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Ultraedit checksum calculate in Title/Summary



UltraEdit is a complete text editor mostly used by professionals in web development and programming, but which can be used by regular individuals as a more complex substitute for Notepad. It's appreciated by professionals because it offers unique features such as syntax highlighting for nearly every programming language, code folding and hierarchical function listing and a powerful XML handler.

  • Publisher: IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
  • Home page: www.ultraedit.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Simple MD5 Checksum Tool

Simple MD5 Checksum Tool

MD5 Checksum Tool is an application designed to allows users to generate the file checksum (MD5 Hash) of any file or string. It can also be useful to check if an executable file is legit, in other words, if it is the official release from the offical author.

  • Publisher: NoVirusThanks.org Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009
MD5 Checksum Tool

MD5 Checksum Tool

MD5 Checksum Tool is a nice program to check MD5 value of any file or multiple files at once and compare them to expected MD5 values. The program also supports detecting duplicated files based on their MD5 hash value. You can export the results to many file formats.

  • Publisher: Ferruh Mavituna
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2012

Ultraedit checksum calculate in Description



HashX is a simple tool that calculates checksum values for individual files. The most helpful use for it is, probably, to check whether a file you have downloaded is error-free and undamaged using the checksum value provided. The program can calculate checksum values using all popular algorithms, including MD5, SHA1, and CRC32.

  • Publisher: BoilingBit Software
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
MD5 Checksum

MD5 Checksum

With the help of MD5 Checksum 1.1 you can get the md5 checksum of any file on your computer by just right clicking it . It has the functionality of comparing two md5 to each other to know if they match or not. It supports the English and the French language.

  • Publisher: Okaryn
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2008


AutoIt4UE is a set of tools for UltraEdit and UEStudio. AutoIt4UE creates an 'Edit with UltraEdit' and/or 'Edit with UEStudio' context menu when you right click a .au3 file in Win Explorer. These perform a file cleanup on the project before opening it.

  • Publisher: The Fool on the Hill
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2010
MD5 Checksum Verifier

MD5 Checksum Verifier

MD5 Checksum Verifier can check the integrity of files using common MD5 algorithms. Using this tool, you can create checksums of files and verify their integrity in the future. It is quite useful while sharing files though the Internet or external storage devices.

  • Publisher: FlashPlayerPro
  • Home page: FlashPlayerPro.com
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021
MD5 Calculator

MD5 Calculator

MD5 Calculator 1.0 is a tiny tool for calculating MD5 digest for any file just simply right click any file on your computer and choose "MD5 Calculator" to instantly get the md5 value for that file . MD5 is now commonly used by webmaster of downloadable programs on the their websites to ensure their content is not infected or modified in anyway.

  • Publisher: Bullzip
  • Last updated: May 1st, 2008

Additional Ultraedit checksum calculate selection

Free MD5 SHA1 Verifier

Free MD5 SHA1 Verifier

Free MD5 SHA1 Verifier is a freeware designed to calculate and verify checksums (hash) of downloaded files. The application supports many hashing algorithms including MD5, SHA-1, HAVAL, MD2, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. The program has a convenient user interface and can instantly calculate checksum (hash) for any file.

  • Publisher: Keylack Software
  • Home page: www.keylack.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
MD5 Multi-Checker

MD5 Multi-Checker

MD5 Multi-Checker allow you to get the md5 checksum of files. The interface support files and directories, to calculate the checksum of numerous files at once. A graphical tool for creating and checking MD5 checksums. Written in Java/Swing as a comfortable tool for your file checks.

  • Publisher: lionhearths
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2014
Barcodesoft UPC EAN Font

Barcodesoft UPC EAN Font

This application helps you print barcodes using an encoder to calculate checksum for you. Barcodesoft UPCA EAN13 containts 6 fonts that varies in aspect ratios. You can find source code in VBA and C language of UPC-A EAN13 checksum calculation in the package.

  • Publisher: Barcodesoft Inc.
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2014
wxChecksums Shell Extension for Microsoft Windows

wxChecksums Shell Extension for Microsoft Windows

wxChecksums Shell Extension for Microsoft Windows is a shell extension for the Windows' Explorer to process checksums' files with wxChecksums. wxChecksums is a program which calculates and verifies checksums. wxChecksums is able to read and write files in SFV and MD5 format.



Fast calculator to compute hash, checksum, HMAC values for file, text and hex string. Supports MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RIPEMD160, PANAMA, TIGER, CRC32, ADLER32 algorithms and the hash used in eMule and eDonkey (eDonkey2000, ed2k) tools.

  • Publisher: SlavaSoft Inc.
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2007
Hash Tool

Hash Tool

Hash Tool allows you to find the hash value for a file, quickly and easily. It supports batch mode processing, so that you can calculate the hash values of many files at once. In addition, it supports all popular hashing algorithms, including MD5, SHA1, and CRC32. Once calculated, hash values can be exported to a TXT or a CSV file.

RS232 Hex Com Tool

RS232 Hex Com Tool

Hex Com Tool is a serial software terminal program that can be used to communicate with just about any rs232 peripheral. This reliable serial software program is great for embedded developers and it can transmit and receive serial data in Hex or ASCII. RS232 Hex Com Tool is a rs232 setup data can be saved for multiple peripherals and later retrieved for easy setup of each individual device.

  • Publisher: Virtual Integrated Design
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2008
EF CheckSum Manager

EF CheckSum Manager

EF CheckSum Manager is a program designed for the integrity examination of files on the standard formats SFV, MD5, BLAKE3 and SHAx. They can verify existing checksums or create new checksum for your important data.



CyoHash is a simple shell extension that is used from within Windows Explorer to calculate the MD5 hash, SHA1 hash, or CRC32 checksum of a file. Additional SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 algorithms are available for users of Windows XP SP3 or newer systems.

  • Publisher: calzakk
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


Kaboom converts code pages of text files, e.g. from shift-jis into UTF-8 and vice versa. It supports Windows, DOS, IBM, ISO, ASCII, ISCII, Macintosh and UNICODE code pages. The 50+ clipboard filters in Kaboom are fully UNICODE aware.

  • Publisher: Muhannadus
  • Home page: www.sisulizer.com
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2018