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Word world map annotate in Title/Summary

Creeper World Map Editor

Creeper World Map Editor

The Creeper World Map Editor (CWME) allows you to create and edit maps for use in Creeper World. You can specify the terrain, change the background image, and create/edit Creeper emitters and spore waves. You can also specify the location and the number of totems, upgrades, survival pods, and artifacts. In short, you can create nearly any map you can imagine.

  • Publisher: Knuckle Cracker, LLC
  • Home page: knucklecracker.com
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2012
3D World Map

3D World Map

3D World Map is a pack comprising two programs: a realistic 3D world map and a screen saver. The wonderful screensaver will shows you a view of the planet Earth revolving around the Sun; and the brilliant 3D world map includes information about all the countries and the cities of the world.

  • Publisher: Longgame
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Azimuth Map

Azimuth Map

The AZIMUTH program plots a world map in either azimuth (beam heading) or Mercator projections. If you specify your home location in latitude and longitude, the azimuth projection is centred on your location. The Azimuth map program can display Maidenhead grids - this is useful for 6m, 2m, and UHF DX communication display.

  • Publisher: Tony Field
  • Home page: www.qsl.net
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2008

Word world map annotate in Description



- you can show a currentl GPS data; - you can open any of scanned maps; - you can calibrate the scanned maps yourself by two calibration points only; - calibrations are stored automatically for every map;

  • Publisher: Valeri Vlassov
  • Last updated: May 18th, 2008
World Factbook

World Factbook

The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. The reference tab includes: maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, and a Standard Time Zones of the World map.

  • Publisher: CIA
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2012
Crave World Clock Pro

Crave World Clock Pro

This piece of software allows you to keep track of current time around the world. The time is shown on a world map with several major cities. If you need to find the current time in a different zone or city, just hover your mouse over the desired zone and the program shows you the current time.

  • Publisher: Reflection Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2012


VAT – SPY is a viewer application for the air traffic control to be used by the VATSIM networks. It is a multi threaded application unlike its model, ServInfo, which makes the user interface more responsive even though the application is still doing something on background. Thus, while downloading the current traffic data, you will be able to zoom or pan through the map.

  • Publisher: Metacraft Internet Services
  • Home page: www.metacraft.com
  • Last updated: May 4th, 2008


PlanetGen software helps creating an entire world map.PlanetGen has the following features:- Able to quickly prototype entire imaginary RPG world landscapes. - Full color climate and relief maps of fractal generated worlds. - Selection of map sizes from 320x160 up to 3072x1536 pixels. - Control over total land mass, rivers, and islands, and zoom. - and more.

  • Publisher: LSG Software
  • Home page: www.gharat.net
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2010

Additional Word world map annotate selection

Need For Speed™ World

Need For Speed™ World

Racing in Need for Speed World is the heartbeat of the game. It's where you take part in a Multiplayer Race, test yourself against the best racers in the world or compete against the AI in a Single-Player Race. The Race events you can take part in are determined by your driver level.

  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2020
Port to Port

Port to Port

PortToPort Standard Edition provides a powerful interface to the Distance Tables. Calculating a distance between two ports with an optional via port and controlling the route used is simple and the display of a route on a scrollable and zoomable world map gives immediate feedback on the route calculated.

Fallout 3

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 is the third canonical game in the Fallout series and the first to introduce third dimension to the graphics, real-time combats and VATS mechanics, real-time world map exploration and fully-voiced characters. It's a cult classic in its own right on par with its predecessors and sequels.

  • Publisher: Bethesda Softworks LLC
  • Home page: www.bethsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 28th, 2009
Gapminder Desktop

Gapminder Desktop

Now you can use Gapminder World – with all its indicators – from your own computer, even when you have no Internet. Just download and install the Gapminder Desktop.rnYou can:rnrn * Use Gapminder World without the Internet.rn * Save a list of your own favorite graphs.rn * Update automatically to the latest version.



Orbitron 3.71is a satellite tracking system for radio amateur and observing purposes. The program can be also used by weather professionals, satellite communication users, astronomers, UFO hobbyist and astrologers. The program shows the positions of satellites at any moment (in real or simulated time).

  • Publisher: Sebastian Stoff
  • Home page: www.stoff.pl
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Weather Watcher Live

Weather Watcher Live

As its name implies, this program lets you watch the current state of the weather in real time with data from different weather stations around the world. By default, it uses your computer's location to display the weather information from the weather station nearer from you. You can set it to update this information every hour, day, or month. It also has many other interesting features.

  • Publisher: Singer's Creations
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023
Earth Explorer

Earth Explorer

Earth Explorer is a useful application very similar to Goggle Earth that allows you explore the whole world. It provides satellite, topographic, and blend views of any part of the world. You can easily know basic information about any country or city of the world by simply looking for it with its search tool. You can even import your own data to the map and place marks and paths.

  • Publisher: Motherplanet, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2009
Accurate Times

Accurate Times

Accurate Times was designed by the chairman of the ICOP, its main function being that of calculating the prayer time of the Islamic people. The mechanism of the program is simple: it automatically calculates the correct direction and time that should be used by Islamic people who pray so that they can position themselves to face the right imaginary direction towards Mecca.

  • Publisher: Mohammad Odeh (JAS)
  • Home page: www.icoproject.org
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2014


DXView presents a world map, upon which beam headings, stations you spot, the sun's position, and the solar terminator are continuously displayed. A PC running Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, or 8 is required; both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors of Windows are supported. DXView is free, and contains no advertising.

  • Publisher: DXLab
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2017
Trimble Planning

Trimble Planning

Pick your location from a list of cities from all over the world, select your location from the world map or type in your local WGS84 position to do more precise mission planning. Add obstructions to your site to determine the best times for GPS observation.

  • Publisher: Trimble Navigation Limited
  • Home page: www.trimble.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2011