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Tool to calculate xml checksum in Title/Summary

Simple MD5 Checksum Tool

Simple MD5 Checksum Tool

MD5 Checksum Tool is an application designed to allows users to generate the file checksum (MD5 Hash) of any file or string. It can also be useful to check if an executable file is legit, in other words, if it is the official release from the offical author.

  • Publisher: NoVirusThanks.org Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009
CCTV Design Tool

CCTV Design Tool

This tool is built specially for people who don’t have time to calculate trigonometry functions but who wants to design a perfect CCTV system. It is an easy but comprehensive tool for CCTV design. Are you worried that you’re still not doing everything you should to design your video surveillance system? If your answer is Yes, then CCTV Design Tool is for you.

  • Publisher: JVSG
  • Home page: www.jvsg.com
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2010
MD5 Checksum Tool

MD5 Checksum Tool

MD5 Checksum Tool is a nice program to check MD5 value of any file or multiple files at once and compare them to expected MD5 values. The program also supports detecting duplicated files based on their MD5 hash value. You can export the results to many file formats.

  • Publisher: Ferruh Mavituna
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2012

Tool to calculate xml checksum in Description



HashX is a simple tool that calculates checksum values for individual files. The most helpful use for it is, probably, to check whether a file you have downloaded is error-free and undamaged using the checksum value provided. The program can calculate checksum values using all popular algorithms, including MD5, SHA1, and CRC32.

  • Publisher: BoilingBit Software
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
MD5 Multi-Checker

MD5 Multi-Checker

MD5 Multi-Checker allow you to get the md5 checksum of files. The interface support files and directories, to calculate the checksum of numerous files at once. A graphical tool for creating and checking MD5 checksums. Written in Java/Swing as a comfortable tool for your file checks.

  • Publisher: lionhearths
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2014


XML Pro is a perfect tool for XML developers, content providers, and authors. XML Pro provides the quick, functional editing solution missing from many high-end packages, and fits well into any XML toolkit.Main features: - Drag and Drop - Undo - Cutting and Pasting of Elements - Ability to Change Document Encoding - View DTD

  • Publisher: Vervet Logic
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2011


PeaUtils is a free suite of file management tools, spin-off of PeaZip project, also available as portable software not requiring installation. Supports file hashing, checksum, split/merge, secure data deletion. Open Source (LGPLv3), free for any use.

  • Publisher: Giorgio Tani
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
MD5 Checksum

MD5 Checksum

With the help of MD5 Checksum 1.1 you can get the md5 checksum of any file on your computer by just right clicking it . It has the functionality of comparing two md5 to each other to know if they match or not. It supports the English and the French language.

  • Publisher: Okaryn
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2008

Additional Tool to calculate xml checksum selection

Port to Port

Port to Port

PortToPort Standard Edition provides a powerful interface to the Distance Tables. Calculating a distance between two ports with an optional via port and controlling the route used is simple and the display of a route on a scrollable and zoomable world map gives immediate feedback on the route calculated.



ManicTime automatically records your computer usage. It remembers which apps you've used and for how long. It will also remember which web sites you've visited and which documents you've worked on. This data can help you keep track of your work hours or find out where you are wasting your time.

Oxygen XML Developer

Oxygen XML Developer

Oxygen XML Developer is the class-leading tool dedicated to XML development, focusing on XML source editing, Schema designer, and XSLT editing/debugging. It offers powerful support to help you edit, transform, and debug XML based documents, making XML development easy and effective.

  • Publisher: SyncRO Soft SRL.
  • Home page: www.oxygenxml.com
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023
Custody X Change

Custody X Change

Custody X Change was developed with the assistance and encouragement of family law professionals. It’s a tool that not only saves the effort of performing endless calculations, but that generates easy-to-understand calendars for clients. Custody X Change is a powerful tool that helps divorced, separated, or single parents create and track professional-quality parenting plans.

  • Publisher: Custody X Change
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2014


TDSMAN is an eTDS & eTCS return preparation tool designed as per the income tax rules of India. It enables return generation for all types of Forms including 24Q, 26Q, 27Q, and 27EQ. It also lets you print TDS and TCS certificates such as Form 16, 16A, and 27D.

  • Publisher: PDS Infotech Ltd.
  • Home page: www.tdsman.com
  • Last updated: July 15th, 2017


LinMot Designer quickly calculates the parameters required for selection of a drive, based on the required motion sequences and loads, and shows them in relation to the selected motor and controller type. The application is free and very easy to use.

  • Publisher: NTI Ltd
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2015
FS Flight Calculator

FS Flight Calculator

This Flight Sim Flight Calculator will calculate distance and arrival times for both FSX and FS2004 The program has four input components, Local Time Zone, Departing Airport, Destination Airport and the Aircraft to be used for the flight. Useful tool freeware to calculate distance and arrival times in FSX and FS2004.



Wetup is a software tool to display approximate wetting patterns from drippers. This software tool is the result of collaboration between CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems and CSIRO Land and Water, the CRC for Sustainable Sugar Production and the National Program for Irrigation Research and Development.

  • Publisher: CSIRO Land and Water, CRC Sugar
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2011
StudioTax Enterprise 2014

StudioTax Enterprise 2014

StudioTax Enterprise 2014 built on top of the same StudioTax engine used by the robust and proven personal version and adds new features for tax professionals. StudioTax enterprise is certified by Revenue Quebec for Quebec provincial returns. Almost no learning curve is required to get up and running with StudioTax.

  • Publisher: BHOK It Consulting
  • Home page: www.studiotax.ca
  • Last updated: July 23rd, 2015
Website Load Tool

Website Load Tool

A small application based on WPF and C# to load data from websites in a configurable interval to test network stability, online state and/or data drops. Results (with a configurable maximum) are stored in a XML file. Also a txt Log-file can be made which stores state-changes to see the results over a longer period of time.

  • Publisher: AvdMeulen
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011