Wlw bit.ly in Title/Summary
Bitly Tweeter
A Windows Live Writer plugin designed to hook up to your bit.ly account and automatically send tweets after you publish a blog post with the URL shortened by your account. Once you have installed, it doesn’t show up in the “inset” list in Live Writer, it runs silently behind the scenes, so you will need to do the following prior to your posting of the first post.
- Publisher: Dan Waters
- Last updated: April 19th, 2011
WLW Source Code Formatter Plugin
WLW Source Code Formatter Plugin inserts formatted source code. Formatting is based on Wilco Bauwer's syntax highlighting. WLW Source Code Formatter Plugin updates are : Line Numbering, Alternating Line Style, tab replacement, selection. In addition it provides live preview and options to adjust background color, border color, font size, and box width.
- Publisher: Amer Gerzic
- Last updated: September 14th, 2008
Sky Drive Attachment WLW Plugin
If you are a blogger and use Windows Live SkyDrive as your online storage then Sky Drive Attachment WLW Plugin 1.0 is a must for you. As the name says this plugin is compatible with all the versions of Windows Live Writer and is supported on Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista.
- Publisher: Tamir Khason
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Wlw bit.ly in Description
WLW Bit.ly
WLW Bit.ly is a plugin that enables you to automatically change the links and URLs into Bit.ly links. A Bit.ly account is optional. Bit.ly shortens your URLs so they use less space and that speeds up that ultimately shortens the download speed of your blog/web site. Having a Bit.ly account allows you to track your links and see their usage statistics as well.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2009
Social Bookmarking Tool for WLW
The Social Bookmarking Tool for WLW will ease the process of creating social bookmarking tags automatically for the blog posts. It is a nice plugin for the Windows Live Writer. To use this little program, you first have to compose a blog in WLW format.
- Publisher: Rahul Soni
- Home page: www.dotnetscraps.com
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008
Attach File Plugin For Windows Live Writer
This is a simple plugin for Windows Live Writer. With this program, you can attach a file into your blog post, modify attachment properties from WLW Sidebar, can include Google tracking code for the attached file, and can upload the files using FTP if you set WLW to use ftp for images.
- Publisher: Lubo Blagoev
- Last updated: April 8th, 2009
WLW Text Templates
WLW Text Templates is a project that is focused on adding a snip or template feature to Windows Live Writer. A Text Template is just a commonly used HTML snip or maybe is a mood, a phrase you commonly use, URL, Image, etc. Just about anything you can express as HTML can be saved for future usage as a Template.
- Publisher: Greg Duncan
- Last updated: January 12th, 2012
Bullets Plugin for Windows Live Writer
Bullets are often used in blog posts to specify lists. If you are a blogger then you must be tired and bored of using the same old HTML bullets again and again. Well, here is a plugin, Bullets Plugin, that allows you to use non HTML, more prettier and fancier looking bullets.
- Publisher: Dotnetscraps
- Home page: www.dotnetscraps.com
- Last updated: September 28th, 2008
Additional Wlw bit.ly selection
Windows Live Writer Plugin - Sharper Photo
Sharper Photo is a plug-in for Windows Live Writer that allows you to edit your images. Windows Live Writer is a utility for creating blog entries, it comes bundled with the Windows Live package. This plug-in allows you to edit those pictures you have inserted into a WLW entry, using your preferred image editor.
- Publisher: José Cardenas
- Home page: gallery.live.com
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2009
Windows Live Writer Website Capture Plugin
There are times when you are writing reviews of a website on your blog or you want to comment on the design of the website, at that times it becomes mandatory to add a screenshot of that website in you post. But many a time many of the bloggers switch back to third party softwares, to reduce this extra work you can download a simple plugin by Christopher Clark, Website Capture Plugin.
- Publisher: Christopher Clark
- Home page: chrisclark.com
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008
Micro Shortener
short url or/and expand url by shortener sites tinyurl.com , tinyurl.cc , bitly.com , goo.gl , is.gd , mcaf.ee , click.me , ow.ly
- Publisher: Smart PC Soft
- Home page: smartpcsoft.com
- Last updated: October 1st, 2013