World map showing times in Title/Summary

Creeper World Map Editor
The Creeper World Map Editor (CWME) allows you to create and edit maps for use in Creeper World. You can specify the terrain, change the background image, and create/edit Creeper emitters and spore waves. You can also specify the location and the number of totems, upgrades, survival pods, and artifacts. In short, you can create nearly any map you can imagine.
- Publisher: Knuckle Cracker, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

3D World Map
3D World Map is a pack comprising two programs: a realistic 3D world map and a screen saver. The wonderful screensaver will shows you a view of the planet Earth revolving around the Sun; and the brilliant 3D world map includes information about all the countries and the cities of the world.
- Publisher: Longgame
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Tech-Pro World Clock
Tech-Pro World Clock 2 is a Windows desktop accessory that shows the date and time on a world map. It helps you keep track of the time in different parts of the world and gives instant access to international dialing codes.
- Publisher: Tech-Pro Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 15th, 2008
World map showing times in Description

View world clocks, time zones, dynamic day/night map, and keep track of public holidays. Displays the current local times of any selected cities with automatic time-zone and daylight-saving adjustments, alarm notifications, forthcoming holidays.
- Publisher: Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2009

- you can show a currentl GPS data; - you can open any of scanned maps; - you can calibrate the scanned maps yourself by two calibration points only; - calibrations are stored automatically for every map;
- Publisher: Valeri Vlassov
- Last updated: May 18th, 2008

GedHTree is a program for Windows 95 through XP, Vista and Windows 7 users that processes GEDCOM files to generate output pages in HTML format. Share your family genealogy with others on the Web, by CD-ROM, etc. GedHTree is only available in English.
- Publisher: gedhtree
- Last updated: August 21st, 2009

Home Planet
Home Planet is a comprehensive astronomy / space / satellite-tracking package. It allows you to view an earth map, showing day and night regions, location of the Moon and current phase, and position of a selected earth satellite. You also see a panel showing detailed position and phase data for the Sun and Moon.
- Publisher: Fourmilab
- Last updated: November 15th, 2009

This program shows you typical propagation for a given hour of the day during a given month. The propagation is shown as expected signal strengths to be received from different parts of the world, plotted on a world map. VOAProp can also display daily point-to-point propagation charts showing the best frequency and time of day for communication with a particular location.
- Publisher: G4ILO Software
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
Additional World map showing times selection

Need For Speed™ World
Racing in Need for Speed World is the heartbeat of the game. It's where you take part in a Multiplayer Race, test yourself against the best racers in the world or compete against the AI in a Single-Player Race. The Race events you can take part in are determined by your driver level.
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Last updated: June 25th, 2020

Q++ World Clocks Desktop Wallpaper
Displays a discreet yet sophisticated world map showing the local time in a selection of 55, user customizable, cities from a built-in list of over 3500 cities. Automatically calculates summer time changes, and times relative to your current location. Also shows which cities are in in darkness, or daylight or twilight. Automatically adjusts to your screen resolution.
- Publisher: Alter Ego Services
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

Multiple ways to filter spots with audio alerts to alert the user of a highlighted spot. Includes a Bandmap of Spots for the band the radio is on of for other bands as a monitor Bandmap. Includes a World Map showing spots that are posted plus grayline propagation.
- Publisher: N2AMG's Place
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 30th, 2018

Accurate Times
Accurate Times was designed by the chairman of the ICOP, its main function being that of calculating the prayer time of the Islamic people. The mechanism of the program is simple: it automatically calculates the correct direction and time that should be used by Islamic people who pray so that they can position themselves to face the right imaginary direction towards Mecca.
- Publisher: Mohammad Odeh (JAS)
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 26th, 2014

Trimble Planning
Pick your location from a list of cities from all over the world, select your location from the world map or type in your local WGS84 position to do more precise mission planning. Add obstructions to your site to determine the best times for GPS observation.
- Publisher: Trimble Navigation Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2011

HOLUX ezTour for Logger
HOLUX ezTour for Logger lets you visualize your tracks on Google Maps. Google Maps are available also a Track editor is available. The time zone is displayed. By navigating over the world map, you can see the longitude and latitude of each spot just by hovering with your mouse over it.
- Publisher: HOLUX Technology, Inc.
- Last updated: December 31st, 2017

Typing Instructor Platinum
This program, as its name implies, lets you learn how to type fast and accurately in an easy and fun manner. It has a nice interface, and the learning activities are designed to be visually attractive and fun so all in the family can use the program. Also, the cost is rather affordable. A very good program.
- Publisher: Individual Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Crave World Clock Pro
This piece of software allows you to keep track of current time around the world. The time is shown on a world map with several major cities. If you need to find the current time in a different zone or city, just hover your mouse over the desired zone and the program shows you the current time.
- Publisher: Reflection Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
- Last updated: November 14th, 2012

Fallout 3
Fallout 3 is the third canonical game in the Fallout series and the first to introduce third dimension to the graphics, real-time combats and VATS mechanics, real-time world map exploration and fully-voiced characters. It's a cult classic in its own right on par with its predecessors and sequels.
- Publisher: Bethesda Softworks LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 28th, 2009

Gapminder Desktop
Now you can use Gapminder World – with all its indicators – from your own computer, even when you have no Internet. Just download and install the Gapminder Desktop.rnYou can:rnrn * Use Gapminder World without the Internet.rn * Save a list of your own favorite graphs.rn * Update automatically to the latest version.
- Publisher: Gapminder
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2010