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Vista ocx dll manager in Title/Summary

OCX DLL Manager

OCX DLL Manager

This program is designed to register and unregister OCX and DLL files. With this software you can easily perform the needed tasks using a wizard-like interface. The program is developed by Fox Programming Solutions, is freeware, and works on Windows XP, Windows Vista.

  • Publisher: Fox Programming Solutions
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2008
Vista User Time Manager

Vista User Time Manager

Vista User Time Manager lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits. You can schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week.

  • Publisher: Eugene Mihailov.
  • Last updated: January 28th, 2012
EMSA Register Dll Tool

EMSA Register Dll Tool

EMSA Register Dll Tool is a computer program designed to offer information about dll, ocx and exe files, and provide support for registration of ActiveX dll, ocx and exe files. The interface of this tool is very neat and user-friendly that is organized in three main sections: Reg & Tool File Info, File Comparison and Options & Help.

  • Publisher: Edmunt Pienkowsky
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2012

Vista ocx dll manager in Description



The Beckhoff TwinCAT software system turns almost any compatible PC into a real-time controller with a multi-PLC system, NC axis control, programming environment and operating station. TwinCAT replaces conventional PLC and NC/CNC controllers as well as operating devices with: - open, compatible PC hardware - embedded IEC 61131-3 software PLC, software NC and software CNC in Windows

Easy Icon Maker

Easy Icon Maker

If you’re looking to make, edit, change or extract icons, Easy Icon Maker is a small and easy-to-use all-in-one utility. Edit your own professional icons easily and quickly with a built-in editor. It is also possible to extract an icon from an EXE or DLL file. Go ahead and import graphic files that are BMP, JPG or GIF and save it into an icon file or export the file to a graphic file.

  • Publisher: icon-maker.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


PC Repair from Phatcat Technologies is a windows repair and cleaning tool. It comes with a highly graphical and attractive user interface. It is also very easy to use as a mouse click, because it supports one click scan for all errors. Presently it scan your system for following: it scan your system for missing COM/OCX/DLL components to find any custom control...

  • Publisher: PhatCat Technologies
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008


VB RezQ is dedicated software for the Visual Basic platform, and is capable of rewriting a program by recreating source files from the data encapsulated within the compiled file. The application can provide an accurate framework on which the user can easily rebuild the VB application and it can identify all the source files, and recover the project file.

  • Publisher: ThunderPeek
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2008
Is File 32-bit or 64-bit Software

Is File 32-bit or 64-bit Software

Determine if OCX, DLL, CPL, EXE, SYS, SCR or DRV files are 32-bit or 64-bit. This software will also tell you if your application files are compatible with your version of Windows. Save results as text files.

Additional Vista ocx dll manager selection

EMBASSY Trust Suite

EMBASSY Trust Suite

ETS 7 includes multifactor strong authentication support for hardware-secured Windows login using fingerprints, smart cards, TPMs and passwords. ETS 7 also provides data protection, password management, TPM management, and TPM key backup/recovery. ETS 7 integrates with Wave's enterprise servers for domain-based strong authentication, for enterprise level key management.

  • Publisher: Wave Systems Corp
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2011
Vista Services Optimizer

Vista Services Optimizer

Vista Services Optimizer does not require any technical knowledge, as it provides easy to understand options to tune-up your system. Vista Services Optimizer is an open source optimization utility that enables you to tweak your Windows services in an easy, automatic and safe way based on the way you use your computer and which hardware and software you use.

Exchange System Manager

Exchange System Manager

Exchange System Manager is a free software application that can be installed on a computer in a domain that has Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (SP2) installed. This is a software that also requires the previous installation of Exchange Server 2003 running on the Windows Vista operating system.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2023
AnalogX DLLArchive

AnalogX DLLArchive

AnalogX DLLArchive is a system utility that helps you manage DLL files, which are sometimes left over on your computer after a utility has been uninstalled. A DLL file (dynamic-link library) is a shared library, a type of file that most Windows applications use.

  • Publisher: AnalogX, LLC.
  • Home page: www.analogx.com
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
World Cup Manager 2006

World Cup Manager 2006

Reganam Interactive has number of software products developed to be used across the globe. Their products include few file converter, especially video files; 3gp File players as well as game software. One of their game products is World Cup Manager 2006. World Cup Manager 2006 is created based on the 2006 Germany world cup and all the teams, player, team managers

  • Publisher: Reganam
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
Registrar Lite

Registrar Lite

The Registrar Registry Manager has been fitted with a complete package of custom made tools, each powerful and focused on the specific functions you need to edit your registry. Due to the built-in backup system, you can now rest assured that new hardware and software installation will remain intact in the event of a system failure.

  • Publisher: Resplendence Software Projects Sp.
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Free Mailing List Merger

Free Mailing List Merger

Free List Manager, merge smaller email lists into one big list. List Manager is a FREE email list manager software. It has the following features: - Split huge email lists into smaller ones - Merge smaller email lists into one big list OS: Win95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Vista

  • Publisher: 123hiddensender, Inc.
  • Home page: 123hiddensender.com
  • Last updated: August 28th, 2012
SMSC client .NET

SMSC client .NET

SMSC client .NET for SMPP, UCP, CIMD/CIMD2 and SEMA is a 100% managed .NET (DotNET, Microsoft AZURE Cloud), MONO and COM (ActiveX/OCX) DLL component library for high performance SMS/EMS/WAP send & receive message communication through SMSC over TCP/IP.

  • Publisher: TOPS
  • Home page: www.tops.com.pl
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2015
XNeat Windows Manager

XNeat Windows Manager

XNeat Windows Manager is a handy application that provides full control of your desktop and Windows, allowing you to add additional functions to your Windows' taskbar and system tray. With this program you will be able to hide windows, change any window's transparency, open applications using hotkeys, minimize windows to tray, etc.

  • Publisher: X Neat Software
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2008
XP Utilities Lite

XP Utilities Lite

XP Utilities Lite is a powerful and handy set of tools for your every day use, allowing you to control and modify your system safely and easily. It has been designed specially for use with Windows XP Professional and Home editions.