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X86 acer accessing the internet in Title/Summary

Acer Upgrade Assistant Tool

Acer Upgrade Assistant Tool

Acer Upgrade Assistant is a tool designed for Acer hardware users, that want to upgrade their operating system. You have to follow three easy steps: - Download BIOS and application updates required to complete the upgrade. - Upgrade the operating system. - Download any necessary application updates.

  • Publisher: Acer Incorporated
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2012
Acer eNet Management

Acer eNet Management

The Main shows current connection , Wi-Fi in Range , Connection Speed etc The Profile Manager New Profile Wizard with management buttons allows creation of a new profile, edit a profile etc. The Settings General page allows Launch of Acer eNet Management, views Wireless Adapter, Firewall settings etc and the Network page has three buttons on this page namely: VPN ,WLAN & LAN

  • Publisher: Acer Inc.
  • Last updated: September 15th, 2011
Acer eDisplay Management

Acer eDisplay Management

Acer eDisplay Management lets you configure monitors. It is for customers who have bought an Acer product. The program gives you a single interface to view and change the monitor settings. It also finds the latest updates of your graphic cards so that you can install them.

  • Publisher: Portrait Displays, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2012

X86 acer accessing the internet in Description

Anonymizer Total Net Shield

Anonymizer Total Net Shield

Anonymizer Total Net Shield provides a secure way to conduct personal business online. In addition to shielding your IP address from cyber criminals, Total Net Shield also encrypts your email correspondence and protects all of your online chat and Instant Messaging communications.

  • Publisher: Anonymizer, Inc.
  • Home page: www.anonymizer.com
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2009
Estalo Converter

Estalo Converter

Estalo Converter is a practical and efficient freeware system for conversion of many types of units and currencies, counting with the most complete list of currencies and their conversions.It works independently of the user to be accessing the Internet, making automatic updates as soon as the user is on-line.

  • Publisher: Estalo Desenvolvimento e Tecnologia
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2008


Internet Connection Booster 2000 is a utility that can improve the speed at which you browse, send and receive email, and download files from the Internet. Internet Connection Booster 2000 adjusts and modifies the various "hidden" configuration parameters used by the Internet protocol (TCP/IP) under Windows 95 and 98.

  • Publisher: Bevalley Software, Inc
  • Home page: toshi.50megs.com
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
IE Personalizer

IE Personalizer

A user-friendly freeware program that customize and restrict Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers. Customizations like changing the name in the title bar, changing the image logo located at the right-top corner of the browser, changing the background of the toolbar, changing the page of the search button and changing the browser's server identification, or the so-called User Agent.

  • Publisher: Access Codes Software
  • Home page: jsanjuan.tripod.com
  • Last updated: July 11th, 2008
NetQin Mobile Antivirus 5.0 NEW

NetQin Mobile Antivirus 5.0 NEW

NetQin delivers proven mobile security solutions- including anti-virus, SMS-filter, anti-spyware, and privacy protection- to more than 45 million users in 200 countries and regions worldwide.

  • Publisher: NetQin Mobile Inc.
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2011

Additional X86 acer accessing the internet selection

McAfee Internet Security

McAfee Internet Security

McAfee Internet Security is probably one of the most famous internet protection antivirus programs. it's non-intrusive, easy on the system and has some handy additional features. It does not only scan and delete viruses, but helps you protect your privacy, optimize the system, and install content control.

  • Publisher: McAfee, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2020


SwitchVPN provides a secure Virtual Private Network for accessing the Internet. It also helps you access blocked websites and region-restricted sites. SwitchVPN protocols include OpenVPN, SSTP, L2TP, and PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) for increased security.

  • Publisher: SwitchVPN
  • Home page: switchvpn.net
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2016


TigerVPN allows you to access websites without any restrictions of geo-blocking or censorship. It also hides your IP address, making it impossible for websites to track your location. TigerVPN provides data encryption and identity protection, which are useful while accessing the Internet using WiFi hotspots.

  • Publisher: Tiger At Work & Co.
  • Home page: www.tigervpn.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2018


The firewall solution that Windows provides (Windows Defender Firewall) is excellent when it comes to blocking access to the Internet in a more general fashion. It does allow you to “whitelist” specific apps and programs, but that forces you to perform a number of steps each time you wish to whitelist or blacklist an application. Well, that is what OneClickFirewall does for you with one click.

  • Publisher: WinAero
  • Home page: winaero.com
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2016
SSH Tunnel

SSH Tunnel

SSH 1+2, reconnect, backup tunnels, integrated firewall, reconfiguration of MS Internet Explorer and much more

  • Publisher: RS4U Software Design
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2009


Rockvpn encrypts all data you transmit over the Internet via an encrypted secure virtual tunnel between your computer and our servers. This provides a protective shield to your computer because you are accessing the Internet securely through a guardian third-party.

  • Publisher: Newbreed Network Pte. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.rockvpn.com
  • Last updated: March 21st, 2014


TripMode automatically reduces your mobile data consumption when you use a mobile hotspot. When TripMode is ON, it prevents all your apps from accessing the Internet but those that have been whitelisted by yourself. It typically stops automatic updates, online backups, photo syncs, and various obscure apps from consuming precious data. Both uploads and downloads are blocked.

  • Publisher: TripMode
  • Home page: www.tripmode.ch
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2017
PC Magazine Top Stats

PC Magazine Top Stats

Top Stats monitors your system, processes using the CPU, memory, disk, and Internet network resources. By default each column displays the percentage of total usage for each of these components. The CPU and Memory columns show a percentage of available resources where as Disk and Network show the percentage of the total currently being used.

  • Publisher: PC Magazine
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2008
Wandering IPs

Wandering IPs

Wandering IPs is a program that will show you a 3D view of the Earth with the position of different IPs that you are connected to. You will get detailed information about the process that is accessing the Internet, the IPs that can connected to, the exact position of the IP addess,etc. You can also get the connection table that will list all the IPs and details.

  • Publisher: Marek Jablonski
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
FRITZ!Box ChildProtection

FRITZ!Box ChildProtection

AVM FRITZ!Box Child Protection is a service on your computer. The service informs the FRITZ!box of the name of the Windows user currently accessing the Internet. All of FRITZ!Box Child Protection's settings are made in the user interface of your FRITZ!Box (http://fritz.box).The online help provides a detailed description of the functionality.

  • Publisher: AVM Berlin
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2012