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Gnu pascal in Title/Summary

GNU Pascal

GNU Pascal

A few old and obsolete features have been dropped or replaced by cleaner, more flexible or otherwise more useful ones. This might lead to minor problems with old code, but we suppose they're rare and easy to overcome. Backward-incompatible changes are marked with (@).

  • Publisher: The GNU Pascal Team
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2008
Free Pascal

Free Pascal

Free Pascal is a 32-, 64-, and 16-bit professional Pascal compiler. It can target many processor architectures: Intel x86 (including 8086), AMD64/x86-64, PowerPC, PowerPC64, SPARC, ARM, AArch64, MIPS, and the JVM. The language syntax has excellent compatibility with TP 7.0 as well as with most versions of Delphi (classes, rtti, exceptions, ansistrings, widestrings, interfaces).

Irie Pascal

Irie Pascal

The Irie Pascal compiler fully supports Standard Pascal (the "teaching" language) making it a great choice for use in courses like: - "Introduction to Programming" or - "Data Structures". Irie Pascal is also a great choice, if you want to get back those Pascal programming skills you lost temporarily misplaced years ago.

  • Publisher: irietools
  • Home page: www.irietools.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Gnu pascal in Description



- Pascal compiler for Win32 (Free Pascal or GNU Pascal) - Debugger (GDB or Insight) - Customizable syntax highlighting - Powerful multi-window editor with many options - Work in source file or project mode - Setup creator - Create console, windows and DLL programs

  • Publisher: Bloodshed Software
  • Home page: www.bloodshed.net
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2013
Dolphin Bay Software Ezy Pascal

Dolphin Bay Software Ezy Pascal

Learn how to program with Ezy Pascal, the Pascal programming software designed for new programmers. Ezy Pascal is very easy to use and no previous programming experience is needed. There are free tutorials to get you started. Ezy Pascal Free Version is a free Pascal compiler that makes learning to program easy and fun.

  • Publisher: Dolphin Bay Software
  • Home page: ezypascal.com
  • Last updated: November 25th, 2011
GnuWin32: Gawk

GnuWin32: Gawk

Gawk: pattern scanning and processing language. Several kinds of tasks occur repeatedly when working with text files. You might want to extract certain lines and discard the rest. Or you may need to make changes wherever certain patterns appear, but leave the rest of the file alone.



CPIde is a lightweight powerful integrated development environment for Gardens Point Component Pascal. It is used to develop Pascal / Oberon-style software for the Microsoft .NET framework.

C to Pascal Converter

C to Pascal Converter

The purpose of this program is to make easier the process of translation of existing programs or algorithms written on ANSI C language to the Pascal. The converter recognizes Pascal dialects which are compatible with Turbo Pascal 4.0/5.0 and ISO Pascal standard - IEC 7185:1990(E) (including conformant arrays).

  • Publisher: Ural Gunaydin
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional Gnu pascal selection



JEDI-SDL is the Object Pascal translation of the original C headers. The goal is to offer all the functionality of the current version while maintaining compatability with various other platforms and Pascal compilers. JEDI-SDL currently supports: Delphi, Free Pascal, GNU Pascal, TMT Pascal and Kylix.

  • Publisher: Savage Software Solutions
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2009
GNU Privacy Guard

GNU Privacy Guard

GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 (also known as PGP). The program allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kinds of public key directories.

  • Publisher: Free Software Foundation
  • Home page: www.gnupg.org
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2018
GNU Aspell

GNU Aspell

GNU Aspell is a command-line spell checking utility. It is intended for advanced users, or, most commonly, integrated transparently with some other application. It is very likely that you already use it without even realizing. There are dictionaries available for a wide range of languages.

  • Publisher: Kevin Atkinson
  • Last updated: February 13th, 2012
GNU Octave

GNU Octave

GNU Octave is a scientific programming language that allows users to write code in a mathematics-oriented syntax with the purpose of building software for instrument control, mechanics, or bioinformatics. Built as an alternative to MATLAB, Octave can be run in GUI mode, as a console, or invoked as part of a shell script.

  • Publisher: Charles S. Wilson
  • Home page: www.gnu.org
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2020
GNU Solfege

GNU Solfege

GNU Solfege is an ear training program written to help you train intervals, chords, scales and rhythms. It is free software and part of the GNU Project. The program is indented to help music students with their ear training. Some of the existing exercises: Recognise melodic and harmonic intervals, Compare interval sizes, Sing the intervals the computer asks for, Identify chords.

  • Publisher: Tom Cato Amundsen
  • Home page: www.solfege.org
  • Last updated: September 8th, 2013
Turbo Pascal with DOSBox

Turbo Pascal with DOSBox

Turbo Pascal is a compiler and an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Pascal language that run on MS-DOS operating system. This program is a simpler solution by packaging software DOSBox Turbo Pascal 7.0 and 0.74 into a single installation file.

  • Publisher: Luu Nguyen Thien Hau
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
GNU Prolog

GNU Prolog

GNU Prolog accepts Prolog+constraint programs and produces native binaries (like gcc does from a C source). The obtained executable is then stand-alone. The size of this executable can be quite small since GNU Prolog can avoid to link the code of most unused built-in predicates. The performances of GNU Prolog are very encouraging

  • Publisher: Daniel Diaz
  • Home page: www.gprolog.org
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2013
GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors

GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors

GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors is a pre-built GNU toolchain from ARM Cortex-M & Cortex-R processors (Cortex-M0/M0 /M3/M4, Cortex-R4/R5). ARM is maintaining a GNU toolchain with a GCC source branch and it releases binaries pre-built and tested from the ARM embedded branch.

  • Publisher: ARM Holdings
  • Home page: launchpad.net
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2015
GNU Backgammon

GNU Backgammon

GNU Backgammon is an interesting, advanced open-source project that uses neural networks so that its artificial intelligence continually learns and improves. The game can be played for fun or you can use it to test and analyze different types of scenarios.

  • Publisher: Joseph Heled
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
GNU Common Lisp

GNU Common Lisp

GCL is a Common Lisp currently compliant with the CLtL1 standard. Lisp compilation produces native code through the intermediary of the system's C compiler, from which GCL derives efficient performance and facile portability. Currently uses TCL/Tk as GUI.

  • Publisher: The GNU Common Lisp Development Team
  • Home page: www.gnu.org
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2012