X men origins wolverine in Title/Summary

X-Men Origins - Wolverine (TM)
X-Men Origins - Wolverine is an action game based on the eponymous comics character. It tells the story of Wolverine, perhaps the most popular Marvel character of all time. Just like in the movie, you see Wolverine's past via flashbacks. In the game, most cut-scenes show you a little about why Wolverine's past is important for the current mission.
- Publisher: Raven Software
- Last updated: February 23rd, 2013

Wolverine Student/Demo Software
P5 is an exciting new version of 2D Proof Animation that builds on the strengths of its predecessor, P4, which we are no longer distributing. P3D is Wolverine's long-awaited 3D animator. It builds on the strengths of its 2D predecessors, P4 and P5, but offers new and exciting capabilities.
- Publisher: Wolverine Software
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

Rayman Origins
This idyllic world, where there is usually little more to do than eat, sleep, play (and enjoy a friendly fray or two among friends), is up to its eyeballs in trouble. It seems Rayman and his heroic gang of hilarious misfits has kicked off a war with just a little snoring!
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Home page: raymanorigins.uk.ubi.com
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012
X men origins wolverine in Description

X-Men 2: Clone Wars
The technorganic alien race known as the Phalanx return and are seeking to take control of Earth by assimlating all of its inhabitants. They've also captured and cloned several mutants for experimentation. Only a select group of X-Men (Beast, Psylocke, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Cyclops) have avoided capture.
- Publisher: segabandonware
- Home page: www.segabandonware.com
- Last updated: April 10th, 2008

Is your weight normal for your age, height and gender? Did you know that being underweight can unhealthy just as being overweight can? How many calories per day do you really need? What's your Precent Body Fat and Lean Body Mass?
- Publisher: Design und Develop
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Faery - Legends of Avalon
A long time ago, the magic fed the world, Fairies lived among Men. They inspired their stories and myths; it was the time of legends. From the island of Avalon, King Oberon reigned over people as varied as the dreams of men can imagine them. In all the regions of the world you could hear the rustling wings of fairies.
- Publisher: Focus Home Interactive.
- Home page: www.faery-thegame.com
- Last updated: May 11th, 2011

The story of this game begins with a TV report about mutants and their wrong doings, highlighting the distrust humans have for their genetically divergent relations.There's a posse of mutants angry at humans, called the Brotherhood of Mutants (BoM), and they proceed to kidnap a young girl in the intro, Allison Crestmere.
- Publisher: segabandonware
- Home page: www.segabandonware.com
- Last updated: June 8th, 2008

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men
Kane and Lynch: Dead Men is an action game developed by IO Interactive. In this coarse, cruel and bloody game, you're going to play the role of Kane, a convict who is on his way to death but he is suddenly saved by his former partners and current creditors, The7, and taken into the prison transportation van.
- Publisher: IO Interactive
- Home page: store.steampowered.com
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Additional X men origins wolverine selection

Dragon Age - Origins
Master a modern role-playing classic with the only epic guide that shows you how to slay dragons, empower kings, and stitch together your own golem. More than 120 jam-packed maps display every critical piece of information: NPCs, monster locations, treasure spots, side quests, with corresponding walkthroughs to best all quests, puzzles, and pivotal story choices.
- Publisher: BioWare
- Home page: dragonage.bioware.com
- Last updated: March 19th, 2010

Kane and Lynch Dead Men
Kane and Lynch Dead Men is an action shooter for Windows. The game is interesting but does not really make a good impression after a bit. The story is rather simple. You are a sort of mafia man and are sent to prison. On one of your missions, you apparently stole some valuables that belong to the mafia and they want them back so they take your family hostage until you give them back.
- Publisher: Eidos Interactive
- Home page: store.steampowered.com
- Last updated: October 8th, 2009

Men Of War
Men of War is a stunning Real-Time Strategy game that takes place during the height of World War II. Intense battles span Europe and North Africa as gamers play as Soviet, Allied or German forces. The game features hundreds of accurately modelled historical tanks and vehicles — including new designs of tanks, APCs and heavy guns.
- Publisher: 1C company
- Home page: www.menofwargame.com
- Last updated: November 28th, 2008

Men of War Assault Squad
Men of War: Assault Squad is the new title in the "Men of War" series. Assault Squad takes place across the globe during the height of World War II and features a completely new cooperative skirmish game mode. Men of War: Assault Squad includes the unique “direct control” feature which enables players to maneuver units using the directional keys, rather than pointing and clicking.
- Publisher: 1C company
- Last updated: November 28th, 2012

Rayman Origins Demo
This idyllic world, where there is usually little more to do than eat, sleep, play (and enjoy a friendly fray or two among friends), is up to its eyeballs in trouble. It seems Rayman and his heroic gang of hilarious misfits has kicked off a war with just a little snoring!
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Home page: raymanorigins.uk.ubi.com
- Last updated: April 1st, 2012

iGrafx Origins
iGrafx Origins is a next-generation web-based platform for process excellence. Additional business information capture, increased decision support and ease of process and enterprise modeling: all are integrated in one streamlined solution for company-wide accessibility from anywhere.
- Publisher: iGrafx
- Home page: www.igrafx.com
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2019

Men & Mice Management Console
The Management Console can be installed on any machine on your network that meets the minimum system requirements, but only one copy can be connected at a time. This software application is easy to install, easy to use and requires a username and a password to connect
- Publisher: Men & Mice
- Last updated: February 16th, 2012

Nine Men's Morris
Nine Men's Morris is an exciting capture and defend strategy game that is endlessly entertaining. If you like chess or checkers, you will love this award winning classic.
- Publisher: Grumpy Badger

Shattered Origins
At the dawn of the space age, humankind was shattered into two factions: the Guardians, an oppressive company which imprisoned mankind into gigantic Star Cruisers, and the Pirates, who stole ships from the Guardians and are now searching for a new home.
- Publisher: GamersGate
- Last updated: April 14th, 2011

The League of Metal Men
The League of Metal Men is a 2D party brawler. This game takes place in 2D underground worlds, where you fight against your enemies. You can also jump and interact with the world. This game features simple WASD controls and keys for jumps, attacks, special attacks, and super attacks.
- Publisher: Ripped Shirt Studios
- Last updated: August 21st, 2018