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X-men origins - wolverine tm in Title/Summary

X-Men Origins - Wolverine (TM)

X-Men Origins - Wolverine (TM)

X-Men Origins - Wolverine is an action game based on the eponymous comics character. It tells the story of Wolverine, perhaps the most popular Marvel character of all time. Just like in the movie, you see Wolverine's past via flashbacks. In the game, most cut-scenes show you a little about why Wolverine's past is important for the current mission.

  • Publisher: Raven Software
  • Last updated: February 23rd, 2013


The story of this game begins with a TV report about mutants and their wrong doings, highlighting the distrust humans have for their genetically divergent relations.There's a posse of mutants angry at humans, called the Brotherhood of Mutants (BoM), and they proceed to kidnap a young girl in the intro, Allison Crestmere.

Wolverine Student/Demo Software

Wolverine Student/Demo Software

P5 is an exciting new version of 2D Proof Animation that builds on the strengths of its predecessor, P4, which we are no longer distributing. P3D is Wolverine's long-awaited 3D animator. It builds on the strengths of its 2D predecessors, P4 and P5, but offers new and exciting capabilities.

  • Publisher: Wolverine Software
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

X-men origins - wolverine tm in Description

X-Men 2: Clone Wars

X-Men 2: Clone Wars

The technorganic alien race known as the Phalanx return and are seeking to take control of Earth by assimlating all of its inhabitants. They've also captured and cloned several mutants for experimentation. Only a select group of X-Men (Beast, Psylocke, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Cyclops) have avoided capture.

GUI for dvdauthor

GUI for dvdauthor

GUI for dvdauthor enables you to get captured television broadcasts comfortably into a DVD conform format. Naturally you can use the program also for MPG videos of other origins.

  • Publisher: Boraxsoft
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2011
waterMark V2

waterMark V2

waterMark V2 is a graphics design utility for Windows. This particular application is extremely useful for when you need to identify your pictures so that nobody else can take credit for your work. A watermark is an image that goes embedded on top of an image and displays information about the origins of those pictures, or not.

  • Publisher: PMlabs
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer

Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer

Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer is a modification of the original HLMV by Chumbalum Soft. This program is designed to preview Half-Life's .mdl model files. Jed's version also adds a couple new features as well as support for the new texture rules implemented in HL. This is a great tool for any mod developer.

  • Publisher: wunderboy.org
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2008
Masjid Nabawi_1 Screen Saver

Masjid Nabawi_1 Screen Saver

Masjid Nabawi_1 Screen Saver will bring the Prophet’s Mosque to your desktop. This unique screen saver will take you on a journey to the origins of Islam. You will be transported to a place called Madinah, where you will be able to see the authentic Prophet’s Mosque called Masjid Al Nabawi. This is the second most important mosque in Islam, being the Grand Mosque number one.

  • Publisher: Hua Software(web site:)
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Additional X-men origins - wolverine tm selection

Dragon Age - Origins

Dragon Age - Origins

Master a modern role-playing classic with the only epic guide that shows you how to slay dragons, empower kings, and stitch together your own golem. More than 120 jam-packed maps display every critical piece of information: NPCs, monster locations, treasure spots, side quests, with corresponding walkthroughs to best all quests, puzzles, and pivotal story choices.

Rayman Origins

Rayman Origins

This idyllic world, where there is usually little more to do than eat, sleep, play (and enjoy a friendly fray or two among friends), is up to its eyeballs in trouble. It seems Rayman and his heroic gang of hilarious misfits has kicked off a war with just a little snoring!

Rayman Origins Demo

Rayman Origins Demo

This idyllic world, where there is usually little more to do than eat, sleep, play (and enjoy a friendly fray or two among friends), is up to its eyeballs in trouble. It seems Rayman and his heroic gang of hilarious misfits has kicked off a war with just a little snoring!

iGrafx Origins

iGrafx Origins

iGrafx Origins is a next-generation web-based platform for process excellence. Additional business information capture, increased decision support and ease of process and enterprise modeling: all are integrated in one streamlined solution for company-wide accessibility from anywhere.

  • Publisher: iGrafx
  • Home page: www.igrafx.com
  • Last updated: May 2nd, 2019
Shattered Origins

Shattered Origins

At the dawn of the space age, humankind was shattered into two factions: the Guardians, an oppressive company which imprisoned mankind into gigantic Star Cruisers, and the Pirates, who stole ships from the Guardians and are now searching for a new home.

  • Publisher: GamersGate
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2011
Origins: Elders of Time

Origins: Elders of Time

Origins: Elders of Time is a hidden object game in which you must unlock the old secrets of the White family by unveiling William’s disappearance. Join Lisa on an epic adventure and journey to a place where anything can happen. Search a multimillionaire's manor, board an airship and explore enigmatic places as you uncover the truth and help Lisa find her father.

  • Publisher: Studios BlooBuzz Inc.
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2014
Need for Speed Undercover

Need for Speed Undercover

Need for Speed Undercover is the latest NFS game to arrive for Windows. The series is achieving to improve upon itself, and it has been here for a long time now. The game is just not what it used to be. So with Undercover, they tried to go back to its origins. The game now has cut-scenes and a plot. You are an undercover agent.

MyHeritage Family Tree Builder

MyHeritage Family Tree Builder

Family Tree Builder helps you research your family history, build your family tree and add photos, historical records and more. Main features: - Create, customize and print beautiful charts and reports, even all-in-one charts. - Control every aspect of your privacy online and offline. - Share your family history on your very own secure family site.



Legacy is a Windows program that helps you preserve your genealogical information. You can search through billions of records from key websites - FindMyPast, FamilySearch, GenealogyBank, and MyHeritage, preserve the stories of your ancestors or your own, create unlimited hashtags to describe your ancestors, create a list of people in your tree, and more.

Swansoft CNC Simulator

Swansoft CNC Simulator

Swansoft CNC Simulator is real-time 3D CNC machine system simulation and advanced G-code verification application. It allows the user to simulate all the CNC machine operations and debug NC code using the same platform. In the course of simulation, collision detection calculations are carried out, taking into account all components of the machining area.

  • Publisher: Nanjing Swansoft
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2015