origin, etc. It is also possible to use this program as a distance measure in pictures with a scale bar such as AFM or SEM images.
- Publisher: soft-hummingbird
- Last updated: April 7th, 2014

Rt-Plot is a tool to generate Cartesian X/Y-plots from scientific data. You can enter and calculate tabular data. View the changing graphs, including linear and non linear regression, interpolation, differentiation and integration, during entering.
- Publisher: Rt-Science
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009

Advanced Serial Data Logger
This program inputs RS232 data directly into file, Excel, Access, or any Windows application. The program has the capability to log multiple serial (RS232,RS485,RS422) ports in the same time. It handles the RTS signal and control the direction of data flow.
- Publisher: AGG Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023
Serial output data plot in Description

ReMapPro is a COM port utlity designed to make serial data from your PC available on TCP/IP-based network.The main utility, the Comport, is included in the ReMapPro package makes serial (RS232) data from your PC available on TCP/IP-based networks and makes TCP/IP data available on serial ports on your PC.
- Publisher: Labtam
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2010

SUDT SerialNull
SUDT SerialNull is an advanced configuration utility, which purpose is to emulate RS232 serial ports connected via virtual null-modem cable using Virtual Serial Ports Driver, with SerialNull you can create any number of pure virtual serial ports in your system connected into pairs via virtual null-modem cable without having real serial ports occupied.
- Publisher: SUDT Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2010

GPSTime is a small freeware applet that corrects your PC clock using GPS.If you have a GPS receiver with a serial output port or bluetooth giving MEA-0183 compatible data, then GPSTime will read the serial data and make your PC clock accurate to the second.
- Publisher: COAA
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 16th, 2011

SAS SATA Protocol Suite
SAS SATA Protocol Suite is a serial bus analyzer that supports host and device emulation, generates traffic, and provides error injection functionality. The SAS analyzer program performs serial bus analysis for Serial Attached SCSI data transfers, as well as Serial ATA data transfers through STP data transfers. The SATA analyzer program performs serial bus analysis for Serial ATA data transfers.
- Publisher: Teledyne LeCroy
- Last updated: June 26th, 2015

Free Virtual Serial Ports Emulator
VSPE is intended to help software engineers and developers to create/debug/test applications that use serial ports. It is able to create various virtual devices to transmit/receive data. Unlike regular serial ports, virtual devices have special capabilities: for example, the same device can be opened more than once by different applications, that can be useful in many cases.
- Publisher: Eterlogic Software
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Serial output data plot selection

Statistical Product and Service Solutions is among the most widely used program for statistical analysis in social science. It is used by market researchers, health researchers, survey companies, government, education researchers, marketing organizations and others to forecast future trends to better plan organizational strategies.
- Publisher: IBM
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2021

DreamCalc is a scientific, graphing and financial calculator. The application is characterized by its very adaptive interface, which can be customized to your liking and needs. You can use various color schemes, and there’s even a high-contrast skin specially intended for users with visual deficiencies. You can also choose from different layouts. Finally, there are also three input styles.
- Publisher: Big Angry Dog Ltd
- Last updated: July 13th, 2016

Docklight is a program that allows users to manage the communication between serial devices, which is quite useful when having to generate test conditions that are very hard to reproduce with the original device. It has the capacity to perform serial port tests, automate sequences, and diagnose problems.
- Publisher: Flachmann und Heggelbacher GbR
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

TEC-IT Barcode Studio
Barcode Studio can generate high-quality barcode images in various formats, such as linear, 2D, GS1 and composite symbologies (QR-Code, Data Matrix, DP Premiumadress). It accepts input data in TXT and CSV format. It can also generate barcodes in specific sequences.
- Publisher: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 29th, 2022

Virtual Serial Port Kit
Virtual Serial Port Kit creates virtual serial ports and connects each pair of them via a virtual null-modem cable. Serial Port Splitter allows getting access to a device connected to a COM port from several applications simultaneously. Virtual serial ports look and work exactly as real hardware serial ports.
- Publisher: FabulaTech, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 17th, 2020

HOBOware is a powerful graphing and analysis program that allows you to plot, analyze and extract key data with a few simple clicks. With HOBOware, you can easily create high-quality visual presentations of your data and export of data files to text or Excel format.
- Publisher: Onset Computer Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 25th, 2018

LogPlot is a simple program for plotting log data. It can be useful for displaying geotechnical, environmental, geophysical, mud/gas, and mining data as a graphic boring log. You can plot single-page logs for shallow borings or multi-page/continuous logs for deep wells.
- Publisher: RockWare, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2018

The CRecorder collects real-time engine data such as Ignition Timing, Fuel Trim and Engine Speed.This is a free software application developed by Launch Tech Co. Additionally, it will also read DTCs for cars compatible with OBDII and EOBD.You can also get a diagnostic report for your car, a drive report or a data plot and much more
- Publisher: LAUNCH TECH. CO., LTD
- Last updated: October 1st, 2011

Agisoft PhotoScan Professional
Agisoft PhotoScan performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data. The output data can be used in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation, and visual effects production as well as for indirect measurements of objects of various scales.
- Publisher: AgiSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 6th, 2019

Viewplot is a multifunctional program that allows you to manage your CAD documents. Viewplot was designed to view, verify and print electronics design data and can be used by PCB Designers, PCB suppliers, Assemblers, Designers and Testers. The program contains viewing, editing and converting capabilities.
- Publisher: Roneda
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2008