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Vcarve pro guitar gcode in Title/Summary

VCarve Pro

VCarve Pro

VCarve Pro is a powerful, flexible industrial strength software package that includes all the design, layout and machining functionality demanded by commercial shops and users, while remaining incredibly easy to use and affordably priced. VCarve Pro is a complete solution For CNC routing, sign making, woodcarving and engraving.

  • Publisher: Vectric Limited
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2012
Guitar Chord Buster Pro

Guitar Chord Buster Pro

Guitar Chord Buster Pro is an excellent chords encyclopedia for professional guitarists and for beginners with advanced functions. You can set up and play any chord and pick sequences that may be played on a real guitar. You can also compose a melody and select harmonizing chords.

  • Publisher: Virtual World Software
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2013
Guitar Calculator Pro

Guitar Calculator Pro

Guitar Calculator Pro is a useful software tool that helps the users to learn guitar easily. It has got both the guitar chord chart as well as the scale chart. This valuable resource provides a very effective environment to make its users learn the chords and scales across the entire fretboard.

Vcarve pro guitar gcode in Description

Rock Pro

Rock Pro

Rock Pro is a free program that enables you to configure the Rock Pro guitar and bass USB audio device. It allows you to deliver a quality sound for your instruments and an efficient recording workflow. It is compatible with various VST plugins and DAW applications such as Cubase and Sonar.

MID Converter

MID Converter

MID Converter includes several MIDI tools. MIDI to WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA recording feature allows you to convert MIDI files to the most popular audio formats easily. Our converting tool allows you to convert various .MID formats from one to another.

  • Publisher: PS Software Development
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2007
aGuitar Pro

aGuitar Pro

aGuitar Pro is a software utility for those who wants to improve their musical skills of the base/guitar player. It is available for Windows operating system. It’s also very useful for beginner. Advance user can make music and test it whereas a beginner can practice and learn the base/guitar. It also provides keys/scales/chords references, tablature tool and midi tracks for practicing.



Conversational CNC generates gcode quickly and easily without having to fire up CAD or CAM. Macros, subprograms, and parameterized programming give you loads of gcode programming power. G-Wizard Editor gives you the tools to simplify, understand, and harness that power.



Features/fixes over the original:- Added metric conversion and metric gcode output option - Added support for sprockets with more than 220 teeth- Added the tool offset option for gcode - Added a rough graphical render which is frankly just eye candy

  • Publisher: Idle Amusements
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2011

Additional Vcarve pro guitar gcode selection

Guitar Pro

Guitar Pro

Guitar Pro is a tablature editor software for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments. You can create your own professional scores for one or several instruments and capture your notes quickly, use various tools to optimize your practice sessions (tempo, looper, metronome, chord and scale library, guitar and piano fretboard), print your tabs and export it in various formats, and more.

  • Publisher: Arobas Music
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
inTone Guitar Pro

inTone Guitar Pro

inTone is a family of real-time effect processors designed primarily for live performance and home practicing. Whether you are guitar, bass, keyboard player or a sound engineer, inTone can offer you everything you need. inTone can cooperate with other programs. For instance, it opens iTunes playlists, it connects to ReWire Device applications as Reason, etc.

  • Publisher: Audiffex
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2013
EarMaster Pro

EarMaster Pro

EarMaster Pro is an application that allows you to study music elements. Main Features: -Over 2000 sight-singing, ear training and rhythmic exercises for all levels -General course for all musical styles and Jazz course with swing rhythms and jazz chords. -Identify by ear, transcribe, sight-read and sing melodies, scales, chords, intervals, chord progressions and rhythms.

  • Publisher: EarMaster ApS
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2022
VirtualDJ PRO Full

VirtualDJ PRO Full

This is an audio player with controls used by DJs. It lets you mix your songs, by playing two or more tracks at the same time, adjust their relative speed so that their tempo will match, apply effects like loops etc, and crossfade from one side to the other. It also lets you scratch your songs, set and recall cues, and all the other regular features DJs expect to find.

  • Publisher: Atomix Productions
  • Home page: www.virtualdj.com
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2014
ACDSee Pro

ACDSee Pro

Bring out the best in your images with a huge RAW editing and digital asset management toolset. Renowned for its organizational prowess and parametric photo editing power, ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 2020 makes it easy to push boundaries.

  • Publisher: ACD Systems International Inc.
  • Home page: www.acdsee.com
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2020
TypingMaster Pro

TypingMaster Pro

TypingMaster provides over 10 hours of customized exercises to guide you step by step to professional keyboarding. This program can help you improve your typing speed, using its unique widget tool. The TypingMeter Widget can automatically track your writing habits and use the collected data in targeted training sessions.

Guitar and Drum Trainer

Guitar and Drum Trainer

Software for changing the pitch and/or tempo of any song or musical piece, letting you figure out its chords and notes, and learn and practice it according to your needs. It also features a function for creating loops and Karaoke files. The trial version is fully functional during 15 days; after that, you must purchase a license.

  • Publisher: Renegade Minds
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2008
Guitar Shed

Guitar Shed

Integrated software tools for guitarists, bassists, and other musicians. Includes a guitar tuner, tablature organizer, tab finder, chord library, jam machine, song jam, and much more. Everything the guitarist/musician needs, all in one package.

  • Publisher: Astoundit Software, LLC
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2008
RegClean Pro

RegClean Pro

Enhance overall PC performance and make it more stable with RegClean Pro. RegClean Pro cleans, repairs and optimizes Windows registry. It fixes invalid registry entries from old files and programs that no longer exist improving PC performance. Old items in the registry over time degrade system speed. RegClean Pro to offer smoother performance helps fix these invalid entries.

  • Publisher: Systweak Inc
  • Home page: www.systweak.com
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2024
Nitro Pro

Nitro Pro

Nitro Pro is an alternative to Adobe Acrobat. It comes with all the tools needed to work with PDF documents. You can easily edit text, convert images into text, embed links and files, and add images, notes, and annotations in PDF files. You can also convert PDF files into Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.

  • Publisher: Nitro Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.gonitro.com
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2024