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Top solid post processor in Title/Summary

OSP - OpenSees Post Processor

OSP - OpenSees Post Processor

It allows users to create both serial and parallel finite element computer applications for simulating the response of structural and geotechnical systems subjected to earthquakes and other hazards. OpenSees is primarily written in C++ and uses several Fortran and C numerical libraries for linear equation solving, and material and element routines.

  • Publisher: ZEvent
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2009
Top Producer Editor

Top Producer Editor

The Top Producer Editor (TP Editor) is the web based word processor and document editing tool that allows you to customize your Marketing Templates and edit the content of your Flyers and Presentations. The features available for the Top Producer Editor screen vary slightly depending on the kind of template you're working with

TOP Server

TOP Server

TOP Server is Software Toolbox’s OPC and native HMI device connectivity software application, powered by industry leading technology from Kepware. The modular architecture and common user interface can lower your training costs because the common methods used in 100’s of different drivers lets you learn TOP Server once and quickly apply the same knowledge to other drivers.

  • Publisher: Software Toolbox
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2012

Top solid post processor in Description



CRISP2D is a processor for graphical interfaces using the finite element analysis program and some useful tools including the printing data options. The data is interactive and there are plenty of research and visualizations tools for analyzing them.

  • Publisher: The CRISP Consortium Ltd
  • Last updated: June 15th, 2010


CalculiX is a package designed to solve field problems. The method used is the finite element method.With CalculiX Finite Element Models can be build, calculated and post-processed. The pre- and post-processor is an interactive 3D-tool using the openGL API. The solver is able to do linear and non-linear calculations. Static, dynamic and thermal solutions are available

  • Publisher: Charly Piva
  • Home page: www.calculix.de
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2011
GLview Inova

GLview Inova

GLview Inova is a modern, fully featured post-processor and 3D visualization tool with direct file interfaces to all the major CAE software systems on the market (E.g. Abaqus, Ansys, I-deas, Fluent, Femap, etc.). This combined with an extensive set of features for both structural mechanics and fluid dynamics post-processing.

  • Publisher: Ceetron
  • Last updated: December 1st, 2011


GiD is a universal, adaptive and user-friendly pre and post processor for numerical simulations in science and engineering. It has been designed to cover all the common needs in the numerical simulations field from pre to post-processing: - Geometrical modeling (CAD) - Mesh generation - Definition of analysis data - Data transfer to analysis software - Postprocessing operations

  • Publisher: cimne
  • Home page: www.gidhome.com
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2017
StruCad Password Tool

StruCad Password Tool

StruCad Password Tool is a free program that allows you to generate StruCad new installation version passwords for StruCad 97 through to StruCad V15.5. It also allows you to display the CNC post processor installer passwords for installation of post processors for StruCad V8 through to StruCad V11 inclusive. You can reset the dongle last used date and time for permanent dongles for StruCad V16.

  • Publisher: Tekla
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2014

Additional Top solid post processor selection



The choice of 0.2 million Structural Engineers worldwide, STAADpro is guaranteed to meet all your structural engineering needs.

  • Publisher: Research Enigneers Intl.
  • Home page: www.bentley.com
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2022


LISA is a finite element analysis package for Windows with an integrated modeler, multi-threaded solver and graphical post-processor. It allows you to analyze the dynamic response and vibration, heat flow and thermal stress or the DC current flow in solids.

  • Publisher: Lisa-Finite Element Technologies (Sonnenhof Holdings)
  • Home page: www.lisa-fet.com
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2013


LM is a program to edit contest logs ex post; a so-called “contest post processor”. LM contains an integrated log editor to type in paper logs or to edit the log ex post. Supported by a special input-turbo (“Fast append mode”) the input effort will be reduced to a minimum. In addition, LM tries to take over as much work as possible.



STAAD.Offshore is a powerful suite of pre- and post processor modules for the STAAD.Pro structural analysis and design program. Main features: - Nonlinear structural analysis. - Dynamic response analysis due to environmental loads. - Impact effects analysis. - Severe accidental loadings analysis.



VisualMILL is a CAM package ideal for mold, die and tooling, wood working, rapid-prototyping, and general machining. It comes with a post-processor generator that allows you to create your own. The program also offers you powerful geometry creation and editing tools.

  • Publisher: MecSoft Corporation
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2014
BREEZE 3D Analyst

BREEZE 3D Analyst

BREEZE 3D Analyst is a powerful post-processor that enables you to analyze and visualize data in multiple formats to help you better understand, interpret, and summarize your modeling results. It is also useful for analyzing meteorological, terrain, and concentration data.

  • Publisher: BREEZE
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2015


NonlinPro is a post-processor for the well-known nonlinear finite element analysis program DRAIN-2DX. In the past, DRAIN-2DX has been used almost exclusively by academic researchers. However, the recent shift towards performance based seismic resistant design has created a demand within the design profession for programs that can perform nonlinear static pushover analysis.

  • Publisher: Advanced Structural Concepts
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
midas FEA

midas FEA

midas FEA is founded on the expertise in geometry modeling, mesh generation, analysis and contemporary graphics technologies accumulated since 1989 . midas FEA, a total solution for civil-orientated analysis problems, provides a number of unique and practical tools .

  • Publisher: MIDAS Information Technology Co., Ltd
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2011
TopSolid'Finder 2008 by Missler Software

TopSolid'Finder 2008 by Missler Software

TopSolid'Finder is software provided by Missler software which is used to search for documents created with solutions from the TopSolid product line. The search criteria can be defined by the user. TopSolid'Finder is an independent program that runs without an installation of TopSolid.

  • Publisher: Missler Software
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2011
Cnc Code Maker

Cnc Code Maker

A very simple 2D CAD/CAM software with toolpath generation and user-editable postprocessors. Suitable for most CNC machines on the market. There are post-processor specific cycles, contour cycles and simple point-to-point functions. Fanuc, Heidenhain is supplied with the software. Drawings can be saved in DXF or a native XML, human readable format. Import of DXF files (R12) are supported.

  • Publisher: CNCSimple.com
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2011