G calc 2010 water calculator in Title/Summary

G-Calc 2010
G-Calc 2010 is based on the "The Water Efficiency Calculator for new dwellings - The Government's national calculation methodology for assessing water efficiency in new dwellings". It is now widely used by architects, designers and energy assessors across England.
- Publisher: Innervision Design
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

The only calculator you will ever need on your PC.Main features:- Easy enough to use every day. - Currency converter with auto rate grab. - Financial & Stats, Graphing calculator. - Full scientific calculator & base converter - Unit converter, Tip Calculator. - RPN, DAL & Algebraic calculator modes. - 5 memory banks with copy/paste.
- Publisher: Omega One
- Last updated: April 5th, 2012

Calc 3D
The calculator can do statistics, best fits, function plotting, integration. It handles vectors, matrices, complex numbers, quaternions, coordinates, regular polygons and intersections. For point, line, plane, sphere, circle Calc 3D calculates distances, intersections, and some additional information like volume and area.
- Publisher: Andreas Greuer
- Home page: www.calc3d.com
- Last updated: August 15th, 2012
G calc 2010 water calculator in Description

ƒ/Calc is a calculator for photographic formulas.These formulas are at the heart of many interesting questions about photography.None of these formulas are difficult to compute with a scientific calculator, but doing it by hand is slow, tedious and error-prone.
- Publisher: Warren Young
- Home page: fcalc.net
- Last updated: October 24th, 2011

Mole Calc
Mole Calc is a free molecular calculator that is designed to calculate the molecular weight of any specified formula. This calculator is able to recognize all the formal names of the elements from the periodic table, which was originally created by the Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev. In addition to the name of a single element, it is also possible to introduce compound formulas.
- Publisher: David Defoort
- Last updated: March 29th, 2008

Calc 3D Pro
Calc 3D Pro is a free professional calculator for advanced mathematical operations. This calculator is designed to provide many mathematical functions such as 2-D and 3-D operations, vectors, matrices, complex numbers, coordinates, polygons, quaternions, points and plane, and much more.
- Publisher: Greuer Andreas
- Home page: www.calc3d.com
- Last updated: January 27th, 2011

LP-Calc is a fully functional scientific calculator program that can be used as an alternative to the Microsoft Calculator program that comes with Microsoft Windows. As well as doing basic calculations, LP-Calc can also be used to assist with programming as it understands functions (and some statements) from VBScript and JavaScript.
- Publisher: Lamer Productions
- Home page: calc.wyesoft.com
- Last updated: March 9th, 2011

Machinehead Bicycle Software
Machinehead Bicycle Software is a versatile and comprehensive suite of cycling-related utilities useful for the amateur and professional alike. It comes with tools that are good for your bicycle (a gear calculator, a spoke length calculator, a crank length calculator, and a chain length calculator) and good for you, such as a power calculator and a heart rate calculator.
- Publisher: Nigel Jones
- Home page: www.machinehead-software.co.uk
- Last updated: August 29th, 2010
Additional G calc 2010 water calculator selection

Bitcricket IP Calculator
Bitcricket IP Calculator is an IP Subnet Calculator for IPv4/v6, which calculates the subnets. You need to enter the IP address, select the number of subnet bits or the maximum amount of subnets you want, then the host bits number or the number of maximum desired hosts. This input will give you a complete subnets table along with their bit-by-bit addresses.
- Publisher: Bitcricket
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008

Calculator Prompter
Calculator Prompter is a tiny and useful application used to evaluate mathematical expressions in natural form such as (2^E) + SIN(2 * PI), it's super portable with only 500 KB in size, the perfect tool for those two are used to (or prefer) typing than clicking.
- Publisher: Softaddress
- Last updated: March 1st, 2011

DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator
DreamCalc is an Advanced Scientific and Graphing Calculator for Windows. It provides a fully featured and convenient alternative to using a separate hand-held graphing calculator when you are working on your PC
- Publisher: Big Angry Dog Ltd
- Last updated: July 18th, 2017

RF calc is a calculator with extra functions and computation capabilities useful to RF engineers. Users of windows calculator will find RFcalc is very similar in look and operation. To enable the extra features of RFcalc the function keys have been categorized using a tabbed page control. These pages are categorized as Standard, RF, Logic and Misc.
- Publisher: Milmega Ltd
- Home page: www.milmega.co.uk
- Last updated: July 16th, 2008

Time Duration Calculator
Time Duration Calculator is a free and easy-to-use date time interval calculator, it can help you to quickly calculate duration between two time, and it supports three calculations: Interval calculation, Addition calculation and Subtraction calculation.
- Publisher: TimeDurationCalculator
- Last updated: January 12th, 2017

Silver Calc DEMO
A must for all jewelry professionals: Jewelers, Pawnbrokers, Refineries, Laymen, and Investors. SILVER CALCULATOR computes all calculations with complete accuracy. SILVER CALCULATOR will convert all Weights and give an accurate readout. SILVER CALCULATOR has a tiny footprint: uses virtually NO System Resourses.
- Publisher: Gold Calculator Software Products
- Last updated: December 25th, 2008

HiCalc Your Trusted Calculator for PC
HiCalc Features: - Improved matrix functions - Online update currency exchange rate daily and support 186 currencies - Smart input which allow to input complicated expression - Show expression as normal writing mode(really useful for complicated expression) - Show function's tooltip for fast enter expression - Skinable and sound support
- Publisher: PPCLINK Mobile Software
- Last updated: March 31st, 2011

HiCalc Your Trusted Calculator
HiCALC - Your Trusted Calculator for Desktop PC with 12 modules - Arithmetic, Trigonometry, Matrices, Constants, Finance, Statistics, Biorhythm, Tip, Currency Converter, Unit converter, Base conversion and User’s macro. The Desktop version includes all features as in Pocket PC version.
- Publisher: PPCLINK Mobile Software
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009

CE CALC - Civil Calculator
Stand alone software version of the CECALC website. Runs on the Windows .NET platform. Performs civil engineering calculations for hydrology, open channels, culverts, gravity sewer, transmission lines, traffic/road geometry, surveying/earthwork, pavement, concrete floors and unit conversions.
- Publisher: Up2Specs Engineering
- Home page: www.cecalc.com
- Last updated: January 18th, 2012

CE CALC - Hydraulics Calculator
CE CALC - Hydraulics Calculator is a professional hydraulics design calculation tool. Performs civil engineering calculations for hydrology, open channels, culverts, gravity sewer, transmission lines and unit conversions. This app has a user-friendly interface.
- Publisher: CECALC.com LLC
- Home page: www.cecalc.com
- Last updated: February 11th, 2016